~The Sound of Silence~

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A message from Sarah~Jane Grace

Tuesday, 13 March, 2012 



Twenty-first century life is frenetic, chaotic and full of hustle and bustle. It can be so hard to find truly ‘quiet moments’ without the mobile (cell) phone buzzing, an email pinging into the inbox, things to buy, people to meet, work to do, life to live and jobs to complete! It is all too easy to become caught up in the cycle of busy-ness that seems to encapsulate living in the modern world. Once caught up, we can become prisoners of our own making, for we just have to keep on keeping on, so we can keep on keeping on!


We have become finger snappingly demanding, expecting things to happen instantaneously so we can keep on keeping on. An email that takes a whole day to be answered now feels like we are being ignored, or a vibrating mobile phone just ‘has’ to be answered even if we are trying to rest, eat or live life. We may prefer totext rather than use our voices as it involves less ‘energy’ and time, and it makes sharing difficult things appear easier to handle.


~ Intense Energy Period, although it appears quiet~

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March 2012: Make Ripples

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Monday, 12 March, 2012  



This is the month when the proverbial rubber meets the road. Also when the you-know-what hits the fan. Know why? Because this is the month when you get bigger. You take steps. You enlarge your sphere. You become more of You. You get closer to the Self that you are creating, the You that you always have been but have not yet become.


Why will you being more of You create ripples? To begin with, your every step and breath creates ripples around you that emanate outward in ever-increasing circles. This phenomena is part of your interconnected human existence. A constant truth.

Why Will The Ripple Effect Increase Now?

The manuscript of survival ~ part 103

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The manuscript of survival ~ part 103

13 March 2012 - 10:26am |  aisha north

Today we would like to take the opportunity to delve deeper into the mysteries of the last few days, as to many, they cannot fathom the depths these impacts of energy will have not only on them personally, but also to your world. You see, these seemingly innocuous streams of multicoloured lights that accompanied these storms were not the only fallout from all of this. No, they were merely the icing on the cake so to speak. Let us explain.


Dick Cheney cancels Toronto trip, says Canada is too dangerous

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GFP Commentary:

So, I simply feel that our dear Dick Chain-oh-noo does not want to be arrested on foreign soil, and he does not want to disappoint all Americans when they see him arrested in his own  home... 

 so this is maybe why he refusing to give any more speeches... He will surrender him self like a big boy in Washington DC, with the rest of local US patsies... And he will stand in front of Army Officers and admit crimes against Humanity, against all the Americans, against all the countries people they waged the wars...

And all you have to do is to forgive him, and to have a compassion for his soul, as you do not want to carry his responsibility of getting angry or even upset... Be joyfully as there is Gods presence here on Earth, and be filled with gratitude that all is perfect as it is... 

James MacManis: Gaia’s Spring Housecleaning

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James MacManis: Gaia’s Spring Housecleaning

2012 March 13

Gaia’s Spring Housecleaning

James McManis, March 13, 2012


The absolutely fascinating news on the internet news circuit these days is the on-going discussion of what Gaia is doing with her spring housecleaning. The news is so advanced and evocative that one can hardly say that it is a mere ‘shifting the deck chairs on the Titanic’.

We, all of Gaia’s beloved children are being asked to ‘pitch in’ to help with this housecleaning. Gaia, or Mother Earth, is a great exalted being, multi-dimensional in nature, who, as an example, has provided for each of us, through eons of time, the garments we wear in our sojourn through the dimension we know as space/time. We most often call these garments our ‘bodies’.


Angela Peregoff ~ There Is Only One Life

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Angela Peregoff ~ There Is Only One Life


The Morning Blessing | March 13 2012

There is only One life – that life is God’s life. It is the primary energy of the Universe. It is the holy place of reverence for all living things and it flows through me, making me its pattern of God’s grace in the circle of life. The beauty of this great planet is glorious, and I am blessed to be part of such a magnificent world.


God implants every beloved human being with a desire for love, peace, and unity. These are the treasures of Self that now come forth and bloom into fullness of being for every soul. I am at peace when I acknowledge and nurture my oneness with everything and everyone. I develop peace in my heart, and it radiates out to the world as love, compassion, and harmony.


I know love and harmony with all. My inner peace ripples out to affect all others throughout the world; at a result, there is a new teaching of peace that blankets the Earth. With a heart filled with gratitude and thanksgiving, I now release my word to see this empowerment realized. And so it is.


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