The manuscript of survival ~ part 97

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The manuscript of survival ~ part 97

6 March 2012 - 3:59pm |  aisha north

First of all, let us take this opportunity to congratulate you all on completing another installment of this saga. You might not be aware of this, but you have just finished downloading another increment of the literally life-changing bouts of energy that is constantly being beamed not only into you, but also the whole of your planet. It might not feel like much at the moment, but this bout of boosting codes where amongst the most important ones you have received up until now.

Visionkeeper ~ What Stories Will We Tell?

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Visionkeeper ~ What Stories Will We Tell?

Posted on


March 6, 2012

by Gillian


One World Rising | March 6 2012


I look at this tree and see stories. Stories of how it became twisted and somewhat gnarled. A story of how it came to be where it sits in this picture, where did it come from, who planted it, how long has it been growing, what stories does it have to tell? Many stories I am sure. It looks old and well-worn so to speak. It is regal looking and beautiful.

Oracle Report ~ Tuesday March 6 2012

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Oracle Report ~ Tuesday March 6 2012



Oracle Report | Gibbous Moon Phase

Today we have conflicting energies in the air. Reverberations from the alignment of Earth and Mars, in opposition to the Sun, continue, producing the volcanic, cathartic effects that have been prevalent for a couple of weeks. This is serving to correct the course of our lives, but it is difficult energy that is causing increased anxiety, impulsivity, and anger. But a new wave of energy is also entering – one designed to bring a refreshing rebirth and a new perspective that will culminate on March 14th with a massive planetary alignment.

We can now re-engage and take action, whereas lately we have had to surrender to the the flow of the Universe. The resistance will lessen as we approach March 14th, when we will receive a massive “upgrade” to our energetic bodies. So we want to consciously connect with this newer wave today and allow the Mars energy to wane.

3.5.12 Power is Already Yours. Claim It NOW, Beloveds!

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3.5.12 Power is Already Yours. Claim It NOW, Beloveds!



3/5/12 Love/Light Message from the celestial team

Ah, Beloveds! We greet you once more with frequencies of fervent, earnest desire to reach your hearts–


We are most excited to be greeting you through this transmission, as we always, always, are! Many of you have felt our trembling, “fizzy,” excitement before as you allowed our frequencies entry into your hearts. In your language, a description of our great excitement might be that after we join with Judith our earthly aspect for the transmission and translation process, we hold our breath in hopeful anticipation as she presses the “send” button on her computer! Then, we hover and watch for days afterward, pulsing out our love to you, joining you as you allow us to, assisting you in receiving the activating frequencies we offer to each one of you, individually.


Lisa Gawlas ~ The Garden Of Your Life Thru March ~ Cleaning & Creating! ~ 6 March 2012

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Lisa Gawlas ~ The Garden Of Your Life Thru March ~ Cleaning & Creating! ~ 6 March 2012


I am so grateful to have arrived with two feet firmly planted into the highly intense energies of March.  It seems to have opened its door and is blowing the winds of change at hurricane force thru the lives and hearts of everyone… some way, some how.  These are no ordinary winds… no sir-ee!  These winds contain some of the highest charged particles of energy I have felt ever… and the collective purpose… phew baby!  And for a change (smile) providing understandings of clarity.


First of all… and one you will experience the either or, or maybe even a combination of the two… is the intense cleansing process happening within the highly charged energy of March.

Its ultimate purpose is to ignite the high magnetic frequency of alignment.  Starting with the human energy field.


~Space Weather~ Solar Activity Increasing~ Chance of Flares~

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CHANCE OF FLARES: Today, NOAA forecasters estimate a 75% chance of M-class solar flares and a 30% chance of an X-flare from big sunspot AR1429.The active region is slowly turning to face Earth, so if any such eruptions do occur, they are increasingly likely to be geoeffective. Solar flare alerts: text, phone.


AURORA WATCH: High-latitude sky watchers should be alert for auroras on March 6th and 7th. Sunspot AR1429 has hurled two CMEs into space since it emerged over the weekend. Neither cloud is heading directly toward Earth, but both could deliver glancing blows to our planet's magnetic field. NOAA forecasters say there is a 30% to 40% chance of polar geomagnetic storms during the next 24-48 hours.


Even before the CMEs arrive, auroras are already dancing around the Arctic Circle:



"Even the bright moon and street lights couldn't hide the auroras on March 4th," says photographer Timo Newton-Syms of Ruka, Finland. "They lasted for a couple of hours after dusk, sometimes with short bursts all over the sky." Aurora alerts: text, phone.

HEAVEN #4120 What Was All the Fuss About?, March 6, 2012

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HEAVEN #4120 What Was All the Fuss About?, March 6, 2012 

God said: 


Love is equal. You may want to be the most loved being in the whole word, and you are. My love is limitless. Therefore, everyone is the most loved being in the world. In terms of love, there is no deviation. My love is full-blast. My love encompasses all. I do not make evaluations. I have so many other better matters to take care of. Do you possibly imagine that I would occupy Myself with sorting and hypothesizing? Naturally, I occupy Myself otherwise.

The fact is I choose to occupy Myself with what matters and is easy for Me and what, in other words, I cannot help but focus on.


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I have been asked by Sage Bodisattva to participate in a project: the making of a documentary. I was asked to make a short video, 3 minutes or less, where I address these questions on awareness, the fundamental essence, and the source of all things: What's the common foundational substance that ALL things break down into? What is the source of this foundational substance? And who exactly is aware of all this?


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