GFP Newsletter - 9/1/2018

will's picture

I have to talk against the mind, because of you, because you are clinging so much to the mind. You drop clinging and I will never even mention the word.

I am tired of talking against it. It has not done any harm to me, it is not my enemy; it has served me perfectly. It is because of you that I have to go on and on, until one day you decide, "Let us try to put the mind aside." And you say to it, "Shut up for the moment." Unless you all get out of the cage of the mind, I will have to talk against it; although I am not against it.

"You are saying that we should drop it, tell it to shut up." I say drop it if you want to meditate. And the moment you are going to the marketplace, pick it up. Who is preventing you? Is there a need that you should continually cling to it for twenty-four hours? - because tomorrow you are going to the marketplace, so in the night you also have to keep it with you, under your blanket? Are you afraid that it will escape?

I say drop it because I want you to feel that you are the master. If you want to drop it you can drop it, and if you want to pick it up, you can pick it up. It is just a mechanism.



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NOW is not a place but an experience, an inner-Action of BEING within CREATION.


That is more than just a thought.

Life is the experience, more than just a thought of more than just one moment but all the moments combined to make up the ALL INCLUSIVE AWAKENING PRESENT as EVERYTHING THE DIVINE IS.

Civilization is HU+MANITY CONNECTED to CREATION where each and every one is FREE to AWAKEN.


The within opens to the HEART = EARTH connection and there you are, PRESENT AS NOW can BE.

Simple in that the ALL INCLUSIVE EXISTS.

How many people understand they are part of a Living Planet, not part of the world? I wonder?

The world is just a super imposed set of BS used to make dumb things happen over the living Planet to hide its existence. Lol

What is REAL, the one being present and Aware, that is THE REAL PRESENT-NESS OF NOW.


The LIVING UNIVERSES are BIGGER than me, so I LISTEN to what is SHARED and then share. That's what a SCRIBE does. Lol

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A Thoughtful, Peaceful State

Over the next few weeks, there will be situations that may trigger you.  It is completely up to you how to handle them.  Even though you have the conscious awareness of the changes in progress and it may be very tempting to slip back into old ways – including those wonderful knee-jerk reactions. (Smiling) The new information being provided to you now will help you release the initial ‘human’ reactions and put you in a more thoughtful, peaceful state where you can make an informed choice on how you will respond.  As always, the choice is yours and remember, The Universe is supporting you every step of the way. ~ Creator

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Life is Greater than Your Logic

God said:

Beloved, in life in the world, instead of your hand touching on love above, your hand may touch on brambles. You do not quite get the point of it – life, that is. You protest toil and trouble and that bug-a-boo called death. You would rule out a lot. You might choose only that which your eye falls on to appear or to disappear according to how you feel about it.

You believe it would mean a lot to you to call the shots in life. Beloved, how short-ranged your constructed logic may be. Life cannot be reduced to logic. There is greater than what you conceive of in your life because there are too many pieces of the puzzle for you to address.

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Daily Message ~ Saturday September 1, 2018

Simply put, beauty in its many forms is the presence of heaven on earth.  Magic is experiencing energies beyond what you thought possible that surprise and delight you.  So choosing a beautiful, magical life is surrendering with intention into experiencing the presence of heaven on earth in ways that surprise and delight you.  Doesn’t that sound like co-creation and change you can whole-heartedly embrace? ~Archangel Gabriel through Shelley Young

GFP Newsletter - 8/31/2018

will's picture

In the home, with your wife, with your husband, with your children, with your parents, with your friends, there is no need for the mind. The need is for an overflowing heart. Unless there is love overflowing in a house, it never becomes a home; it remains a house. And if in the home you can find a few moments for meditation, for experiencing your own being, it raises the home to the highest peak of being a temple.


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A Few More…

The latest wave of energy introduced to your world has turned many of you upside down…again. (Smiling) Due to the great changes coming toward the end of the year, is worth mentioning that these uber surges are for your benefit.  What feels like an exhausting exercise in futility will become the base on which these changes grow and come to fruition.  I know you are tired, dear one, but The Universe is asking that you go a bit further.  Practice your self-care and know that you are always loved and supported along the way. ~ Creator

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Daily Message ~ Friday August 31, 2018

In the past it was easy to make choices based on what you would do for many years. The energies moved much slower and thus had greater predictability, and this enforced the idea of making a decision and sticking to it. This gave you a sense of control and security. This supported all or nothing thinking (if you were committing to something it would be for a very long time) and also the idea that you could only do one thing.

But the energies of today are much, much different. The energies are not only very fast moving, they are multi-dimensional. This means they hold many different choices and opportunities for you and they are supporting stepping forward as empowered co-creators. So expecting that you can make a decision that will have only one option and expecting it to stay the same is trying to apply old energy thinking to unprecedented creational energies.

The energies of today hold promise, potential, and possibility. They also require you to embrace the idea of unfoldment. The way to work in these types of energies is to make decisions from one Now moment to the next, to flow and continue to co-create as more information comes in. You begin to learn that unlike the old energies where result was of the utmost importance, the value is in experience which leads to your own expansion, freedom, and joyful self expression.

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What About Free Will?

God said:

Beloved, are not the connections in life amazing? No two people in life are exactly alike, yet so many similarities exist. You may like to think of similarities under the name of coincidence.

There are no coincidences. What does this mean to you then – that there are no accidents? There are no surprises? That everything is already known? That everything is destined?

GFP Newsletter - 8/30/2018

will's picture

Knowing being, death becomes a fiction and life takes wings into eternity. A man who is unaware of his own being cannot be said to be really alive. He may be a useful mechanism, a robot....

Through meditation, search your being, your isness, your existence. Through love, through your heart, share your blissfulness - that's what love is all about: Sharing your blissfulness, sharing your joy, sharing your dance, sharing your ecstasy.

Mind has its own function in the marketplace , but when you come home, your mind should not continue chattering. Just as you take off your business coat, your hat, your shoes, you should say to the mind, "Now be quiet, this is not your world." This is not being against the mind. In fact, this is giving rest to the mind.



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