Heavenletter #4295 Where Anger Comes From, August 28, 2012

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Heavenletter #4295 Where Anger Comes From, August 28, 2012 

God said: 


It is good you have a heart. It is good when your heart is centered, when your heart is strong unto itself. It is good when you are content. You would like to be content all the time, and, yet, you sometimes find yourself discontent, perhaps angry, and, perhaps, in terms of the world, rightly so.

It is good to not let your anger run wild. At the same time, anger is a force that it is better to acknowledge than not to acknowledge. Repressing anger is not good for you. There is a cause for your anger, and it seems righteous to you. It may seem righteous to the whole world, and yet anger is anger, and anger repressed is like a pot of boiling water left simmering on the stove. The water is still hot. The water foments. You don't want to lash out in anger, and you don't want to push anger back as if it doesn't exist.

Spirit Science 19 - Everything is Connected

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Published on Aug 27, 2012 by TheSpiritScience
As the discussion of consciousness and universal "spirit" is evolving, there comes a time when we have to define what it is that were really talking about. A lot of people have asked "What is Spirit Science about?" and "What is this..some kind of New Age Religion?"

In today's video, we go into just that. What is Spirit Science? This was originally going to be Mailbag #2, however when it became what it is, i decided to change it to Lesson 19 instead. Today, we look at how EVERYTHING is connected, and we invite you to come and find the connections in your own life as well.

I also wanted to share the work of Jason Silva with you, who has put together some VERY powerful videos that rapidly expand your awareness and quite often blow one's mind. You can check out his website at www.thisisjasonsilva.com

Thank you everyone for sticking with this series for so long, and motivating to continue to create and produce them :) I'm still having lots of fun with them, and there's going to be a whole flurry of new videos by Guest Artists very soon!

This video is something of a compilation of many ideas that we have talked about before, so I didn't go into a huge list of sources to check out. Instead, i invite you to check out the Resources Page onwww.thespiritscience.net, and join in the discussion about what it means to be a being of light and life. You have more power and love than you really know, all you have to do is want to become aware of it.. you will :)

Breaking News Spaceship Sightings Witnessed by Hundreds Over Myrtle Beach August 26, 2012

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More Amazing Footage shot by Joe Kiernan North Myrtle Beach,S.C. dusk around 8pm of what looks to be a Mothership hiding in the clouds! Also notice the small Object Disappear as it Zooms Underneath the Unusual Lights! If you have captured anything Amazing regarding UFOs contact Thirdphaseofmoon Via Skype! To watch more of Joe Kiernans Videos Click Link! http://www.youtube.com/user/197jfrancis

~The Galactic Free Press Update~ Many Exciting Events are Getting Ready to Unfold

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Bringing Humanity Home ~ Energy and Event Update~

~Many Exciting Events are Getting Ready to Unfold~



Space Moon - Luas*** -



Greetings Love Beings, We come With a Quick Update and We Will have a Full Report coming out in more detail tomorrow about Our Current Events Unfolding. Alot is happening right Now across the Planet from Hurricanes, Typhoones, Cyclones, Flooding, and over a Hundred Earthquakes in Southern California Yesterday along the Fault. These Physical Events are Representations of Huge Energetic Movement Occurring Across the Planet. Not only is this occurring on the Planet but these Incoming Energies are cleaning and clearing Out Humanity from the inside out.


Toto, I don't think we're in Kansas anymore...

Oz Angel's picture


I don't know about you, but these last couple of weeks I feel like I've been put through the wringer. Such intense dreams that I know I'm really working hard in my dream state - but when I wake I can't even catch hold of the last thread before it dissappears into a new day. I feel constantly tired, have had a headache that is bordering on a solid week with no releif and I'm finding my emotions running away with me..


I feel like I'm on the presipice of great change ~ but I couldn't tell you what, how, why or when... It seems even language is diserting me as I struggle more and more to find that right word in conversations with anyone. I've heard a few times in my quite moments that I'm going through a re-wiring... and if that is the case then it could explain the random muscle twitches in my legs/ arms and eyes that come and go at what would appear to be un-opportune moments..


It's a good thing I can keep my sense of humour as all of this would surely seem ludicrous to the 3D rationalle.


I never have claimed to know a whole lot but I can tell you for sure "I don't think we're in Kansas anymore Toto"... I guess I'll just keep riding the wave...


A Message from The Earth Allies~ The Release of the Soul Housing

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 Each Human Being on this Planet has a Soul, this was a requirement to be Born into this Realm. Your Soul Housing, which is within you, vibrates Multi-Dimensionally, Simultaneously, so it is always moving in a Constant Movement of Up, Down, Left, Right, Moving in all Directions, all at the Same Moment. This is How Creation moves, as it Consistently Grows, expands, and Always becoming Grander.


The Soul Housing is Like an Energy Transformer, which Utilizes the Unique God Spark [which each Human Being has contained in the Soul Housing, their Own Unique God Spark] of Living Brilliance and Adjusts the Consciousness into the Vibrational Frequencies. Being [In the Present Moment of NOW] is the Awareness of this Experience Awakened.



~Unconsciousness is just a static vibrational frequency of connection to illusion which is nothing=no energy or life force. The Being is a Transformation of this self-unconsciousness back into Pure Conscious Awareness, Multi-Dimensionally.~


The Surface of the Sun, is just a Mirror of it's Center=Energy. This is the same as Free Energy=Equal Energy among us all and all Love is. After the God Spark burns through the Soul Housing, Creation then Advances Exponentially.


Earth Changes Report: August 27/2012

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Spain’s Crisis Reignites an Old Social Conflict

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The New York Times
Raphael Minder
, August 23, 2012

Laura Leon for the International Herald Tribune
Workers picking peppers on the occupied Somonte farm

HORNACHUELOS, Spain — Outmaneuvering the police, hundreds of jobless farmworkers charged through a hole in a fence and turned the manicured gardens of a vacant estate here in Spain’s agricultural heartland into a lively fairground of protest this week. Men more accustomed to working in the fields lounged in the shade beside a pink palace, picnicked on paella and spent a night relaxing. Some even took a dip in the pool.

Romney Says It’s Tithing That Keeps Him From Releasing Tax Returns

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ABC News
Emily Friedman
, August 24, 2012

ap mitt romney ll 120823 wblog Romney Says Its Tithing That Keeps Him From Releasing Tax Returns

Evan Vucci/AP Photo

HOPKINS, Minn. – Mitt Romney has offered a new explanation for his resistance to releasing more than two years of tax returns, telling Parade Magazine that he never intended for the amount of money he gives to the Mormon church to be made public.

“Our church doesn’t publish how much people have given,” Romney told Parade Magazine in an interview that will appear in the August 26 issue of the magazine

To read the rest of this story, visit ABCNews.go.com.

The Vatican Can't Be Held Responsible For Things It Couldn't Have Known. The Problem Is... It Knew A Lot.

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Huff Post
Josh Zepps, August 24, 2012

Vatican Sex Abuse

Where does accountability begin and end? I hosted a heated HuffPost Live discussion about that question with Marci Hamilton, a lawyer trying to hold the Vatican accountable for pedophile priests.

This week, the Church won a victory over Hamilton when an Oregon federal court ruled that the Holy See is not the “employer” of molester priests. The case could shield the Church from possible monetary damages, although Hamilton says she’ll appeal.

To watch the video and read the rest of this story, visit HuffingtonPost.com.


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