Bringing Humanity Home Energy and Event Update With Love from The Galactic Center
The Real News and The Whole Truth
New Daily Update Note: This is a Long Version, we are now moving to daily updates as much as we can as a result of the increased energies.
“Whenever you have truth it must be given with love, or the message and the messenger will be rejected”. ~ Mahatma Gandhi
Quoted from Keven Zeese Alternative News"....The paradox of power is that the real power is with us, if we have the courage to use it...."
Greetings Love Beings, Each Moment we arrive Deeper Into the Divine Plan unfoldment and this is becoming apparent for those with Eyes to see. The Victory of the Light On Planet Earth=Heart is manifesting into Physicality and there is absolutley nothing the illusion can do about it. It can clearly be seen, felt, and experienced by many now. July Is Going to be packed Full of Loves Reality Unfolding. Its the Moment Humanity Stands in their Power as A Family of One. For those Who are Ready for this Experience the Lights will be coming on in a Big way! YEEHAW! Indeed We are In Massive Transformational Energies across the Surface of Mother Earth. The Signs of the Tide Turning Are Showing Up Everywhere! CHOO CHOO!
Quoted from Anonymous ~ "Enough, elite. You are FINISHED."
Some of The evidence the Tide is turning is at hand! Here is a Quote released from Venzuela about Humanity's Hero Edward Snowden
...."Maduro said Venezuela would examine the asylum request once it was received. “We think this young person has done something very important for humanity, has done a favour to humanity, has spoken great truths to deconstruct a world… that is controlled by an imperialist American elite,....”
...."We're all brothers," another Kurd added. "We're all equal and free, and want to live equal and free in this country."
“In parts of the developing world, this is a new middle class, where the definition of success is not survival. It’s about quality of life, about future opportunity and freedom of expression.”
More: The Washington Post
Tens of thousands of people in Hong Kong took to the streets in protest on Monday, pressing for promised democratic reforms. Photograph: Vincent Yu/AP
Quoted from Ron Head "...You are, at present, beginning to reconstruct your world into the type of place that the very biggest majority of you have longed and prayed for across the last several thousand years. You have asked for it, and it is time for it to happen. Your world is now a construction site, my friends. But we cannot build a safety fence around it to keep you from experiencing the turmoil. We cannot issue hardhats. You are living in the middle of the work area. What we can do is help to remember the truth about what is going on if you will only give some little credence to our words. Everything that you now see, no matter how it appears on its surface, is being used to bring about the changes you desire and, in fact, are creating for yourselves. So if you must look at the more disturbing things, and we certainly think you should not bury your heads in the sand as you say, then we ask you to look for the possible ways in which they may contribute to the desirable outcome. Mostly, try to remain aware at these times of the changes in the world consciousness which they are bringing about...... " End of quote
Quoted from KP's Blog Mission and Journey: ....."Whatever needs to connect, is connecting. Many are now willing to connect with their ‘Spirit Families’ (whatever that means), and it’s happening, baby… Resist it or don’t… It’s happening. ....All I can say right now is, “Wow, wow, wow, wow, wow!!” and “Yes, yes, yes, yes, yes!!” That’s how “the energies” feel to me right now, and that’s the way it is for more and more and more and more and more on this Grand, Glorious New Planet, called “Gaia”.... End of quote
Minute Meeting Notes By Earth Ally Angels2You
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Big sunspot AR1785 poses a growing threat for flares. Credit: SDO/HMI and has Produced and M1.5 Class Solar Flare
Consciousness Weather Report: By Earth Ally Michael Genova
" ...While the devastation is enormous and the loss of lives and property heart breaking, you can’t but wonder what Mother Nature is up to? Cleansing from one extreme to the other is happening on our planet in a variety of ways. Volcanic activities, intense solar flaring and earth quakes in record amounts are rocking our world.
These activities mirror the changes that are happening on our planet as well. Social, economic, political, and spiritual upheavals are happening world wide as well. The relationship between our blessed planet, Mother Earth and humanity is one that is very much symbiotic. As the earth is in a cleansing cycle so to are we as humans be-ings.
What is not of the Light and Love is being released both in a personal and planetary way. Now more so than any other time in the history of our planet we are transforming into a new age of enlightenment and wonder. Are there going to bumps in the road? Yes. Are there going to be those who resist the changes? Yes.
What is being seen now is a wondrous awakening. People worldwide in great numbers are standing up and saying “No More” to war, hatred, violence, control, and lies. People in great numbers no… Huge Numbers, are joining together across religious, social, political, ethnic, back rounds and saying “We Are One People”. This is defeating those dark forces that were in control of our planet. The 1%. We are the 99% and we are strong as we stand together like never before. And the illuminati know it!!! It is scaring the Hell out of them! LOL.
Through the fires of purification and the flooding which washes away the old, a new earth is being born. Have faith, for from the ashes that burned and as the waters that washed away, a new and wonder us planet is emerging. Brighter and more brilliant than ever.." End of quote
Quoted from Zen Gardner " The exponentially increasing revelations of truth that the alternative research community is exposing are having a profound effect. This uncensored research is based on efforts toward a more honest, integrated and holistic worldview, using real history, honest facts and trends, and accumulated information outside the controlled and censored media. The massive vibrational change of consciousness is palpable. And more so by the day. And it’s getting to the would be Controllers. It’s never been easy to quantify, but we’re starting to get proof positive of the effects on a massive scale. We need to take that awareness and apply that as direct knowledge on other fronts and act accordingly. The walls are coming down. The wake up is clearly reaching critical mass.
Being aware of not just the information but the vibrational changes is a huge advantage. The insiders on their side know about this too. Most of the stooges you see in the news don’t. They’re just hired thugs. We know it’s working not just by observing information and events, but by intuitive conscious awareness and the thrilling crescendo of awakened lives we’re seeing and hearing from everyday. Their ranks know something’s happening because it’s impacting their plans and putting them on the defensive. Imagine someone trying to make a wave pattern in one end of a swimming pool trying to push all the floating items in a certain direction with hardly any resistance. Then in jumps person after person in the other end and they start playing and splashing around. You think Mr. Wavepattern Controller will feel the effects on his little baubles of lies and deceit he’s been busy floating out there? Oh yes he will, and he won’t be too happy about all these unpredictable waves swishing around the pool now, would he be? Cosmically it’s much more profound than that, but you get the idea. So….everyone in the pool! Start making all the waves you can! Every drop counts, never mind splash! Let the Wake Up Roll!Don’t be afraid, and don’t be deterred. The matrix is in its death throes. That we know…and they cannot help but sense.
While the awakening hits critical mass, expect wonderful breakthroughs, revelations of Truth and personal and social empowerment. Now’s the time to get as active as possible and encourage others to do the same. Every bit of information, every act or intention of compassion, every brave effort to expose them and call them out and stand up to them is having an exponential effect.
Learn to listen to and trust your heart. That’s the true cosmic consciousness internet. They can’t censor or shut that one down. Only you can..... Fearlessly. And in love...." End of Quote
The changes which have been spoken of for so long are beginning to appear as the old continues to crumble and Humanity is swept up out of their boxes. Love and Humanity are Rising On a Planet which has been emerged in illusion for over 13,000 years. A Humanity Made of Love have become lost in pain and suffering as slaves to the powers who were. This is all changing and is inevitable to end as the New Paradigm comes into Physical Manifestation now more everyday. Love is ON Humanity's Side and Planet Earth=Heart. With So Many Stepping Into their Roles now On the Planet the Light and the Connections on the Higher Grid are Lighting Up More and More which Is Shining Bright and Intensly across the Planet.
Quoted from Marlene" ....You now begin to move forward into the remembrance of your true purpose and work here upon the planet. The veils have become thinner and the distinction between dimensions is not as great now. This period will be filled with wondrous and miraculous events, both on personal and collective levels. The revelations will be coming fast and thick, for the old ways of keeping secrets and behind the scenes workings will no longer be supported. The cosmic energies of love and those that are beneficial and supportive for the awakening of all of humanity have increased in intensity and magnitude. This can be a great catalyst for change and transformation and we observe with great interest the effects of each wave.
It is incumbent upon each Light Bearer to hold their ground and remain firmly in their field of light and to daily anchor this into the crystalline diamond heart of Mother Earth. We see each of you do this each day with great determination and persistence and it is making a difference within the planet’s core. As this light expands within the core it moves in ever greater concentric circles to the surface of the planet and permeates all of life everywhere. There is an answering call from the inhabitants and all of life feels a quickening of anticipation of impending events that will transform the world as they now know it. This transformation begins within each heart and then ignites the hearts of everyone around them.
The impending change in collective consciousness is one that has been heralded for millennia and it now begins in earnest. There will of course, be the usual chaos as these changes occur as the old paradigms of thinking struggle mightily to hold their places but this will no longer be possible and they will crumble away into dust. What rises in their place is what you, the co-creators, envision and build. The template is now ready for building and it is one that cannot be corrupted nor manipulated in dishonest ways. Only that which is for the highest good of all can make an imprint upon this new form. This is something that humanity will build from the energies that arise within their sacred hearts as remembrance comes...." End of quote
The Vortex Between Heaven and Earth is Open
This Successful Event Occurred December 12th, 2012
Painting By Earth Ally Doreen Smith
Quoted from Ron Head "....Love is breaking out. Peace and freedom will surely follow. For those who continue to insist that nothing is happening, we have this response. You are wrong. Sorry, but you are wrong. The inner changes of millions of people are indeed happening now. And that, my friends, is what your societies and your world are made up of. It is all a reflection of you. And you are in the driver’s seat now[ with Love]. "... End of quote
Quoted from Ryan "...No more holding back, its time to blossom. We are in a time of immense energy of epic proportions. The universe is giving us the energy we need to evolve into a higher state of consciousness. Everyone can feel the undertow of change subtly pulling on our society. It is a change well received, and well deserved. More people are realizing their true power as human beings, and their contribution to the global consciousness is now becoming a ripe investment. More and more people are waking up, some don’t even realize it yet…..but what was once hidden is now being revealed. The veil of this age is slowly lifting, slowly but surely. In order for the lights to come all the way some more changes are going to have to happen. Our global society as we know it is in for a massive shift. Religion, the sciences, our financial structure, and most world leaders are about to be flipped on their heads. The age of truth is upon us, the people will be given the opportunity to see behind the curtain of the reality we have been given.
As the old saying goes, the truth shall set you free. Our false history needs to be shown in its true light. In order to provoke humanity to change, the truth must come out.
Society is not the only thing going through changes. Our Earth is shifting as well. Not only is the sun bombarding our ionosphere with high frequency particles almost daily, but we are passing through the highly charged photon belt as well.....
By becoming the change we want to see, we are literally changing the world. Don’t be fooled by those who would have you believe you are insignificant. Just remember, you are not this body, you are not this mind, you are pure energy. We are all connected, this is fact. You are an immensely important piece of the grand puzzle, and now is the time to take your place.
Can you see the light at the end of the tunnel? Human suffering is coming to an end. Change is nigh. A grand evolution is upon us. Take advantage of this once in…….well……. this once in a couple hundred million year opportunity...."" End of Quote
Quoted from Suzanne Carvell"...Through out History many Ascended Masters have lightened upon this Earth to try to bring one message and this message has been meet with ridicule, anger and violence because no one wants to look at the bigger picture. People have this notion that I! did not have any part in this situation or It does not affect me so I will just carry on as I have always done. What each and every one of Humanity fails to grasp is that Earth is home to us all what happens in any part of this our home affects the all and this Earth. She can only take so much before the Earth begins to say enough is enough. We are in these times right now. Earth is cleansing herself by shaking the very foundations of Humanity. Do you not hear or see what she is trying to tell you. The wars on her lands have contaminated her grounds and water systems. The extraction of minerals and oils have polluted her airs and ripped gashes so deep that need refilling. When you become ill your body racks you with fever and you begin to shake. Your lungs cough and sneeze to rid the body of the germ that has taken up residence within your cells where a battle is raging to eliminate the germ while keeping the body intact. Earth is also a body that is now eliminating while trying to keep the life that is upon her in tact.
It is time for each and every one of us to step back from what seems to be a crisis on a massive scale and look at it for what it really is. Governments around the world know they have lost control of the people so they will try in every way to instil fear around every corner making you believe the only way to survive these times is by putting your trust in them. Why do you not put trust in each other. When the playing field is level you all work together to make sure you have shelter,food warmth.....Now back to God, Jesus Ascended Masters, Angelic Realm,Star Seeds, Light bearers, Light Workers, Star Brothers and Sisters. All are here in service to Humanity and Gaia because we want to be here. We cannot do all the work for you we can only advise, listen. When humanity begin to open to the fact that all are a part of the problem then and only then will they realise they are also a very important part of the solution..." End of quote
June Showed us Alot of Movement towards the Complete Victory for the Light on Planet Earth=Heart and July Will Further Surprise US as Truths and Revelations begin pouring through Humanity as the energies continue to intensify. We will Re~heart You again.. Let Go and Surrender Every Moment, Stay Grounded, Stay Centered, Stay Balanced! Breathe and Be In the Present Moment of Now!
Quoted from Beverly J. Thompson....." The energetic influences flowing into your earth and your bodies are getting stronger and stronger. This means that as you integrate these more finely tuned energies, your bodies - ... adjust with ease. Breathe dear ones. Breathe, go out into nature, feel the earth and her richness, see the skies with the beautiful clouds displaying their grandness, the birds gently moving with the currents, the sun as she is exposing her changing form, and the thousands upon thousands of stars shining in your night skies. Be aware. Know that it is you, each one of you who is responsible for the changes now happening. It is up to you to how you want to integrate these changes within your being. Know that you can trust those other aspects of yourself to assist in this transitioning. You can name these other aspects God because that is who you truly are. Yes, you are responsible for You!
These dates of June and July, 2013, are indeed upon you. You shall continue to see the chaos in your world from those who know not their greatness. Stay centered integrating these finely tuned energies from your Earth and the skies. More truths will be told, revealing what you would call mis-treatments of the people and this earth. There will be gasps of what will be revealed. Do not get caught up in the anger. Yes, get angry then let that go. What has brought you to this place and time is your acknowledgment of this ascension. It is now. Let the truths be told, then remain responsible for yourself. Love the young ones not yet able to understand and hold the hand of the sick and aged to assist them on their final walk. So many more changes to come. The events of this year 2013 through 2014 will you be witness to many happenings. The truths are being told. Just Be in your greatness!..." End of quote
With So Many Now Choosing Love On this Planet we have most definatly reached A Critical Point In Energy. The Indigo's As Anticipated are Rising Standing Up and Guiding Humanity Home. The Indigo Children Finally Have Said Lets Go Home and Are Now Activating Across the Planet Inducing a Smooth Transition Into the New Earth Energies for Humanity.
Quoted from Celia Fenn ".....Yes indeed, it looks very much like the “Indigo Revolution” that is taking place now in Turkey, will be spreading around the world this summer. But….no need to worry…..the essentials of the Indigo Revolution are Non-Violent Protest, Love and Sharing, Creativity and a New Way of Life. This is what we have been waiting for… expression of the New Human, the Fifth Dimensional Human Angel or Crystalline Being, who thinks Collectively and is “connected” globally. And yes, there will be turmoil as the “Old” way of thinking….dualism and conflict….tries to come to terms with the Rainbow Warriors who think Collectively and who operate from Love and Harmony. There are no “Leaders” to become matyrs and scapegoats, there is simply an idea whose time has come at last!
The authorities may choose to simply ignore these “protests”, as they did with the “Occupy” movement, in the hope that they will “fizzle out” and business can go on as usual. But they have underestimated the power of peaceful reisistance. Think of Gandhi and becoming the change you wish to see! The Occupy movement of 2012 has “birthed” the Indigo Revolution in Turkey, and this is a huge movement that will not be contained in a few parks and squares. Of course, they may be elements that will try to subvert the energy and turn on the violence, but they will not succeed. I know from my friends and contacts in Turkey that even althoug this is not reported in mainstream media, this is a huge movement that is making an impression an all levels of Turkish society. This is a report from Istanbul about the protests in Gezi Park:
“Ever since I’ve lived in Turkey, I always felt that there was a slight heaviness to the people here (whatever that means). Before today, I never could figure out where that feeling came from, but now I know. As I walked through Gezi Park today, where all the protests started, I realized that the feeling of heaviness had completely disappeared. The protesters have transformed the park into one of the most unique places in the world. Children are painting together, some are playing music, others are planting flower gardens, some drawing or doing communal art, some are doing yoga, reading books, making new friends, and everyone is helping out with something.
People have set up booths giving away free food. There are doctors, lawyers, a library, even a vet there to give their services for free. Others are cleaning, some providing electricity, and a company even brought in portable toilets. Many of the businesses are still open, some providing services to the people for free. Other than a few groups using this opportunity to promote their causes, and the many signs of the fight the people had to endure to take back the park, for the most part it is everyday people, doing everyday things. Except that heaviness is gone.
Why? Because everyone is happy, everyone is hopeful, there is no worry, no one needs anything, but everyone wants to give something, people are sharing not only their things, but they are sharing themselves. In a world where people are consumed by technology, their jobs, and buying things, this is just remarkable.
Never in my life have I experienced a community like this, and after seeing the passion and determination of the Turkish people, it doesn’t look like this is going to go away. Of course there is always the threat of another attack by the police, but after seeing what I saw today, I don’t think the police have a chance. Once you feel the energy in Gezi Park, there is no amount of tear gas that can take that away. Although this is far from over, I think this may be what Turkey needed to remove that weight upon their shoulders. And I am proud to be a part of them!”
This is simply an expression of the Collective desire to live differently. Instead of being “herded” into Shopping Malls to support the Engine of Consumerism in Istanbul, and believe me its going pretty much better there than many other places right now, these people have chosen to make a statement for another way of life. Sharing, Collective support, Peace and Creativity and a sense of Fun and Humor…..the Indigo Revolution.
So, why will it spread rapidly? Because the World is ready for another way of Life and another way of doing things…peacefully and with creativity, fun and humor. Enough with the Gloom and Doom, the Apocalyse and all that misery inherited from Atlantis. The Indigos and Crystals are here and they are reclaiming our Earth and their Future! It would be a smart move to take notice.....he whole point with the Indigo Revolution is to find solutions, not to engage in conflict and violence. We can find solutions to Earth’s problems if we work together as a Global Collective. Of course, this is not going to find favor with authorities that derive their power from economic slavery, division and war. But, the time has come, the New Human is here and it is time for change. The forces of History and Evolution are on the side of the Indigos.
Yes…it’s definitely about the trees….and the grass and the parks. It’s about Communities and about Sharing. It’s about enough for everyone and no one going without. It’s about Love and Hope, rather than fear and hardship......
I always knew that when Archangel Michael began speaking about Community a few years ago, that he was speaking about very large groups of people, not just small intentional communities in the countryside. A sense of Community begins with a sense of Global Community, of Human Community, that crosses traditional boundaries. A Community is not just people who share your particular political or religious ideology, as Turkey has shown, it is everyone who wants to live with Freedom, Peace and Hope. With Optimism and Joy. That is a really big Community! And that is why you can expect the Indigo Revolution to be arriving at a place near you soon! There are millions of young people around the Earth, connected by Social Media, and ready to stand up and live the New Energy and the New Community. It is time to see that there is nothing that cannot be changed for the better if we stand together, in Peace and in Love...." end of quote
The Impossible is Now All Becoming Possible, Its Love's Turn
Decreed by Heaven~ All Earth Allies and Ground Crew for First Contact, Indigos, Crystals, Human Angels, Angels, ArchAngels, All Elementals,The Entire Inner Earth Family of Humanity, and The Galactic Federation of Light are to Completely Move Into Position. We Have completed this Part of the Divine Plan and We are Moving Quickly to a Smooth transition. The Glass House breaks, and Love Moves In by Divine Decree and By Divine Intervention by The Creators of Planet Earth=Heart. This is the Divine Plan Manifesting Now On Planet Earth=Heart.
Remember Loves we are not in a time linear schedule, We are In A Divine one!
~Thank You for Spreading These Messages to Others and Keeping Your Hearts Open and Staying Tuned In~
Just Be Present and Follow the Synchronostic Events!
~End Transmission in All Love is Unconditionally, We are So In Love With Humanity~
FYI~ This is our last Weekly Update, We will Be As Much as we can Providing daily Updates as there is so much happening Now and these will be much shorter!
We Love You Unconditionally~ Love, The Galactic Free Press Staff~Humanity's Earth Allies, The Company of Heaven and The First Contact Ground Crew Team.
If You missed our Last 2 Updates here are the Links:
Thank You For Keeping us Going With This Divine Mission for Planet Earth=Heart!!!!
Because of All of You, We are Able to Be A Constant Service on Behalf Of the Planet and Humanity! Thank You for Your Constant Love and Support for Humanity's Liberation Into The Real Reality and The Real Truth! We are Deeply Honored to Be of Service 24 Hours a Day in Love for All of You and Humanity. Thank You for Honoring our service and Keeping us Here with All of You!
Total July Donations 5.00$
Total Goal 3000$
Thank You for sharing
Join us Live Every Monday and Wednesday for Whats Happening On Planet Earth, Join us On the Grid at 10:30am Pacific and for the Internet Love Party Every Saturday Beginning at 1:30pm Pacific . Participating in these, you are participating In your role in the Divine Plan To Help Bring in the Higher Energies into the Planet. These Will Continue until Our Craft Decloak~ You can Join us Via this Link:
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~ We are Stationed In Mt Shasta~
Artwork Thanks to
(Yojman Chase), Mt. Shasta is~of all Power Points here in the Northern Hemisphere~what could truly be called “Headquarters”, Mt. Shasta is many things to this planets protection and service into the Light. She is also known as Ascension Mountain.
~WE are Going Home~
~We Mother and Father God, Represent the Atoms you are made of. Our Pineal Glands are Completely activated and opened. We are of "Divine Intelligence", and Represent the 2 becoming ONE. We are also the Very Essence of the Unknowable, which Equals Source, Equals Love, Equals Truth, Equals God, and Equals LOVE EVERYWHERE PRESENT=YOU.~
Last Video Update:
Jarnya Willow WOO HOO,Wonderful.Thank you so much GalacticCentral[ The Galactic Free Press] for all your time energy and dedication for your service to humanity.What a difference you make!.Loving joyful wishes.
Raza Hasonovic Love your messages, they lift me up from the 3D illusion, I cant wait for the next one. I am very grateful to Earth Allies ...... Thank you Planet Earth=Heart.
“Great is the power of the human heart to love, to change, to make new. The word of light has been spoken and has been lived by our hands, in our bodies and in the things we make. Truth shall not pass away. As I turn to dust, I turn to light. I have come home to my father, my brothers, my children, my friends. I have come home to myself. Though my house falls to dust and my field turns to sand, the light of Egypt lives a million years in me. I shall enter the eye of fire forever. I shall gaze into the fire and find the comfort of wife, children, home and cattle. In the dream of an old man, in the eye of eternity, I shall live forever.” – Becoming the Hawk Divine, The Egyptian Book of the Dead by Normandi Ellis.