GFP Newsletter - 2/27/2018

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The answer is beyond the mind. Those who go on seeking through the mind go on coming upon new questions. The very few people who have found the answer are those who have gone beyond mind, beyond words, beyond language.


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Why This Montana Farmer Grows Food Year-Round in Shipping Containers

by , YES! Magazine

Kim Curren, owner of Shaggy Bear Farm in Bozeman, Montana, has worn many hats. She worked in the solar power industry for 15 years, owned her own café bookstore, and worked a stint as a medical case manager. In 2016, Curren decided to try her hand at farming, because why not?

“People always accuse me of having an [attention deficit disorder] career,” Curren says. “I just tell them I’m a Gemini and I get bored of doing one thing.”

One day, Curren came across an article about Freight Farms, a company that upcycles old shipping containers into indoor vertical hydroponic growing machines. After doing more research and visiting their headquarters in Boston, she was sold on the idea.

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Daily Message ~ Tuesday February 27, 2018

There is a part of you that prefers to exist within the energies of what it already knows. It perceives predictability and the lack of movement as safety, so it will often do whatever it can to stay the same, often through the use fear and doubt. But you cannot create big change and expansion by staying within energies that have already been experienced. The fact that you are seeking lets you know that what you are wanting exists in the energies beyond where you are. If where you are held the changes you seek, you would already be experiencing them.

So how do you start moving forward more comfortably? We recommend doing things one now moment at a time. You make the wisest decisions for yourself by taking things as they come. Move forward one step and then see what is possible and the next best choice from there. Surrender and see what shows up, and then navigate from there. Follow the signs and synchronicities as they are a sure indicator that you are being loved and guided along the way.

Take the time to reassure the part of you that does experience fear and doubt by being your own loving parent, spirit guide, and best friend. Let that part of you know that you are wise and empowered and will make sure it is safe and an included and cherished part of your forward movement.

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Forgiveness Work

There are a lot of uncomfortable, painful things coming up for you, yes?  It is as if someone has taken a giant stick and stirred the ‘pot’, bringing up things you thought you worked through or forgotten.  As challenging as this moment may be, darling one, please do not be dismayed.  It is all part of the necessary process of forgiveness; forgiveness of self and others.  If old, painful things are bubbling to the surface, it means that you have not truly forgiven.  Take some time today and really see what you need to release.  Once these things are gone, they will free up more space than you ever imagined.  Put your hand in mine and we will work on this together. ~ Creator

GFP Newsletter - 2/26/2018

will's picture

A question always comes from the mind; hence the mind always finds appropriate words for it. But the answer comes from your very being, from your depths of silence where no words have ever entered.


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Research Measures How Nature and Activity Affect Brain Development in Children

Anna Hunt, Staff Writer
Waking Times

Nature’s influence on physical brain structure and mental health may be much more powerful than we give it credit. Yes, it has a way of helping people unwind, but it also seems to affect actual brain development in children.

Researchers at the Barcelona Institute for Global Health (ISGlobal) published a new study on children in primary schools. They discovered that children raised in homes surrounded by greenery had more white and grey matter in the brain. Typically, scientists associate this type of brain matter with increased cognitive function.

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Be True

During this great time of change and uncertainty, be true to yourself.  There are many ideas and ways of thinking that are designed specifically to move you from who you are into who they want you to be.  If you stay centered in your heart, know that the unconditional love of The Universe is always there, you will have the ability to sway like a tree in the breeze with the roots always bringing it to rights. ~ Creator

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Have You Seen the Future?

Julian Rose, Contributor
Waking Times

We have all come across claims, past and present, in which someone states that they have ‘seen the future’. Some of these claims make good reading/listening, even if they are predominantly apocalyptic in nature.

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26 Feb Daily Message ~ Monday February 26, 2018

Is your human self cooperating with your higher self and your guides and helpers through the use of surrender, faith, flow, and trust to move forward in the most amazing and empowered ways possible? It is when all those aspects come together that the ideal team is formed that makes the greatest co-creations happen. Your highest self and your guides are always ready and waiting for you to join them in the creation of your most wonderful life expression. ~Archangel Gabriel through Shelley Young


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