GFP Newsletter - 3/5/2018

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Give all your energy to joy, and fear will disappear. Ignore fear, don't pay any attention to fear, because the more attention you pay to it, the longer it will linger on. Pour yourself totally in the direction from where joy is arising, and fear will disappear just as darkness disappears when you bring light in.

Joy is light. And joy is the beginning of a great pilgrimage which ends in finding God. So go on - without any fear, because existence always protects those who trust it. Relax, give yourself to existence and allow the joy to overwhelm you. Let it become your wings, so that you can reach to the stars.

A joyful heart is very close to the stars.


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Researchers Use Essential Oils to Successfully Treat ADHD Symptoms

Anna Hunt, Staff Writer
Waking Times

Doctors continue to diagnose increasing number of children with attention-deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD). They most often turn to medication that stimulates the central nervous system (CNS) to treat ADHD symptoms. Yet, ADHD drugs can be quite detrimental to children’s health. Some even call them dangerous. As a result, we very much need alternative treatments. Researchers have shown that essential oils may be one such potential treatment.

ADHD Diagnosis and Medication

Although many people question if ADHD is an actual medical diagnosis, versus just a list of symptoms, the fact remains that many children have difficulty concentrating and controlling their behavior. In response, parents seek help from the medical establishment, which seems to favor CNS stimulants as the primary treatment.

Unfortunately, CNS drugs can have some dangerous side-effects especially in children. Lack of scientific testing to diagnose ADHD also means many doctors may use ADHD as a scapegoat for behavioral issues or environmental conflicts. Thus, some children are taking ADHD medication although they don’t really need it.


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Daily Message ~ Monday March 5, 2018

Dear Ones, you have so many noisy filters that can create confusion when you are trying to make decisions. You may know very well what is best for you but then second guess it because you wish to please another or do what others will think is smart or best. But the fact remains that you are the only one who knows your own energetics, and thus, only you can discern when something is a true energetic match to you.

So if you have a decision to make, we highly advise that you sit quietly and feel into your own inner knowingness. Connect with your own essence and then love and trust yourself enough to allow that to lead the way. That is the fastest way to move forward in the ways that match your own energetics and soul path, and will ultimately bring you the most pleasing result. It is allowing pure energy to lead the way, which can only bring about the purest energetic matches and supports for you. ~Archangel Gabriel through Shelley Young

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Enjoy The Show!

Now that this monumental shift has begun, it may feel as if nothing is happening.  In fact, you may be questioning it.  “Has it even started?  Am I in the middle of it?  Is it over?  Where am I and where are we? Does it even matter?”
Please remember, dear one, that you are exactly where you need to be, learning what you need to learn right now.  You are establishing boundaries you never knew could exist, laying the groundwork for even larger changes in your life and ‘finding your sea-legs’.  (Smiling) Even in those times when you feel as if you are dead stop, growth is happening.  If you feel alone and lost in the enormity of the shift, keep in mind that there are others experiencing the same thing and when you are feeling unloved and unappreciated, it is The Universe giving you the hint that those things must start from the inside and work their way out.  With this knowledge in hand, ask yourself the questions posed at the beginning of this message again.  See, there really is something happening and you have a front row seat to one of the most beautiful times in human history!  Enjoy participating in the show! ~ Creator

GFP Newsletter - 3/4/2018

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When things start happening for the first time, one feels afraid. When a young boy, fourteen years old, becomes for the first time aware of his sexuality, he feels afraid, embarrassed, becomes very uptight, is worried: "What is happening?... And what am I supposed to do with it?" A new energy has become available of which he was not aware at all up to now, and when spiritual energy becomes available to you, it is a million-times-bigger phenomenon.... You feel joy, you feel blissfulness, and at the same time a trembling, a fear - but this fear will disappear.

It is a natural process. As you become more and more accustomed to the new state of joyfulness, fear will be reduced. Soon you will find there is no fear at all. And to be fearless is a tremendously great achievement, because fear is part of your death. If you become fearless, you have tasted something which is deathless.

In your joy you have come close to the deathless, in your joy you have come to your immortality.


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What The 432 Hz “Miracle Tone” Sounds Like (Listen): A Healing Frequency To Raise Your Vibration

by Kalee Brown, Collective Evolution

As sound healing becomes more popular, more and more people are starting to experiment with it. You have people learning how to chant, listening to specific frequencies, and using singing bowls. It’s not just those of us who are interested in spirituality and New Age concepts that are looking into this ancient Eastern knowledge, but scientists as well, studying these sounds and how they affect the body.

Though sound healing is only now beginning to enter into the mainstream, it’s been used as an ancient healing modality for many centuries in different religions. Even scientists such as Nikola Tesla and Albert Einstein spoke of the importance of viewing everything in terms of vibration, energy, and frequency.

“If you want to find the secrets of the universe, think in terms of energy, frequency and vibration.”

– Nikola Tesla

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Allowing Nature to be the Example for Our Children’s Bright Future

by Jessie Klassen

“If we look at Nature, we see that absolutely everything within it is important and there for a reason.  As we are all a part of Nature, this means that we are important and here for a reason as well”

This is one of the key lessons that I teach, not only to my own 3 children, but to all of the children that I meet when I am touring with my book, “The Sapling.”

There is nothing within Nature that happens by accident.  It is all planned and perfection.  We are the same.  There are no accidental or extra people on this Earth.

We all arrive with a gift to share, which is why it is so important that we grow into who we truly are, just like a tree, for example.  Because if a tree did not grow into their full potential, we would all be denied their gifts, and look at how many of us would suffer.  The rest of the world actually depends on us being true to ourselves.

And what about those people of the world who don’t seem to be contributing?

They are simply not in touch with who they really are and the true desires of their heart.  When we turn to Nature and truly connect with the Earth, we become centred, grounded, and compassionate human beings.  It is hard to deny our Soul’s longing within the authenticity of Nature.

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Daily Message ~ Sunday March 4, 2018

Love is expansion. Fear is contraction. Acceptance brings comfort. Resistance leads to discomfort. These are basic facts enlightening human beings understand.

Where things start to get more challenging is when you understand these things and then make yourself wrong if you are not loving and accepting 100% of the time. This is where you start to judge yourself and beat yourselves up unnecessarily.

Dear Ones, the nature of the universe is not to be only one thing. The universe moves and shifts, ebbs and flows. Expecting to be unmoving in anything is not realistic.

Be easy with yourselves. We wish for you to understand that all movement is forward movement. You don’t have to have complete compliance to only one or two elements in order to be successful! You simply need to gently redirect if you find yourself in a space that isn’t comfortable for you. Discomfort is simply a redirectional tool. You will soon find that with your awareness you will choose love and acceptance (and thus growth and expansion) more and more, until they are the natural go-to responses for you the majority of the time, and your personal preferences.

As you continue to evolve you will still have ebbs and flows. You will just find your lows get higher and your highs get higher. Your entire vibrational range will continue to move onwards and upwards on the evolutionary spiral of your soul growth.

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Growing… Again!

These next waves of change will be focusing on your cognitive growth as a human being.  Yes, when you were young you had a quantum leap that put many patterns in place for the person you are today.  However, just as every ‘computer’ needs an upgrade/update on its programs, so do you! (Smiling)
Moving from what you thought you were into who you will be is not always the easiest thing to do but, with perseverance, patience and a lot of Unconditional Love, it can be done.  Even in those floundering times; the times when you have felt oh so alone, The Universe has been standing by whispering gentle words of encouragement and support.  I know you, I know your strength and what you can accomplish.  Now…it is time you know it too. ~ Creator


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