Are People Being Thrown Into Psychiatric Wards For Their Political Views?

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GFP Note: see this related story we posted on August 26tth - Vets Being Round Up Nationwide, People Everywhere Just Disappearing.



Mental Health Diagnoses Are Sometimes Politically-Motivated

pcell Are People Being Thrown Into Psychiatric Wards For Their Political Views?

Many psychologists and psychiatrists are good people, who are only trying to help their patients.

Harmonic Resonance by John McIntosh

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Revealing The Light

You experience everything you give your attention to whether it is so called good or bad … to the extent of your belief and passion.
For most people this means most desires never come into their experience because they put very little passion into the desire and/or because they don’t believe it possible … for them.
In the 3D world of separation and limitation … the world most call reality … this concept has been referred to in recent years as The Law of Attraction. In previous times it was explained this way:
‘What you give your Attention to – Expands’
For most people the experiences they do have tend toward the ‘unwanted’ rather than the wanted. This is due to the extensive exposure the majority of humanity has to so called negativity.

Benjamin Fulford 8-28-12~The financial and industrial purge that has begun in China

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Benjamin Fulford 8-28-12…”The story of the kidnapped 13-year old princess; also, about the financial and industrial purge that has begun in China”

Posted on 2012/08/27

Commentary from Kauilapele's Blog This new article from Ben highlights the changes that are taking place in Asia, and gives much of the background behind what has been taking place in North Korea over the years. I found this a fascinating story.


Suzanne Lie: Mytre and the Restoration Chamber

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By Dr Suzan Caroll / Suzanne Lie – August 26, 2012


Mytre Speaks:

When I first arrived on the Arcturian Starship after “accidentally” navigating my Scout Ship with my mind, our society in the Pleiades was at the same stage of Ascension as your Earthly society is now. However, when I arrived all I could do was tell the Arcturians that our planet was under attack. Shortly after, I was taken to the Restoration Chamber.


I would like to begin this message by telling you of my experience within the Chamber. As soon as I was in my chair and the door was closed, I was surrounded by total darkness. At first I was a bit disconcerted by the darkness, but slowly an inner light began to awaken within me. I had never had an experience of perceiving this light before. It seemed to be coming from the top of my head.


New Orleans Awaits Hurricane Isaac

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Thank You to Stephen Cook

Projected path of tropical storm Isaac

Isaac Bears Down on Gulf Coast as Hurricane Warning Issued

Tropical storm that left 19 dead in Haiti blew past the Florida Keys as it prepares to make landfall near New Orleans as hurricane

By Matt Williams in New York and Ingrid Norton in New Orleans,  The Guardian -  August 28, 2012


Tropical Storm Isaac continued on a path towards the US Gulf Coast on Monday, prompting fears that a strengthened hurricane could hit New Orleans on the seventh anniversary of Katrina.

Having soaked Florida over the weekend, the storm – which is already thought responsible for the deaths of 19 people in Haiti and two in the Dominican Republic – is expected to gather strength before making landfall on Wednesday.

Flood of Information will Cause Mass Awakening When Media Control Ends

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by Steve Beckow

Control of the mainstream media appears to persist. When control of the media is overcome, we can expect a flood of information that will result in a great mass awakening.


Jesus through John Smallman tells us that the media remains under the control of those whose interests lie in dominating us.


“[The] media is owned and controlled by those who would control you, and it is obviously not in their interests to inform you of what is truly occurring. Nevertheless, they no longer have a stranglehold on the dissemination of information, and the truth is coming out despite their best efforts to contain it.” (1)

SaLuSa tells us that “the media is aware of what is happening but hold back for fear of the consequences. That will change in short time, as we must have an informed public before we can consider open contact.” (2)


The Pleiadian High Council through Wes Annac tell us that the reasons for media suppression of the news are often invented out of thin air.

Agartha, we are from the inner Planet and of your Heart

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August 28, 2012

We send our message through Patrick as always to let those on the surface know that we are working together with those that are in the space of our Gaia and also with the formless ones that carry the direct messages from I Am. We have been tasked to originate your beings to your next awakening, the next and higher dimension that those here occupy. The word occupy has meaning in the 3rd D as it is a movement away from oppression to expression. The Occupy movement is ongoing but the owners of the mainstream of your media have not been allowed to cover the actions of these individuals. Your CNN and other news sources, those complicit with the 9/11 cover up are still under control.


~ Update Ascension Pioneers~ An ending or a beginning: Are You in flow?

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Dear Ascension Pioneers!

The Summer is slowly coming to an end and we are entering a new cycle - that of the Fall, which is a time of the harvest season when we are reaping what we have sown. We are merely a few months away from our planet entering the Galactic equator. This is when we move into a next phase on a planetary level and that is why we also feel these changes on a very personal level. There are major changes in our Galaxy that are coming from the Galactic center and that is why there are also shifts in our own lives, as we are shifting from mental to feeling and residing in the Heart space - that of our Being. Everything in our life is now aligning to this frequency of the New.

So in these times of quiet introspection when the energies are more peaceful, do You already feel new guidance coming in? Are You already receiving new ideas about your Divine purpose? Are You willing to truly go out of your comfort zone and start something new? I feel this is exactly what we are all in for!

May You utterly enjoy discovering your Self and sharing your Light in new ways!

Within Divine Love, Polona

Visionkeeper ~ Awaiting Departure ~ 28 August 2012

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The boat is anchored at the shoreline as the sun begins to set. It will wait there until we are able to board and sail off towards the new world. The time is growing near, we can feel the pulse of humanity quickening at the thought of freedom at last! It is close, it has been a long time coming! Have we done our homework needed to purchase our boarding passes? We were told we must leave our ego and judgment and hatred at the gate before proceeding through. Have we been successful at discarding these unnecessary emotions that do nothing but hold us back from being who we truly are? These emotions were our learning tools that showed us what life was like when we engaged in this way of thinking. It is hoped that we have come to our senses and can now see the destructive nature of these emotions. We are being asked to find the strength now to abandon these emotions and instead embrace love and gratitude.


LIsa Gawlas~The Body Pains, The Life Pause, The Ascension Within!

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To keep in the exciting and giggly theme of Sundays sharing, a friend and I went to take in the movie Magic Mike, a movie about male strippers recommended by a lovely soul in my morning meditation class!  The 20-30 year old within was front and center thru the whole movie, smiling so big, bringing up so many memories of going to male reviews.  My friend had also told me that Southern California was going thru a massive sworm of earthquakes.  I suppose it was the earthquakes I took to sleep within me instead of the beautiful Matthew McConaughey (dammit) because I woke up a dream experience that stayed with me all morning.


In my dream I was staying over at someones house and I was getting a morning coffee in their kitchen when I seen this interesting black flat square box/speaker thing on the counter and a male voice came out and said another earthquake is happening and they are ordering an evacuation.  I stood there near the coffee pot feeling the floor beneath my feet… waiting for the floor to shake. An older man came into the kitchen to get a coffee and I asked him about the box/speaker and why am I not feeling anything shake?  Seems I was not meant for the answer because I woke up before he could answer.


~Space Weather Update~ Sun Remains Quiet

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QUIET SUN: Except for some minor rumblings on the sun's northeastern limb, solar activity is very low. The sun's X-ray output has nearly flatlined and NOAA forcasters put the odds of a major flare today at less than 10%.


FAST-MOVING SUNSPOT: Today in the blue skies above Scarborough Marsh, Maine, a dark-winged shape flitted across the face of the sun. It was the International Space Station:



"The ISS cut across the sun, transiting the entire solar disk in only 7/10th of a second," says amateur astronomer John Stetson who photographed the passage with split-second timing. "In today's transit the ISS appeared to be 54 arc seconds in angular diameter." In other words, it subtended an angle about the same as the planet Jupiter. Because the ISS is so large, it is possible to see the details of its structure through backyard telescopes. Here's a telescope that works both during the day and at night.


The Celestine Prophecy

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GFP Note: If you've been attending our LOVE Parties, then you know that "The Celestine Prophecy" comes up from time to time. James Redfield wrote "The Celestine Prophecy" and it was published in 1993. The movie came out in 2006.
The following Insights come from Redfield's book. Actually, Insights 1 - 9 come from "The Celestine Prophecy" and the rest were published later. This material is from James Redfield's website (link below).



A new spiritual awakening is occurring in human culture, an awakening brought about by a critical mass of individuals who experience their lives as a spiritual unfolding, a journey in which we are led forward by mysterious coincidences.


New wave of students protests in Canada

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Published on Aug 23, 2012 by RTAmerica

There has been a new twist in student protests against tuition hikes in Quebec, Canada. Last spring, thousands of students took to the streets of Montreal demanding a change to the policy. Recently things got chaotic in Quebec, with police pepper-spraying the crowd and students flooding the streets. RT will keep you updated on the matter.


Quebec student protesters resurface during election campaign

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The Gazette

By Peter Rakobowchuk, The Canadian Press, August 22, 2012

Protesters opposing Quebec student tuition fee hikes demonstrate in

Montreal, Wednesday, August 22, 2012. THE CANADIAN PRESS/Graham Hughes

MONTREAL - Student protests made a reappearance in the Quebec election Wednesday after having dropped off the radar in the campaign's first weeks.

Thousands of students marched in Montreal — just as they have on the 22nd of every month, for the last six months.


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