Nancy Tate ~ Wake Up Call ~ Horus ~ 16 March 2012 This is an excerpt from this Post

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Nancy Tate ~ Wake Up Call ~ Horus ~ 16 March 2012 This is an excerpt from this Post



 "I am here to day to tell you all of a new development in the times of the earth. There is to be a mass exodus of many of the members of the cabal in the next few days. This has come into being in the past few weeks. Now that it is nearing the stage where it will come into the public light, it is time for those who have agreed to remain, to face what is to come. It is in the activation of the benefits of exposing these cabal members and all that has taken place over the centuries that they have been in collusion with each other.

It is family members of the cabal that I speak of now, for obviously some of those I speak of are no longer on earth, or have returned, incarnated as present day members of the cabal. They have been following an incarnate line that has been established since the times of the Annunakie’s presence on the planet, and as they have reincarnated they have carried through on their promises that were established in those times.


The tide has turned and the surf is up. ~ Michael by Ron Head

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The tide has turned and the surf is up. ~ Michael  by Ron Head

March 16, 2012


Our subject today is your internet and its uses and misuses.  You must always be alert to the possibility that a message may have been tampered with or inserted without the knowledge of its imputed source.  You saw a perfect example of this last night, and the person who asked about it was absolutely correct.  His discernment was on high alert.  By now you should all be aware of the tone of our messages.  You are beginning to see our messages converge in subject and content.  We do this in order to get the important information to as many as possible.  When you see or hear anything that strikes you as discordant or negative, just pass it by.  There is a wealth of messages available each day now which will uplift you and keep you on track.  Your community of awakened minds is growing larger and stronger.  Let nothing weaken that.  During this short, last stretch it will become very important to you.  You are a team that has agreed to be here and to work together.  Most of you have worked together before.  Rely on each other as you rely on us. 


~ Stay Centered and Focused right NOW~

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