~Finding Balance After the Recent Solar Flares~

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Finding Balance After the Recent Solar Flares




If you have been feeling, anxious, jittery, dizzy, light headed, irritable, lethargic, exhausted, even after a full nights sleep, overly worried with negative thought forms bouncing around in your consciousness, even experiencing heart palpitations, fluctuating blood pressure, prolonged headaches and pressure in the head, you are experiencing the recent Solar flares that have created a huge disruption in the electro magnetic grid on the planet. You are not losing your mind, you are beginning to break through your old patterns, fears and illusions courtesy of this activity, the Mars retrograde and now we are fully emerged into the Mercury Retrograde. So in reality you are losing your ability to stay stuck in your thinking head, the ego, and moving into the heart center to process the emotions being stirred by the solar activity.


EARTH ALLIES REPORT 13.3.12...... 320 Banksters Letting GO of their grip over Your energy... Anonymous message... Arests, Stress tests, Bernanke ready for jail... Sarkozy's retirement funds... Chickened Dick the Chaney...

AnaShyNa's picture


Dear Brothers and Sisters,


what a week this one is... Started with a shy Monday on completely manipulated markets, where on Tuesday even DOW Jones closed 114 pints in green... What a show this is...


These bankers are struggling how to exit, that no one can see them... They are totally terrified what will going to happened to their jobs, or even better, their conciousness... Because, this is only beginning of the only way of clearing this rigged and prison monetary system...

Yes, I am truly excited like a child who knows a lot, yet have no idea how this beautiful events will unfold.... Who will state first in the open on MSMedia, politician or banker or general or pope?... It  really does not matter to me, as things has been completed in background, from legal, spiritual and moral perspective so perfectly executed...


Present days looks to me like a story from Richard Bach called "Illusions: The Adventures of a Reluctant Messiah"of the river tribe, who lived on the bottom of fast and raging river...


~ Sun Update~ Remain calm and Balanced~

Lia's picture

~GLR~ LoveLight~ Sun Update


Just as we thought the Solar activities were mellowing out ~ ANOTHER eruption from our EXTREMELY Active Sunspot AR1429 peaked at 1741 UT ~ ~ ~ 3*13*2012.  

So much for the diminishing of sunspot AR1429. The active region unleashed another strong flare on March 13th, an M7-class eruption that peaked around 1741 UT. A first-look image from NASA's Solar Dynamics Observatory show's the flare's extreme ultraviolet flash. The blast accelerated energetic protons toward Earth and a solar radiation storm is now developing around our planet. Stay tuned for updates.


Galactic Earth Daily Truth Report 03-13-2012

glr_Andrea's picture


Galactic Earth Daily Truth Report  03-13-2012

…as not seen on the mainstream media


by ANdReA


Good evenign/morning Love! Today, I use the Earth Report to make something quite different… I want to show to everyOne on this Planet Earth=Heart… it’s BEAUTY. A Beauty, that is FREE for EveryOne to EnJoy in Love.  Noone asking a cent to go outside and enJoy a sunRise or a blue sky or green mountain… wherever you might live… take a break and Breathe into MOther Earth’s=Heart Heart. You won’t forget it! Ever!




It looks like the world is losing its collective mind.

Lia's picture


Looking at the news, the recent headlines are in one sense interesting reading, and in another complete nonsense. The same goes for most of what is coming through alternate media streams, and to me, there is no insanity greater than what is happening right now. It looks like the world is losing its collective mind. I had a vision last night that captured what I’ve been feeling about what I’ve been seeing.


There is a ship and we’re all on it. There is a storm to port, black heavy clouds, loud rumbling winds, a dirty roiling vortex swallowing everything into its bowels. The ship lists to one side as passengers rush to the rail to see the impending catastrophe. It lists further, and the gaping abyss looms closer. Will we perish? Probably. The way people are crowding to see what happens next, it looks like a definite possibility. Where is the crew? They are taking care of their own. Yachts disguised as lifeboats surge away from the scene, the albatross is circling more tightly around our collective neck, and the captain is nowhere to be seen.



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