by Jessie Klassen
“If we look at Nature, we see that absolutely everything within it is important and there for a reason. As we are all a part of Nature, this means that we are important and here for a reason as well”
This is one of the key lessons that I teach, not only to my own 3 children, but to all of the children that I meet when I am touring with my book, “The Sapling.”
There is nothing within Nature that happens by accident. It is all planned and perfection. We are the same. There are no accidental or extra people on this Earth.
We all arrive with a gift to share, which is why it is so important that we grow into who we truly are, just like a tree, for example. Because if a tree did not grow into their full potential, we would all be denied their gifts, and look at how many of us would suffer. The rest of the world actually depends on us being true to ourselves.
And what about those people of the world who don’t seem to be contributing?
They are simply not in touch with who they really are and the true desires of their heart. When we turn to Nature and truly connect with the Earth, we become centred, grounded, and compassionate human beings. It is hard to deny our Soul’s longing within the authenticity of Nature.