Horsetail properties and remedies -

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Horsetail properties and remedies - 



Horsetail belongs to the genus Equisetum, from the Latin for horse and bristle. It is called horsetail because the plant used to be tied to horse and livestock tails to ward off flies. The plant is also known as "scouring rush", "shavegrass" and "bottlebrush"; its high levels of silica make it abrasive, and it has been used to scour pots and to polish wood and pewter. The plant's medicinal effects, documented in ancient Roman and Chinese texts, come primarily from its many minerals, particularly silicic acid. Silicic acid strengthens connective tissue, which means it significantly improves the flexibility and functioning of joints, blood vessels and organs. Because the plant aids in clotting, horsetail tea helps stop excessive menstrual bleeding. The tea is also a remedy for gout, rheumatism, poorly healing wounds, water retention and emphysema.

Something to Say by "The Unverified User"

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Something to Say



Wish I had something to say

Somebody probably wouldn't hear it anyway

Should there be forethought before we act

Or should the action be stripped of it's tact

Whether wisdom from young or old

The understanding tone will always know how to explode

With true tones the point flows through words

Without the tone frustration implodes the verbs

The New Earth Energies March 2012 Archangel Michael through Celia Fenn

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The New Earth Energies March 2012

Archangel Michael through Celia Fenn



Beloved Family of Light, at this time it gives us Great Joy to greet you once again as you move towards the First Equinox of 2012. Indeed,things are Shifting and changing on your Earth, and the first new energies of the New Wave of Light for 2012 are beginning to be felt on the Earth.

Many of you may be feeling a little low, as you wait for the new wave of energy, and may be feeling a litle down when you consider events on the Earth right now, especially in the Middle East. You may seem no closer to the ideals of Peace and Harmony that you seek. Beloveds, know that all is in Divine Order and in the Flow of Creation, the energies of Change are moving forward. The Earth is making herself ready to Reconnect with the 8th and 9th Dimensions of Light, and the Earth Keeper Councils and the Councils of Elders who will be responsible for the New Earth are now being formed and brought into existence.


Compassion and unconditional love will be needed as never before ~ Michael channeled by Ron Head

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Compassion and unconditional love will be needed as never before ~ Michael channeled by Ron Head


March 13, 2012



Our topic tonight is truth.  Many of you have written volumes expounding upon the nature of truth.  Truth is actually very simple.  Truth is what is, as opposed to what is not.  The problem is not in defining it.  The problem lies in perceiving it.  When you are lied to, when the most important facts are kept from you, when you do not allow yourself to see clearly, truth is almost impossible to know.  If suddenly you are given access to many, many facts that have been hidden from you, many of you will react in anger and fear.  If many of those revelations are counter to your most cherished beliefs, many who are weak or inflexible will need a great deal of help in coming to grips with their new reality. 



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