Fresh anti-regime protests hit Bahraini villages of Sitra and Sanabis

Rain's picture

August 27, 2012

Bahrainis have held fresh rallies in defiance of the regime to call for the release of political prisoners, Press TV reports.

Bahraini riot police forces try to disperse anti-regime protestors after a demonstration in solidarity with human right activists Nabeel Rajab in the village of Sitra, south of Manama, on August 06, 2012.

Bahraini riot police forces try to disperse anti-regime protestors after a demonstration in solidarity with human right activists Nabeel Rajab in the village of Sitra, south of Manama, on August 06, 2012.
Chanting slogans against Al Khalifa family, the protestors took to streets of Sitra and Sanabis on Sunday.
The demonstrators also condemned the regime's heavy-handed tactics in dealing with the peaceful protests.


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A Message from The Earth Allies~ The Charade is Over

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Pubblicato in data 28/ago/2012 da GalacticCentral

....The charade is over as we take off our masks, and Look around at the Family, we Had played with for so long in duality..We Hug and Remember the Truth, that we are God and Co-Creators and we are ALL
created from Love, and We are All Equal.

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A Message from The Earth Allies~ The Release of the Soul Housing

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Pubblicato in data 28/ago/2012 da GalacticCentral

Each Human Being on this Planet has a Soul, this was a requirement to be Born into this Realm. Your Soul Housing, which is within you, vibrates Multi-Dimensionally, Simultaneously, so it is always moving in a Constant Movement of Up, Down, Left, Right, Moving in all Directions, all at the Same Moment. This is How Creation moves, as it Consistently Grows, expands, and Always becoming Grander.

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Egypt should not fall into IMF trap

Rain's picture

August 24, 2012

International Monetary Fund (IMF) chief Christine Lagarde gives a joint press conference with Egyptian Prime Minister Hisham Qandil on August 22, 2012, upon her arrival at the Prime Minister

International Monetary Fund (IMF) chief Christine Lagarde gives a joint press conference with Egyptian Prime Minister Hisham Qandil on August 22, 2012, upon her arrival at the Prime Minister's office in Cairo.
Don’t do it, President Morsi! Don’t borrow $4.8 billion from the International Monetary Fund! It’s a trick, a trap, a con, a snare. You are being seduced by the Wicked Witch of the West, IMF Managing Director Christine Lagard! Reject her!

Lagard is the one murmuring honeyed words about wanting to help Egypt to improve stability, restore the confidence of investors, create jobs and ease the financial burden of very high financing terms.

Pilots' UFO sightings are being looked into by British Civil Aviation Authority

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Pilots' UFO sightings are being looked into by British Civil Aviation Authority

Lee Speigel
Huffington Post
Tue, 28 Aug 2012 08:24 CDT

UFO filmed by USA pilot

© David Hastings
This is an image captured by British private pilot David Hastings in 1985 while flying a Cessna Skymaster plane over the Mojave Desert. Hastings didn't see the cigar-shaped object when he took the picture. It only showed up after the picture was developed.

Despite the fact the UK's Ministry of Defense officially ended its UFO investigations in 2009, it appears that the British Civil Aviation Authority decided -- unbeknownst to the public -- to continue collecting reports that involved UFOs with possible flight safety issues. 

"They were only interested in sightings that definitely had a bearing on aircraft or flight safety, and were no longer interested in reports from the public, who'd seen things in the sky and reported them to the Civil Aviation Authority," said David Clarke, the official UK National Archives consultant and a journalism lecturer at Sheffield Hallam University. 

David Clark

Clarke, seen at right, told the Huffington Post that the Civil Aviation Authority -- a different government department from the MoD -- kept separate records of UFO cases, "not only by the aircrew, themselves, but also anything unusual that was seen by air traffic controllers on the ground at at airports." 

Through the filing of Freedom of Information requests, Clarke found that the Royal Air Force specifically requested any UFO reports submitted to the Department of Transport would no longer be forwarded to the MoD. 

The RAF specifically states that "members of the public who make such reports are not encouraged to believe an investigation will take place." 

How Privacy in America Went Virtually Extinct in Just a Decade

Rain's picture

David Rosen, August 21, 2012

Unless we challenge the idea that we should concede our rights to protect our safety, it'll get even worse.

We’ve come a long way since the 1880s when Sir Francis Galton, a British anthropologist and a cousin of Charles Darwin, first undertook the scientific study of fingerprints as a means of identification. Now, two centuries later, all information is digital, created, distributed and displayed as a series of 1s and Os.

Today’s surveillance and tracking systems can (in principle) integrate infinite amounts of information: your location and identity via GPS and face recognition technology; video feeds from the cameras located down the street or across the globe; records from any and all databases; electronic communications like voice and emails. It’s all in the processors and the sky's the limit.

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George Soros Unloads All Major Financial Bank Stocks; Invests Over $130 Million In Gold (GLD, C, JPM, GS)

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ETF Daily News
August 20, 2012

Mac Slavo: In a harbinger of what may be coming our way in the Fall of 2012, billionaire financier George Soros has sold all of his equity positions in major financial stocks according to a 13-F report filed with the SEC for the quarter ending June 30, 2012.

Soros, who manages funds through various accounts in the US and the Cayman Islands, has reportedly unloaded over one million shares of stock in financial companies and banks that include Citigroup (NYSE:C) 420,000 shares, JP Morgan (NYSE:JPM) 701,400 shares and Goldman Sachs (NYSE:GS) 120,000 shares. The total value of the stock sales amounts to nearly $50 million.

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Get Your Money Out Of Morgan Stanley – Fast! (XLF, FAZ, SKF, MS, GS, JPM)

Rain's picture

ETF Daily News
August 27, 2012

Dominique de Kevelioc de Bailleul: With the stock price of Morgan Stanley (NYSE:MS) inches from its Armageddon lows of Oct. 2008, whispers of the imminent overnight collapse of this U.S. broker-dealer begin to surface. Client funds, again, are at risk.

“I’m hearing rumors that another major financial house is going to implode,” says TruNews host Rick Wiles. In fact, the name I’ve been given is Morgan Stanley . . .

“It’s going to be put on the sacrificial alter by the financial elite.”

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Glencore food chief says US drought is 'good for business'

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The Guardian

Rupert Neate, August 21, 2012

Chris Mahoney, Glencore director of agricultural products said US drought gave the firm a chance to profit from soaring prices

US drought corn

US drought is so severe that G20 nations are considering holding a food crisis summit. Photograph Jim Lo Scalzo/EPA

The head of Glencore's food trading business has said the worst drought to hit the US since the 1930s will be "good for Glencore" because it will lead to opportunities to exploit soaring prices.

Being Grounded

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Being Grounded

     There is so much information on the internet about being grounded, but being grounded to me means being fully present: physically, emotionally and energetically. It has taken most of my life to not only learn about being grounded but to start putting it in practice. No one ever told me of this term before, i had no idea. If i would have known about this i could have saved myself a lot of grief in life i suppose.

     I tend to make things more difficult than they should be, most people tend to do that to themselves in this life, I have noticed, maybe ego and religion plays a role in this aspect, but it is simple, it means that your mind is not pulling you elsewhere, like dwelling in the past or on the future. Just take a deep breath, and be in the present moment. You can walk out in nature, or sit under a tree and just with your mind, imagine that you are growing roots under you that is connecting you with Mother Earth, there, you are grounded!

Are You Experiencing a Healing Crisis?

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Are You Experiencing a Healing Crisis?

Posted on August 28, 2012 


  • HJ: Things that can help alleviate or completely eliminate the negative effects of a herxheimer reaction: enemas, colonics, Vitamin C (preferable in the form of camu camu or acerola powder), drinking adequate amounts of spring water, zeolites, saunas, Himalaya Herbs Liver Care supplement and yoga. – Truth


Are you experiencing a healing crisis?

by Dr. David Jockers 

Natural News


(NaturalNews) It is not uncommon for individuals to suffer from detoxification reactions when they begin a program of natural healing. This is classically referred to as a healing crisis and occurs when the body is expelling toxins into the different systems of the body. The healing crisis is a normal process that toxic individuals will often encounter on their path to getting well.

The medical term for healing crisis is the “Herxheimer Reaction.” This occurs when the cells release toxins into circulation but the elimination organs (skin, lungs, liver, kidneys, bladder & GI tract) are not able to eliminate them quickly enough. The toxins remain in circulation and can affect the brain stem region leading to nausea, poor coordination, headaches, fatigue, malaise, fever, etc.

Another common cause of the healing crisis has to do with the dying off of certain pathogenic organisms in the body. These organisms can be Candida yeast infections, viruses and bacteria. Any sort of natural health program can cause a massive die-off of these organisms. This die-off releases stored endotoxins (within the microbes themselves) that circulate and again interfere with normalized function. The more pathogens in the body, the more endotoxins that will be released into the bloodstream.

Kauilapele's Blog : There May Be a Major Run on Joy, Very Soon!!

Lia's picture
Posted on 2012/08/28

This title has just come through to me. I’ve been dealing with a few things today, but in the end I was prompted strongly to go to Honaunau, mail off some orders, then drive to Pu’uhonua o Honaunau to jump off the rocks into the ocean. I’m not here to talk about all those details, but I must say, it felt very “right”.


Although the title does not say “Will”, rather, “May”, I’m not concerned at all about that. The 9th of September is a point that somehow seems to be getting larger and larger in my view-type screen. I will be involved in a particular part of that day which appears to be opening and expanding a gateway, rather than an ordinary, standard, “portal”. There will be the 9-9 at 9:09 (both AM and PM), and then the 9-11 at 11:11. Those are moments that stand out for myself.



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