Blossom Goodchild – 29 August 2012

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Blossom Goodchild – 29 August 2012

It’s me! Straight to it today … as I have a couple of things to ask you about. First thing … are you there?

We most certainly are … and happy for you to begin your line of questioning.

Thanks. Well I knew the time would come when I would bring up the Pillars of Light again. There has been a few sightings of large pillars (rather like that which you showed in my mind when first speaking of them ) One in Japan and to be honest … not too sure where the others were … but I wondered if you would care to speak of these and are they indeed the pillars that you were speaking of?

We have been aware that you would ask about such matters and in all our Truth we would say that these are not the pillars on which we were speaking about.  

Oh sigh!!! What are they then?

They are international spectrum that is occurring due to a phenomenon that is caused through electrical current. By this we do not mean that of ‘your’ electricity … we would say … more of ours.

As opposed to ‘natures’ do you mean?

Here we may confuse by saying that it is a conglomeration of the both.

So they are not the Light pillars … yet you have something to do with them?

We would continue on in thought patterns of coincidence with electrical circuits coupled with Earth ‘electrics’ that when ‘married’ produce such a sight.

Lets try that in Swahili shall we? So is there any real purpose to such a display?

Oh indeed. For the current that they produce in this unity of above and below ‘sparks’ off a form of radiant energy which in turn has an effect on that around it and for many miles in the vicinity.

In  ‘my terms’ its purpose would be?

To expel local contingencies and therefore prevent certain events taking place that would not be suitable for the betterment of your race.

Glory be and hallelujah! Wasn’t expecting that. Are you sure? I mean … there was I thinking if it was not your spoken of Light pillars … then it was simply a trick of the light or nature ‘doing its thing.’

Yet you seem to dismiss the fact of the LIFE of your Mother Earth. Life … all that is life can communicate and it was necessary to combine efforts in order to undergo such a ‘spectacle’ … yet as we say … its reasoning has a lot more to be desired other than ‘a pretty column’.

So … may I be so bold as to ask … what your good deed prevented?

We would strongly advise you didn’t.

Oops … I just did.

Again … it is a matter of not revealing that which is not of benefit to you to know. We would prefer to keep it at that. And in the progression of time … as you know it … there indeed will be an understanding of this and once again an ‘ah ha’ moment will settle peacefully in one’s Being.

Fair enough. I am wising up and accepting/trusting your response. For I understand there is so very much that simply is not comprehensible to me at this time. Thank you for your answer … even though it took me by surprise because I thought you were going to say ‘yes indeed … these are the pillars of Light we spoke of’. I still look forward to those then!  So, onto my next question. I am sure you are aware that a gentleman wrote into me asking why I had mentioned crop circles at the beginning of our last communication and when replying I felt compelled (yet startled) to find myself asking if he would like to ask YOU a question about them … as he is an expert in this field. I felt you had a hand in this. Keeping in mind too of the recent crop circle in Hackpen Hill UK … and your message way back in 2009.  ( * See info below … Just a matter of time for all things perhaps.)

Here is the question.

“What is the most appropriate and relevant thing you can share, with regard to the crop circle phenomenon and how it relates to the waking up of humanity”

We would begin by stating that not all that is ‘set’ before you is produced by ‘Offworlders’ as some choose to call us. Yet it is as easy as ‘pye’ to sort the wheat from the chaff!


It has been presented to you before that the encoding embroidered within the works of the genuine circle is not necessarily for your eyes only. In fact we would go as far as to say that much of it is deciphered by many who are not of Earth and they can easily and readily understand the ‘messages’ left for them.

So are you saying that they are not really for us Earthlings?

No, we are not. For indeed the ‘rumpus’ that they stir … aligns many a contrived mind to ‘see outside the square’ and allow for what would be new equations to be indulged upon and within.

Another Key In The Divine Plan Turns

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Meredith Murphy – Another Key In The Divine Plan Turns – 29 August 2012


We’re about to experience a lunar hand-off as another key in the divine plan turns.  How are you faring?

A major new energy current is opening within our galaxy and we’re shifting into alignment with this, as our moon does.  

In essence, we’re moving into a intensely lit channel of accelerating, brilliant light.  Are you feeling it?  This is what it feels like to me as our water based bodies move into more air-based structures, and light.

Tomorrow, Friday the 29th is a major astrological portal, as the moon’s nodes change signs for the first time in 18 months.  This means a big shift energetically, which many of us are already feeling.

There is no going back - 2012 by John Smallman

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There is no going back

August 29, 2012 by John Smallman

Excitement is rising among you — the Light-bearers and Light-workers — as you feel the energies of the divine Love field intensifying.  You are all doing a marvelous job of demonstrating God’s Love for humanity by living what you know is the truth, by exemplifying peace and non-engagement, and by refusing to respond with unloving words or actions when it seems that you are being attacked.  You are noticing that this approach works very well indeed, even though initially you had grave doubts about its likely effectiveness.  Love is the answer to every problem, issue, or situation with which you are faced, and that truth is being most positively brought home to you each time you respond lovingly.

It is this realization, and the resultant attitudes and behaviors that it encourages you to follow, that is changing the world rapidly and permanently in eager readiness for awakening.  The powerful flow of Love across the planet is engaging all in its path, and all are in its path.  There is no going back.  Earth and her inhabitants have no option but to awaken if they respond to the Love embracing them in any way at all.  There are a few who have closed themselves and who have refused to respond to this uplifting and inspiring energy field, but the majority have willingly engaged with it, and once they have done so and experienced the gentleness and generosity of it, they will find that there is absolutely nothing that could tempt them to disengage from it.

Your remaining task is to continue demonstrating love in action at all times, as you have been doing, and to enjoy watching the effectiveness of your behavior.

The apparent interminability of the waiting

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The apparent interminability of the waiting

08/29/2012 by John Smallman

We are all one.  You know that.  It means, among many other things, that we in the spiritual realms are constantly aware of you doing your best to awaken yourselves and all of humanity from the illusion.  It is a difficult and sometimes exhausting task that you chose to take on, and we honor you dearly for your courage and your persistence.  You are succeeding!  It just seems that it is taking far longer than you expected to achieve fulfillment of that undertaking, and so it has become a chore for you, whereas when you agreed to do it you engaged with it with enormously high hopes and incredible enthusiasm.

And those hopes and enthusiasm were, and remain, totally justified.  In the illusion the lack of a sense of the divine energies, the faintness of their essence, the apparent interminability of the waiting, and the lack of vitality many of you are experiencing is very draining.  You knew that you would have these kinds of draining experiences before you incarnated, but when you look at the picture from afar, as you were doing, it is impossible to imagine such contingencies in any meaningful way.  The experience is the experience.  Until you have had it, you cannot possibly understand or truly imagine it.  And that is another reason why you are so honored and respected in the spiritual realms.  It took enormous amounts of courage to accept this challenge, and you have measured up to it brilliantly.

~The Galactic Free Press Update ~ Great Changes are Happening Now

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Bringing Humanity Home ~ Energy and Event Update~


Let There Be LIGHT - Vision at Dawn - site


Greetings Love Beings,  We announced Yesterday we were in very exciting Energies which are on the Move across the Planet. These Energies are preparing us all for the Grand Events which are happening NOW. These events will be shocking for many as the Energies from Heaven=Love must Manifest as Decreed.


cancer woke me up!

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I was diagnosed with cancer in October of 2011.  It was strange... It was like I already knew.  I had moved from Detroit, MI to Bend OR, with a feeling that I had to be here for some reason.  I had this strange feeling like time was running out. I moved here with my small broken family knowing no one totally following my heart in 2010. My children and I were living in a DV shelter, I was on the path of finding stable housing and work for myself and my little ones when I was slammed with the diagnosis. Modulo Blastoma, I had a craniotomy Oct,20,2011. During the time between Detroit and before going into surgery, I had prolific dreams and visions that had led me to start following my heart or "soul path". After the surgery I was thrown in to a sort of "mania" I was having audio and visual hallucinations. Or so I thought.  After some time of craziness of being terrified certain and uncertain constantly changing every 5 min I voluntarily went in to a mental ward in hopes that I might get the answers to why I was getting these strange visions and info downloads. I was there for less than 24 hours when I was asked to leave, They told me what was happening to me was not mania or psychosis.  I ran from chemo and Radiation but when CPS told me that if I didn't comply with my doctors wishes to treat they would keep me from my kids I broke down and endured 31 days of radiation and chemo together, then agreed to continue treatment.  The visions and messages stopped!  I didn't dream.  Today I am half way threw chemo and CPS is out of the picture so I have decided to stop treatment.  I'm starting to see my purpose again.  I know there is an awakening, it's real and I am so glad that I'm not alone!  Thank you thank you thank you to all who are getting the word out.

Update From Sheldon Nidle~ The time has come to surrender to the Light

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3 Chicchan, 13 Uo, 9 Eb


Dratzo! We return! At present, we are waiting for the date to begin the preliminaries that are to take place prior to bringing the new banking system on-line. This period will be swiftly followed by the formal announcement of this new global financial system, which by its very nature will create a situation that makes it impossible for the dark cabal to subsist. It is the subsequent new governments which will allow the prosperity funds to be delivered. Long ago, your world was prevailed upon to accept not only that the irrational Anunnaki worldview was 'real' but that no other reality was possible. This belief will be shattered by the new financial system which will open doors that have been kept firmly shut by the dark cabal. The upcoming, vast transference of funds will remove the lockdown on progress that the dark has imposed on you for decades, and once this clamp is gone, the new procedures and accompanying official expositions can go forward. However, these are merely the initial steps that will lead quickly to a massive operation that is to manifest the full agenda decreed by the Light and morph this present nightmare realm into a Light-infused dream.


Mexican police officers detained over shooting of U.S. diplomatic vehicle

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August 28, 2012

(CNN) -- A Mexican judge has ordered the detention of 12 federal police officers accused of opening fire on a U.S. diplomatic vehicle south of the capital last week.

Under the judge's order, the officers will be held for 30 days, Jose Luis Manjarrez, a spokesman for the Mexican Attorney-General's Office, said Monday. They will be transferred to Mexico City from the state of Morelos, where they are being held, he said.

To watch the video and read the rest of this story, visit

Creepy Military Helicopters Harrass Downtown Minneapolis - Aug. 28, 2012

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Leave it to RussiaToday to inform us of secret military ops/training going on in our own country... "US Special Operations Command decided that downtown Minneapolis would be a perfect location for military games involving Black Hawk helicopters and dozens of troops.

Low-flying Black Hawk helicopters conducted military training exercises in downtown Minneapolis Monday night, hovering majestically outside of apartment windows of surprised local residents.

Some Minneapolis residents have taken videos of the Army's utility helicopters as they passed over bridges, hovered outside their windows and flew over the city.

"Yep, that's the view outside my window," said one YouTube user as two of the giant vehicles stopped outside his 28thfloor window for 10 seconds before soaring down Marquette Ave.

The helicopters were on an urban environment training assignment ordered by the US Special Operations Command. The exercises will continue until early September, but the military is refusing to give out exact training locations to prevent crowds from gathering to watch." Read more:

NY Times: UN chief to attend NAM in blow to US, Israel

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August 24, 2012

The decision by the UN Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon to attend the upcoming NAM summit in Tehran is proof that the US and Israel’s anti-Iran policy has failed to find followers in much of the global scene, The New York Times writes.

The United Nations Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon

The United Nations Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon
“The American-Israeli campaign” against Iran “is not resonating in much of the world,” the daily wrote on Wednesday.

It noted that Ban’s decision “reinforced Iran’s contention that a reordering of powers is underway in the Middle East where Western influence is waning.”

To read the rest of this story, visit

An Iroquois Prayer

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Thank You to MN Hopkins


We return thanks to our mother,
the earth, which sustains us.
We return thanks to the rivers and streams,
which supply us with water.
We return thanks to all herbs,
which furnish medicines for the cure of our diseases.

We return thanks to the moon and stars,
which have given to us their light when the sun was gone.

We return thanks to the sun,
that has looked upon the earth with a beneficent eye.

Lastly, we return thanks to the Great Spirit,
in Whom is embodied all goodness,
and Who directs all things for the good of Her children.




RBS may be bigger Libor culprit than Barclays, says MP

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The Guardian
Jill Kollewe, August 23, 2012

John Mann

John Mann says 'City insiders' have suggested RBS’s involvement in the Libor scandal may be 'noticeably worse' than Barclays’. Photograph: John Stillwell/PA

Royal Bank of Scotland's involvement in the Libor rigging scandal could be worse than Barclays' and may force the state-owned bank to pay a bigger fine than its UK rival, an MP has claimed.

John Mann, a Labour MP on the Treasury select committee, said "City insiders" had suggested RBS's involvement may be "noticeably worse" than Barclays'.


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