GFP Newsletter - 5/13/2020

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That's what my work is here: to create more intelligence through meditation; to create more intelligent people by destroying their superstitions, beliefs; to create more alert people, so they can be more responsive to the real situation that exists in the country and in the world.

Only in this way can we cut the very root of the problem.


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Great Power

Take a moment today and think about all the decisions you make daily.  It can be staggering! (Smiling) Now choose one decision and follow its path; think of the variables, choices, the impact and possible outcomes.  You may feel that one decision has one conclusion but, the infinite number of choices you are offered can lead to so many changes in your reality!  The Universe has gifted you free will so you may follow your own path and create a life that best suits your existence.  There is great power in this…use it wisely. ~ Creator

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Daily Message ~ Wednesday May 13, 2020

Dear Ones, we realize it can be quite challenging to be separated from loved ones. What we wish for you to understand is that you are always, always connected to those you love. If you are not able to see someone in the physical you can absolutely visit them through meditation.

Simply sit and quiet yourself and imagine a sitting area you can use for energetic visitations. With your inner voice call the person to come and join you. Feel free to give them a big hug and enjoy their presence as you use this space to connect soul to soul. Tell them how much you love them and anything else you’d like to share.

Your souls always know exactly how to find each other. This is a wonderful way to honour and enjoy those you love and will support constancy in your relationships until the time comes when you can be together again. It is also a beautiful opportunity to see for yourselves how love and connection is multi-dimensional and exists well beyond the physical. ~Archangel Gabriel through Shelley Young

GFP Newsletter - 5/12/2020

will's picture

There is a conspiracy between organized religion and the state -- between church and state. Together they dominate people, together they reduce people into slavery. If the people are poor it is easier to force them into slavery; if people are poor it is easier to give them beliefs, superstitions. If people are poor they are always afraid of hell and always greedy for heaven. The priest can dominate them and the politician can also dominate them because they are so poor.


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Please understand that what affects one affects all.  You are woven into the very fabric of your Earth plane and connected by the Divine Spark in each of you.  The Universe is inviting you to make this a part of your conscious awareness.  Finding and feeling the interconnection will help you appreciate the beauty each of your brothers and sisters inherently possess.  Now is the time to realize that so much more can be accomplished together than apart! ~ Creator

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Daily Message ~ Tuesday May 12, 2020

If something is removed from your life, it is for your highest good. If you are stuck in the past, it is from not knowing this at the core of your being. Anything that leaves, or comes in, is all designed for your redirection and expansion, which can only take you into a new energetic phase that has much to offer you that the old one could not.

Some people feel the need to try to fight their way back into a situation they have been rejected from in order to prove their worthiness. If someone was not able to see your truth and value then, it is highly unlikely they will see it now. Allow those who cannot honour you to leave, and the direction of your soul to lead you into the joy of discovering those who can and will.

So trust, Dear Ones. There is a continual energetic sorting process happening that is always flowing you forward into the beautiful matches and experiences that will make your heart sing. Let go of the past with love and look to the promise of the dawn of a new phase. ~Archangel Gabriel through Shelley Young

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The Covid Shockdown Doctrine – and How to Beat It

by Julian Rose

Those who have read Naomi Klein's seminal book 'The Shock Doctrine' will remember how the 'short sharp shock' (primarily economic) was the tool fashioned by the Chicago School of Economics in order to create regime change in countries that resisted US hegemonic power grabs in the 1980's and 1990's.

GFP Newsletter - 5/11/2020

will's picture

The new man I talk about, and the new humanity, will not be Eastern or Western. It will not believe in this world only or in that world only, it will believe in the totality of man. It will believe in the body of man, it will believe in the soul of man; it will believe in the material, it will believe in the spiritual. In fact the new humanity will think of spirituality and materiality as two aspects of one phenomenon. Then the world will be rich in both ways, within and without.


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There will be times when things happen that will shake you to the very core of your existence and make you question the trust you so lovingly placed in The Universe’s hands. There may not be a single person on the face of the planet that can ‘make it better’ for you. Please remember this; you are loved and weathering a particular storm in your life will inevitably make you a stronger, more understanding, kinder and more loving person. Such are the experiences of being human. ~ Creator

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Daily Message ~ Monday May 11, 2020

Dear Ones, you do not need to fight against what is unwanted. Your true power, your sovereignty, is in your beingness. You do not need to prove it, it simply is. Do you see? That is what is meant by, “You are the change”. All you must do is accept your divine truth and innate wisdom and lead from there, for that is the grounded expression of your empowered, embodied self. ~Archangel Gabriel through Shelley Young


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