Multidimensions ~ Make Ascension Normal

Lia's picture

Suzan Caroll | Multidimensions | March 17 2012


Commentary from The Galactic Free Press~ We are recieving many posts this morning that we simply cannot post here at the press, as we are Here to Share the Highest Truths. We almost did not post this one, but instead decided to put a commentary here. She mentions merging the dark with the Light. This is impossible. The dark is nothing, it does not really exist and is an illusion. The dark is simply shadows on the wall in the cave. The Answer truly is Just Be Love~ You cannot merge any thing~All our Love Your Earth Allies



10 Aspects Of Ascension

1)   Downloading the multidimensional light and unconditional love that is entering us through our Crown and settling in to our opened Third Eye and High Heart.


2)   Loving that light and love so much that we can allow it to travel into the hidden darkness and fear of our deepest subconscious self.


Visionkeeper ~ Where Is The Key?

Lia's picture

Visionkeeper ~ Where Is The Key?


One World Rising | March 18 2012

For many of us, we have spent our entire lives searching for some magical key that will unlock the various doors of our rigid little worlds exposing us at last to answers we have been hoping to find. Surely these answers will make our lives easier, show us the way or perhaps even save us from something untoward. We have stumbled headlong into the foggy illusion reaching out for something to steady ourselves as we continue to step over uncertainty and bump up against doubt. There has to be a road map out of here we keep thinking, some place I will find the key, the answer and escape this life that does not fit my being for some unknown reason. I do not feel like I belong here, I do not fit in, everything around me does not resonate with my soul. Where am I, who am I, where am I meant to be? Where’s the key?

The long journey through the valley of illusion is coming to its end, the final hill we must climb, the last corner we must go around while wondering what is around it. We are finally learning that there is no key to save us. We will not find it stashed away in some obscure location, and we must pass some test in order to enter the room and retrieve this key. We are not living in some Super Mario Brother’s video game.

~Space Weather Update ~Inside a Solar Wind Stream 541~

Lia's picture

FARSIDE CME: A spectacular CME rocketed away from the sun's northwestern limb during the early hours of March 18th: movie. The probable source was old sunspot AR1429, still active as it transits the far side of the sun. Earth will not be affected by the cloud.


ST. PATRICK'S DAY, SWEDEN-STYLE: "BBQ - check. Great mates - check. Guiness - check. Northern Lights - check. We had it all last night!" says Neal Cheeseman of Arvidsjaur, Sweden, who celebrated St. Patrick's Day as shown below:



"Happy St. Patricks Day (Sweden Style) everybody!"

The night after St. Patrick's Day might be just as green. NOAA forecasters estimate a 35% chance of high-latitude geomagnetic storms as a high-speed solar wind continues to buffet Earth's magnetic

field. Aurora alerts: text, phone.

Zohar...Of The Central Sun

AnaShyNa's picture

Zohar first came through to me a few months ago,I wondered and then remembered who he was.
This is a special awakening for everyone now.
We live in amazing times,for humanity.

musical arrangement by Ian'Sphere.'


glr_Andrea's picture

So many humans, myself included, think we know God; but what if all we know is our own distortion, aka as our description of what we imagine the Divine to be? Have we been brainwashed to believe that God is some Dictator in the Heavens whose desire is that we all fall lock-step into a system of total control? Well. let's explore some ideas. Perhaps we can see with fresh eyes and make new choices.

Michael Jon Barker 4:12am Mar 18


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