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Stay Or Go…

There will be moments where you are definitely not where you want to be or doing what you want to be doing.  The thought process involved in the decision to move or stay may be a challenging one.  Please keep in mind that even though you are looking forward with a positive attitude, the negatives of the current situation may keep you exactly where you are now.  Regardless of your vibrational level, The Universe always responds in kind.  Remember, the conscious voice as well as the subconscious thought process.  When both are positive, a definitive move forward will always occur. ~ Creator

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Daily Message ~ Thursday August 30, 2018

Dear Ones, we wish to remind you that you are still integrating. So many of you think that because the events that resulted in such intense energetic rebooting are over, so should be their effects. We cannot express enough what a profound shift you have gone through.

It will take a while for you to fully assimilate the energetic changes and comprehend how transformative they have been. Continue to listen to your body and give it what it is asking for. Rest and grounding are particularly important. Resisting or ignoring those needs will only prolong the process.

If you allow yourself to give yourself what you intuitively know you need, even if it is different from what others report requiring, you will move through the process with the greatest amount of grace and ease possible. This is about the body at this stage, and nurturing it through these changes is top priority.

You will know you are making progress and coming out the other side of this corridor of transformation when you start to notice spontaneous pockets of greater comfort starting to occur, much like rays of light poking through the clouds after a storm. Again we tell you you have done a magnificent job navigating it all. You would be absolutely in awe of all you have accomplished if you could see it from our perspective. ~Archangel Gabriel through Shelley Young

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Is Life Not Beautiful?

God said:

Beloved, when you see the world from its underpinnings beneath all the juxtapositions the world at-large incorporates, you will see life as bright light. You will see the world and life as I do see. You will have seen that life does come out right.

Presently, you may see in limited ways.

No matter how many times I say that your life is as it is meant to be, you are adamant that I wear rose-colored glasses, whereas you are down to earth and realistic.

GFP Newsletter - 8/29/2018

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Knowing the being, is bringing a light into the darkness of your inner world; and unless you are enlightened inside, all the light outside is of no use. Within you, there is just darkness, abysmal darkness, unconsciousness, and all your actions are going to arise out of that darkness, out of that blindness.

So when I say anything against mind, don't misunderstand me. I am not against mind, and I don't want you to destroy it.

I want you to become an orchestra. The same musical instruments can create a hell of a noise if you don't know how to create a symphony, how to create a synthesis, how to put things in their right place.


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In the bustle of the energetic changes in progress right now, you may have forgotten one thing. You, my dearest and most darling child, have a front row seat to one of the most important evolutions of man! The heart and the soul of each human on your Earth plane has been longing for this moment for eons. Some have even envisioned the result of this great change and it is beautiful! As this monumental phase continues; there will be ups and downs as well a some ‘sideways’ moment but, please do not it distract you from your important work. There is much to be done, much to see and changed within. You are up to the challenge…if you were not, you would not have chosen to be a part of this particular now. Go get ‘em, Tiger! ~ Creator

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Daily Message ~ Wednesday August 29, 2018

Dear Ones, you are either giving or receiving. Much like an in-breath and an out-breath, you cannot do both at the same time. What this means is if you decide to be a transmitter, you cannot pick up other people’s energies. Do you see? If you find yourself being affected by the energies of others, make an intention to align and shine your love and light instead. You are always in charge of your energetics and you get to choose what you lead with and what mode you are showing up in. ~Archangel Gabriel through Shelley Young

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Heaven is Our Address

God said:

Beloved, a sense of incompleteness seems to chase you, as if there is something you are missing and may never find out what it is. Yes, you have a longing, yet may not know, for a fact, what your longing may be. For all you know, you could be longing for a longing.

When you have a tooth missing, your tongue finds the gap.

It can’t be that your soul or part of your soul is missing, yet what is this vagueness of urgency that seems to follow you around? You know not its name. You misplaced or forgot altogether what now seems to be a blank. You would like to send out a search party. Perhaps you lost your own address. Could you be a missing person? Could you be missing from yourself? Could you have been crossed out, and no one told you? Why weren’t you told?

GFP Newsletter - 8/28/2018

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Mind is absolutely without any compassion. For compassion, for love, for joy, for laughter... a heart, freed from the imprisonment of mind, is needed.

Heart has a higher value. It is not of any use in the marketplace, because the marketplace is not your temple; the marketplace is not your life's meaning. The marketplace is the lowest of all the activities of human beings.

Jesus is right when he says, "Man cannot live by bread alone." But mind can only provide bread.

You can survive, but survival is not life. Life needs something more - a dance, a song, a joy.

Hence I want you to put everything in its right place: The heart should be listened to first if there is any kind of conflict between mind and heart. In any conflict between love and logic, then logic cannot be decisive, love has to be decisive. Logic cannot give you any juice - it is dry. It is good for calculations; it is good for mathematics and good for scientific technology. But it is not good for human relationships, not good for the growth of your inner potential.


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In This Together

Just for today…look around you and do a bit of people watching.  Each person will be in their own stage of their own journey.  Some will be in pain, others will be okay, and some may angry or a bit robotic.  Why are you being asked to do this?  This little bit of homework is a conscious reminder that each and every one of you is walking a path the best way you know how.  It is also a reminder to yourself that there is no ‘right’ way to get where you are going.  You take a step forward and then another….and yet another.  It may feel as if road is long and tedious.  Even when you feel lonely and unsupported, know The Universe is right there with you.  Have a little faith and show some love to your fellow travelers.  You are all in this together. ~ Creator


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