UPDATE 2-Strikers march at South Africa's Marikana mine

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Reuters - 9/5/12, by Peroshni Govender

* Biggest miners' march since Aug. 16 shootings

* Armed police monitor demonstration

* March casts shadow over mining "peace" talks

Protesting miners in Marikana, 5 September 2012

MARIKANA, South Africa, Sept 5 (Reuters) - More than 3,000 striking South African miners marched through streets near Lonmin's Marikana mine on Wednesday, the largest protest at the hot spot since police shot dead 34 of their colleagues last month.

Police armed with tear gas and assault rifles deployed armoured vehicles and helicopters to keep an eye on the stick-waving protesters.

More: in.reuters.com.

When Science Fiction May Not be Just Science Fiction After All

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Source: Mania.com
By Nick Redfern September 04, 2012

Think the exploits of Mulder and Scully were just the stuff of on-screen entertainment? That the Men in Black were dreamed up by Hollywood? Or, that E.T. was just a less-than-cute, very annoying special-effect? Maybe it’s time to think again. Nick Redfern reveals the startling, conspiratorial truths behind Tinsel-Town’s out of this world fiction…
1. Men in Black: They may have first caught the public’s attention and imagination back in 1997, thanks to Will Smith and Tommy Lee Jones, but, their non-fiction counterparts have been skulking around for far longer. Indeed, both the MIB movies and the original comic-book series were inspired by countless reports from people who claimed menacing visits from real dark-suited men after seeing a UFO. And did you ever wonder why the characters of Smith and Jones are referred to as J and K? One of those that spent years famously investigating, and writing about, the real MIB was the author of The Mothman Prophecies, John Keel: J and K.


Bombshell: Gov’t agrees with blogs, BP not telling truth about devastation in Gulf — “It’s hard to stress the critical importance of these court filings”

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Source: ENE News

Stuart H. Smith - 9/4/12

In a bombshell federal court filing, U.S. government lawyers are slamming British Petroleum for making false and misleading statements that seek to both dodge blame for 2010′s Deepwater Horizon catastrophe and ignore the ongoing environmental devastation, from diseased dolphins to destroyed wetlands.


In a separate filing, Alabama Attorney General Luther Strange also accuses the oil company of misrepresentation and argues that BP committed “willful misconduct”


Spain's Robin Hood Mayor and Landless Peasants Battle Bankers

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Published on Sep 3, 2012 by TheRealNews

In Southern Spain, Juan Manuel Sánchez Gordillo, mayor of the small town of Marinaleda, is helping organize a growing protest movement against the austerity measures imposed by the Spanish government. Sánchez Gordillo and the landless peasants that follow him are at the forefront of demonstrations seeking a radical change in the country's economic policies in response to the country's worsening crisis.

Source: YouTube.com

Sugar Found In Space: A Sign of Life?

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National Geographic

Ker Than - Published August 29, 2012

An illustration of sugar molecules.

Carbon (gray), oxygen (red), and hydrogen (white) sugar molecules are seen in an artist's impression.Image courtesy L. Calçada, ESO/NOAJ/NRAO

Astronomers have made a sweet discovery: simple sugar molecules floating in the gas around a star some 400 light-years away, suggesting the possibility of life on other planets.

Why Is Iran’s Ayatollah Saner than Mitt Romney?

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Veterans Today - Gordon Duff, 8/31/12

Address At Non-Aligned Conference in Tehran a “Breath of Fresh Air”

Simple Truth from an Unexpected Source

In Tehran, 120 nations got together, risking car bomb retaliation and the scorn of Mitt Romney and Sheldon Adelson to discuss why they think the UN is a cheap con and America and Israel are “full of it.” The numbers of nations no longer willing to “kiss butt” is a smackdown for Israel more than America.

'Grexit a must but EU leaders blind to reality'

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Published on Sep 4, 2012 by

Moody's ratings agency has changed the Eurozone's outlook from stable to negative, warning it faces being downgraded.

That's despite relentless meetings between EU leaders, which have so far failed to deliver any solutions.

And a leaked email suggests that the Troika of international lenders want Greece - one of the most debt-stricken countries, to work six days a week and longer hours to fulfill their financial obligations.

Morten Messerschmidt, Danish MEP and member of the Freedom and Democracy group in the European Parliament, believes Greeks should exit the Eurozone to save themselves.

Source: YouTube.com

Love is the key to awakening

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Love is the key to awakening

September 5, 2012 by John Smallman

Here in the spiritual realms, where many of you will soon join us, we are watching with pleasure and gratification as you make your way determinedly forwards along the rugged path you have so valiantly hewn that is leading you to Heaven. It has been a long and arduous journey, with many excursionary digressions along the way, and now you have reached its final stages.

You have indeed been stalwart of purpose as, despite the many alluring distractions that have from time to time drawn you away from your path, you have always staunchly and courageously returned to it.  Each time you have steadfastly reset your course after temporarily falling by the wayside, and your undying sense of purpose has provided much needed encouragement to the many waverers whom you have encountered, and who seemed to have lost their way.

You are on the edge of a massive disruption to normal life

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You are on the edge of a massive disruption to normal life

09/05/2012 by John Smallman

You are on the edge of a massive disruption to what you call normal life, which will be sensational in its unfoldment while inspiring and uplifting you.  You have been working very hard to reach this point in your spiritual evolution, and you have truly earned the monumental accolades and honors that are shortly to be bestowed upon you.  You know all this, but while you stay within the confines of the illusion the memory of that knowledge remains hidden from you.  What is required of you is that you continue to hold the Light on high as you trust your Father to deliver all that He has promised you, as you truly know He will.

Anti-Obama protesters try to block DNC

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Published on Sep 4, 2012 by RTAmerica

In 2008, unions from across America contributed over $8 million to the DemocraticParty which lead to President Obama taking the White House. Over the weekendprotests erupted outside the DNC convention protesting the party's choice forholding the gathering in a right-to-work state. Liz Wahl brings us up to speedon the happenings in North Carolina.

Source: YouTube.com

Top US general: 'I don't want to be complicit' if Israel attacks Iran

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Published on Aug 31, 2012 by

General Martin Dempsey has voiced his opposition to Israel taking unilateral military action in Iran, so why are top military leaders using caution when it comes to military action in Iran while politicians are advocating hard-line military intervention? RT's Liz Wahl has the details.

Source: YouTube.com.

Coconut Oil Hailed as ‘Miracle’ Dental Breakthrough, Deadly Bacteria Killer

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Anthony Gucciardi


coconutoil3 235x156 Coconut Oil Hailed as Miracle Dental Breakthrough, Deadly Bacteria KillerLooking for an alternative to toothpastes loaded with sulfates and other toxic ingredients such as fluoride? Mainstream science has now fully recognized the ‘miracle’ powers of coconut oil to not only combat tooth decay and drastically improve overall mouth health, but also to specifically crush a yeast known as candida albicans that can lead to deadly infections. This ‘news’ likely comes as nothing more than further confirmation for many, as natural health practicioners have been recommending coconut oil for years.


The research comes from the Athlone Institute of Technology, where Ireland-based scientists examined the effects of natural and digested coconut oil on common strains of bacteria within the mouth. What they found was that not only did the coconut oil effectively inhibit a majority of the bacteria strains single-handedly, but it was also particularly harmful to candida albicans. This is important when considering the fact that an excessive amount of the yeast known as candida albicans can be brought upon by a poor diet consisting of processed foods and sugar.



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