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Daily Message ~ Tuesday August 28, 2018

It is well accepted among enlightening human beings that your circumstances will mirror back to you what you may wish to shift, heal, or work on. But have you ever considered that the world also mirrors back to you what you excel at?

Every time you see beauty, you recognize it because that same beauty exists in you. Every time you see an act of love, of compassion, of kindness, it is because you hold that trait and can recognize it. Every time you admire wisdom in another it is because you hold wisdom within yourself. Every time you see a sign of alignment, it is because that alignment also exists in you.

Isn’t it time to celebrate the amazing aspects of you that are waiting for your acknowledgement? The more you see the beauty and magic around you, the more you know the beauty and magic within you, and vice versa. ~Archangel Gabriel through Shelley Young

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God's View of Life

God said:

Beloved, My vision of life goes beyond the human viewpoint of life by a mile. How clearly I see life backwards and forwards. How simple life is and how much simpler life could be for you if you could see as I do see rather than giving your opinions as holy as sometimes you want to do!

I bless you. How well aware I am of how life appears to you who are on the front lines. Of course, I know. I am not naive. I know how scary life can strike you. I am aware. I am not unaware. I am not cavalier. I well know that life, as you see it, isn’t a barrel of laughs. I don’t kid Myself. I don’t scoff at your fears. I perceive your fears. I know you can’t drop your fears off just like that. I know how real your fears and sorrows are to you.

Certainly, I realize how you can’t hide your fears just like that under your pillow. At the same time, I never want you to struggle as you do.

GFP Newsletter - 8/27/2018

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The moment the mind becomes your master, then the problems arise; then it displaces your heart, displaces your being, takes over the whole possession of you. Then rather than following your orders, it starts ordering you.


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All About Attitude

Every once in a while, life with throw a curve-ball at you.  This is not to make you suffer or to hurt you in any way.  It is The Universe’s way of getting your attention, of saying, “See, you can work with this or rise above…it has always been your choice.”  If you step back and really look at the situation/experience, you will see some old patterns emerging.  Rather than kvetching about it (which keeps that energy coming to you), look at it for what it is.  Learn about it.  Get to know it intimately.  Once those steps have been completed, you can release it with peace and joy. (Smiling) Honestly, you have done this very thing many times before.  The only thing that makes it different is your attitude.  Keep it positive and know that things can/will change! ~ Creator

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On with the New

God said:

Beloved, harken to the NEW! Add the word NEW to your vocabulary. Be new. Ah, yes, release the old. The fact is that you are new today. You are intended to be a breath of fresh air. Reach new heights. Reach new lengths. Introduce your Self to yourself. Bypass the old. Don’t get stuck in the old as if yesterday were tar stuck to your shoes. Beckon the new.

See differently. Make a point of it. Add new dimensions to your life.

GFP Newsletter - 8/26/2018

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When love is abundant, overflowing, a presence surrounds you. You cannot catch hold of it, but you can feel it.

The presence transforms you from the world of human beings into the world of eternity, immortality, from all kinds of lies that religions have been preaching to you, to the naked truth of existence.


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Daily Message ~ Sunday August 26, 2018

Change is such a vital part of your enlightenment journey, yet so many of you have negative feelings, fear, or resistance towards change. So we suggest, why not substitute the word change for something else that feels better to you, that you find easier to embrace?

Feel into it. Check in with your body. Try on different words. Find which one feels best to you. Is it expansion? Freedom? Metamorphosis? Transformation? Advancement? Shift? Refinement? Betterment? Unfoldment?

You could even get playful and make up a word if you like! Get creative. Have fun. Make it something that is light feeling and something you would always feel open to. This is another wonderful way to shepherd yourself as the right word will foster cooperation from your inner child and ego self.

You get to rewrite your script, Dear Ones. As your own loving parent, guide, and expert on you, you can choose new ways to present things to yourself that work best for you and support your joyful forward movement. ~Archangel Gabriel through Shelley Young

Shelley’s note: There will be no daily message Monday August 27. They will resume as usual on Tuesday August 28. For fun, why not ask Gabriel what message he has for you that day and see what you receive?

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Life Is for the Fun of It!

God said:

Beloved, what is all this about frustration? You are familiar enough with it. Frustration plagues you often enough. You don’t seem to understand the cause of frustration. The cause is that you insist on your best performance. You don’t have to keep battling with frustration as though you are obligated to it. Frustration comes from your own stubbornness. You tend to want something the way you want it when you want it. You don't want to take a chance on less. You insist on your best performance no matter how many times you’ve tried to resist.

Of course, you grew up with the idea of never giving up. You will achieve as you want to no matter how dragged out you may become in the process.

You don’t have to achieve. Regardless of what you absorb in terms of achievement, you can stop every now and then. When something is overly hard, this is a good time to ease up. Make it easy to jump over an obstruction. Come from another path.

AUGUST 26th, 2018 – FULL PISCES MOON at 6:56 am CDT

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AstroEyes Evolutionary Astrology – Cathy Lindsey
Much has been stirred up and brought to the surface over these last Summer months. We have had 3 consecutive major Eclipse’s in a row….and a slew of retrograde planets, among other major aspects! We have been surrounded by a lot of chaos, changes and major transformations happening throughout the world, and within our own personal lives! We have been through a very intense and transformative period over the last several weeks. There is a lot happening in the world and the energies are hard to just dismiss.

GFP Newsletter - 8/25/2018

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Love, and you will find God. Love, and God will find you. Love, and as your love will mature, it will turn into something superhuman, into something divine.

It is not a question of belief; you cannot believe in God. And there is no need to believe in love because you can experience love. In the temple of love, the very silence of the temple, the very spaciousness of the temple, is godliness.



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