Goldman Sachs Executive director Greg Smith quits in open letter in the New York Times ~ 14.2.12

AnaShyNa's picture

GFP commentary:

Yes, FINALLY.... Finally, All the Man's Gold cannot save Gold-man Sachs to be completely sacked, but first all our friends from top of this pyramid of cards will be put in real public eye, they will openly admit what they did, as you can start reading our beloved Greg's resignation letter opening his heart to the people and to the clients... Please forgive him on the spot, as it is not his fault that you gave him all the money to manage for you...

Actually he/them did greatest favor for you... as they lost all of your investments for you, so you do not have to worry about money that You do not have any longer, when Final Collapse of Paper Money comes...


Massive changes are afoot ~ Michael channeled by Ron Head

Lia's picture

Massive changes are afoot ~ Michael channeled by Ron Head




Our subject today is ownership.  Ownership is what one reserves when one is fearful of losing something.  Let’s imagine a condition in which you may have anything you wish at any time.  In this condition, if you want something, or more of it, or better, or just different, it is automatically yours.  Your desire and your imagination have just created it.  Do you think you would have a need to own it?  Again, suppose you knew that your every need would be met for the rest of your life. 


The Grand Re~Birth~Peggy Black and the 'team'

Lia's picture

The Grand Re~Birth
Peggy Black and the 'team'


We are here, honored to have this opportunity to once again share our energy through the medium of your words. Know however if you are reading these words or even listening to these words being read by another, they are carrying another level of energy and information that is truly beyond the frequency of the words on your page or the vibrations of the words being spoken.


It is through our energy offering that we are connecting to the many levels of your awareness that are just beyond your busy, active mental realms. May these words be the doorway perhaps to your expanded state of mind in which all things are possible.


We again want to empower you and remind you that you have all the incredible tools you might care to use in creating your new reality. You are moving rapidly into a new paradigm, a new expanded existence. Each day you are becoming more aware of who you truly are as magnificent multidimensional beings. You are beginning to own the ability as well as the awareness that you are here at this time, on this planet, in this dimension to call forth a new age.


~Space Weather Update~ Sun Is Still Active~ We Just had an M Class from New Sun Spot~

Lia's picture

STRONG FLARE, INCOMING CME: Departing sunspot AR1429 unleashed another strong flare on March 13th, an M7-class eruption that peaked around 1741 UT. Although the sunspot is no longer directly facing Earth, the blast will affect our planet. Analysts at the Goddard Space Weather Lab say a CME is en route to Earth, and its impact on March 15th at 06:20 UT (+/- 7 hours) could trigger minor to moderate geomagnetic storms. Also, protons accelerated by the flare are swarming around Earth, causing an S2-class radiation storm.

Space weather alerts: text, phone.


BRIGHT COMET DIVES INTO RADIATION STORM: A bright comet is diving into the sun. It was discovered just last week by SOHO's SWAN instrument, so it has been named "Comet SWAN." The comet's death plunge ( or "swan dive") comes just as the sun has unleashed a strong flare and radiation storm around Earth. SOHO images of the comet are confused to some degree by energetic protons striking the camera. Nevertheless, you can see Comet SWAN moving through the electronic "snow" in this 3 hour movie:


Wanderer Of The Skies – 14 March 2012

glr_Andrea's picture


Wanderer Of The Skies – 14 March 2012


Greetings from the Federation:

What more can be said about all that is transpiring on your planet today. We have told you about these coming events and how they will come rapidly and in succession. You are only now beginning to see the domino effect of all that will happen.

Shortly, leaders of many nations will meet secretly to discuss again the topic of disclosure which has been shelved in the recent past to attend to other issues and events considered more pressing by these individuals and their national interests. Now, however, disclosure again is on the “front burner” and will be discussed more aggressively among these participants. We, however, do not consider that their actions will amount to any change, as we have seen them “drag their feet” in the past. Several matters of concern have brought them to the table once again.


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