Prayer for Oneness

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"To all people, religious and nonbelieving, I make this appeal. Always embrace the common humanity that lies at the heart of us all. Always affirm the oneness of our human family.... Let not your differences from the views of others come in the way of the wish for their peace, happiness, and well-being." ~ Dalai Lama

The Pleiadian High Council: Mothership Interactions and Cleansing of Pollution

Lia's picture

- through Wes Annac-
As you have begun to hear much about the technology you will be given and the technology onboard our ships as well, it is necessary to explain the abilities of some of these technologies that you have not quite yet heard of fully. For example, we are speaking to you in this very manner [channeled] through this scribe, through a technological device of the Light which transmits our energies to our scribe in a manner that sees such energies united and matched in harmonic frequency, even if only temporarily.
We are speaking to you right now through the soul known by many as SanJAsKa, and this soul is in turn navigating and operating our technology which is itself experiencing a funneling-through of our energies and communications down to our scribe on Earth and the various other scribes from our Council(s) who speak routinely with humanity.
Dear SanJAsKa is not always the soul who is operating this technology but due to the extreme expertise and experience of this soul in navigating our communication-based technology and due to this soul’s closeness with our scribe, we have felt it appropriate to allow this soul to Represent us as well as our Council of Nine whenever speaking to you all through this specific scribe.

Planets Align with Giza Pyramids for 1st Time in 2,737 Years on Dec 3rd 2012

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Planets Align with Giza Pyramids for 1st Time in 2,737 Years on Dec 3rd 2012


Planetary alignment that will take place Dec 3, 2012 is dead-on alignment with the Pyramids at Giza. There are no accidents.

Night Sky in Giza, Egypt on December 3, 2012, local time … one hour before sunrise compared with the Pyramids at Giza.

Planets inline: Mercury / Venus / Saturn

The Pyramids Were Not Tombs. Try Power Stations That Fed The Whole Of Egypt; Tesla Towers

The other factor is who built the pyramids. We have a video linking many advanced ancient civilisations to an age 12,000 years ago, posted about three months ago. All history as taught in school is false, modern and ancient. There’s no way we would be allowed to know that the ancients were supplied with electricity free from the ionosphere.



Ancient Egypt and other old cultures as well had the know-how of making electricity and in our modern days even the great Tesla did the same basic thing.

So “WHY” don’t we have it now? Well, check J.P. Morgan on the Tesla projects and see how much J.P. Morgan helped to get out Tesla’s idea of FREE electricity. Power for free???

J.P. Morgen broke it off. “WHY?”  Just t9 make us all pay for it and making this world worse than ever. There are so many other things like this. Ask your self “WHY”?

Watch this fantastic video to learn the answers hidden from us for centuries and several “a-ha moments”.

Gentle Transition Occurring

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Gentle Transition Occurring

2012 AUGUST 27
Posted by Steve Beckow


Hindus – in particular Vedantists – use two words to describe two important personality types: sattwa and rajas. I could say a great deal about the two but I think it might only prove confusing. (1)

Suffice it to say that “sattwa,” in terms of psychology, refers to the gentle, balanced and tranquil personality and “rajas” to the busy, creative and passionate personality.

SophiaLove- Lighting the Way

glr_Andrea's picture




Hello!  We arrive today at our beginning, the place where love was planted.  It rests within you.  It’s always been there.  We just had to turn the light on so we could find it.

Our light is on now.  We may need to install fresh batteries now and again to keep it going.  That’s okay; we know where to get them and which ones work the best.  They are found in the places that feed our soul.

We are components of the One – each an integral part, necessary and unique.  In 1898, Konstantin Stanislavsky said “There are no small parts, just small actors”.  Sometimes we imagine our light unimportant or too tiny to make a difference.

Egypt Secrets – Unknown Formation In The Desert

glr_Andrea's picture


Robert W. Kryder ~ Egypt Secrets – Unknown Formation In The Desert

Posted by 


2012 The Awakening | August 27 2012 | Thanks, Annette

Robert W. Kryder ~ Having a never ending curiosity and having wondered for many years, what would be the result if I had applied the secret template ciphers I know and use here in the USA to Egypt? I had been involved with coded systems all around the world vicariously an example would be leading a party from monument to monument over the phone from Africa. Research had indicated over the years that many who used these codes adopted them from others who adopted them from Egypt. So I decided to conduct a basic large scale layout test.

Knowing the core cipher in the “code” is the same world wide, I examined Abydos, in particular the Osirion (as this location is one of the few that exhibit structures from the “first-time”). Then applied the numbers/ alignment hidden in the architecture to the known template ciphers and within days made amazing and even disturbing finds across 100′s of miles of the deserts of Egypt. I had sat alone in my shack and done it. 48 hrs in solitude with my curiosity on the throttle and expertise at the wheel…. And wow!

The Template ciphers are very ancient with their base form originating from the math of creation / reality. The same math used to study fluid flow, electrical dynamics, magnetic fields to gravity and black holes. It incorporates tetrahedral math and explains the nature of torsional forces and angular momentum on “space-time” or hyper-dimensional physics. These same template forms are represented everywhere on Earth. Such as Mandalas and sand paintings of Tibetan priests and Native American Elders of the Southwest USA. In architecture and construction, city planning and roads, in religion myth and legend, in story and song… This math and its geometry was used in pre-deluge times, 10,000bc to 30,000bc+ not just as a symbol with reverence but in technology and everyday life to offer a 20,000 year run of a virtual utopia. It was again the miss-use of the same that ended it all. After which the knowledge became secret and emulated by elite groups to put themselves above the rest. For at least 6,000 years it has been incorporated world wide, again in temples, cities, roads etc… But this time kept under wraps and out of site or hidden from the masses. The earliest maps known are of mining areas and mining colonies and adopt this template cipher system. The Jesuit priests and Triad of the Orient use the numbers in initiation rights. The Nordic use the numbers in their sagas and so on.

First Man on Moon Dies Along with Secrets of What He Saw

Rain's picture

By Dr Michael Salla, August 25, 2012

Neil Armstrong, the first man to walk on the moon died today from heart failure. For many, Armstrong is the all-American hero who performed the seemingly impossible. He fulfilled President Kennedy’s vision of putting a man on the moon before the end of the decade. Armstrong’s walk on the moon was televised and witnessed by hundreds of millions around the planet. For many it was an unforgettable experience and sparked hopes of a bright future for human space travel. What Armstrong experienced that day on the moon has been marked by controversy over a two minute period of radio silence that surprised viewers and fueled many theories over what really happened. According to alleged leaked government documents and photographs, Armstrong did not just see the barren landscape televised to millions, but something much more significant. According to NASA insiders and an alleged ham radio transmission intercept, what Armstrong witnessed that day changed his life, and led to the eventual abandonment of the manned lunar missions. According to alleged leaked documents, two huge extraterrestrial spacecraft watched the Apollo 11 landing, and observed the Armstrong and Buzz Aldrin moon walks.

The "EVENTS" are underway

David Porter's picture


This message is for those who have recently joined this site. As many now are seeing the evidence of what has been forcast all along. 


Things are changing from the inside-out in connection with our DNA/RNA. These are like antenna that allow more of "Source" in. God/Light is permeating Earth unlike ever before in it's history, do you feel it? What has been called "junk DNA" is just what the black hats did not want you to access. Be still and know, YOU WILL NOW. 


All of the bad ones of evil deeds are being illuminated to us now. Even though it won't be on mainstream media until they have been loosed from the control they have always had of it. When you begin to hear from these, always known to us as “reliable” sources, ABC, CBS, NBC, CNN etc. you will be disturbed, scared, beside yourself, elated and exceedingly happy knowing what will now begin to take place on our planet. Such as clean-up issues of Earth and "who" will be assisting us with that, including relinquisment of all polution upon The Goddess.


Lunar stone in Holland museum is a fake

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Lunar stone in Holland museum is a fake


{B}La roccia lunare dell'Apolo 11 è falsa{/B}

The stone gifted during the Apollo 11 astronaut visit to Holland Prime Minister in 1969 does not come from the moon but simply is a piece of rocked wood.
This is what Alexandra van Gelder found out as responsible of the research for the Rijksmuseum in Amsterdam.
 The stone was gifted to Willem Drees by the Apollo 11 astronauts and should have been a Lunar Rock.  At Drees's death the rock was exposed at the Amsterdam Museum and insured for 500 thousand dollars.  NASA was not able to clarify the situation.

Flood of Information will Cause Mass Awakening When Media Control Ends

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Flood of Information will Cause Mass Awakening When Media Control Ends

2012 AUGUST 27
Posted by Steve Beckow

Control of the mainstream media appears to persist. When control of the media is overcome, we can expect a flood of information that will result in a great mass awakening.

Jesus through John Smallman tells us that the media remains under the control of those whose interests lie in dominating us.

“[The] media is owned and controlled by those who would control you, and it is obviously not in their interests to inform you of what is truly occurring. Nevertheless, they no longer have a stranglehold on the dissemination of information, and the truth is coming out despite their best efforts to contain it.” (1)

SaLuSa tells us that “the media is aware of what is happening but hold back for fear of the consequences. That will change in short time, as we must have an informed public before we can consider open contact.” (2)

The Pleiadian High Council through Wes Annac tell us that the reasons for media suppression of the news are often invented out of thin air.

“All those who know of revolutionary things are not allowed to talk, for reasons made out of thin air when the real reasons behind the suppression of so very many things are for control and for a sustained feeding of the elite class and of a presumed ‘betterness’ on the part of your dark than the rest of humanity.” (3)

Elizabeth Klarer - live speech of her UFO-experiences

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Elizabeth Klarer - live speech of her UFO-experiences

Listen to this wonderful speech of Elizabeth Klarer!

I got this recording 1987 in Germany. I's a special pleasure to share with you this treasure I kept all these years secretly.




I don’t know when it has been recorded, but listening to this video somebody might know.


On the tape it’s written:


Master Jesus – Knowingness Of The Heart

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Natalie Glasson – Master Jesus – Knowingness Of The Heart – 27 August 2012

There is a great wonderment within the minds of many at this stage of ascension, a feeling of infinite possibilities coupled with the process of change and development. This is a most beautiful existence that breeds experiences that are free from limitations. For many the mind is wondering in a positive and also negative frame of thoughts about the possibilities of humanity’s future, but it doesn’t matter whether these thoughts are negative or positive because they are assisting the mind in opening to a new reality and perspective.

If you believe in the existence of change, equality among all and the manifestation of love then you are already creating it. If you doubt the existence of such energies then your doubts are creating a process of positive creation and understanding to co-exist within your being. The wisdom that I wish to share with you today is focused upon your thoughts and perspectives. I wish for you to accept that there is no right or wrong thoughts. Breathe this perspective into your being; let it flow through your mind like a wave of light.


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