A message from Sarah~Jane Grace
Tuesday, 13 March, 2012

Twenty-first century life is frenetic, chaotic and full of hustle and bustle. It can be so hard to find truly ‘quiet moments’ without the mobile (cell) phone buzzing, an email pinging into the inbox, things to buy, people to meet, work to do, life to live and jobs to complete! It is all too easy to become caught up in the cycle of busy-ness that seems to encapsulate living in the modern world. Once caught up, we can become prisoners of our own making, for we just have to keep on keeping on, so we can keep on keeping on!
We have become finger snappingly demanding, expecting things to happen instantaneously so we can keep on keeping on. An email that takes a whole day to be answered now feels like we are being ignored, or a vibrating mobile phone just ‘has’ to be answered even if we are trying to rest, eat or live life. We may prefer totext rather than use our voices as it involves less ‘energy’ and time, and it makes sharing difficult things appear easier to handle.