Hello members of the forum~ WE Have Arrived~

Maria de la Luz's picture


Hello dear ones, my name is Maria-luz and I am going to be around here often as I can as I have been assigned the task of interacting with the forum members and introducing topics of interest from time to time to speak about. Here At The Galactic Free Press.

I have already read some of your messages and find them very interesting and at times quite moving too.

We are going through really amazing times and it will be a pleasure to share our experiences and worries with love and respect, as well as giving each other some piece of advice whenerver we can.

Much love and joy to you all on my behalf.

And remember that your kindness through being peaceful paves the way for others.. and that you in yourselves are a self-shinning star, let us play with eachother.. and make beautiful light.



~The Galactic Free Press Daily Update~ 3~6~12 The Big Energy Push Forward at The Breaking Point~

Lia's picture

~The Galactic Free Press Daily Update~ 3~6~12




~Bringing Humanity Home~ Energy and Event Update~ The Big Energy Push Forward at The Breaking Point~


The Eye~ by Will Harader


Greetings Love Beings~ In February we announced that indeed the Separation from the world to the Living Planet had begun. Today, we entered a big energy push forward in that Movement, although it appears calm, if you are sensitive you could feel the intensity of this energy, similar to waves of energy washing over you. This Energetic Point, represents a crossroads and the breaking point, multi~dimensionally. Through this breaking point much will now come to the forefront and events are going to begin spiraling from everywhere.


EARTH ALLIES 6.3.12... V for Victory and see Boo Walker shines like a true star... Billy the behind closed Gate's... Greeks and their OHI... ~ by Predrag/Saint Germain

AnaShyNa's picture


GLR Predrag/Saint Germain

[small disclaimer: I am much prettier with no mask...]




Did you watched movie 'V for Vendetta..."?... I would highly recommend, and please, pay attention not on explosions but on words, and complete paradigm shift that our Mr. V [who call himself villain and victim in one...] is so elegantly giving to all the people of this very totalitarian system...

This system is true example where we are in right now, with total controls over our life’s, with media manipulations, with mind controls, with information fabrications, with UFO ignorance...


You can see in the movie quite a lot what is coming in our near future where concepts of numbers and Anonymity will prevail even in this big play that we are all in... yet it will not stop only there... It will become the biggest celebration of Human who just discovered TRUE FREEDOM...


Galactic Earth Daily Truth Report 03-06-2012...

glr_Andrea's picture



Galactic Earth Daily Truth Report 03-06-2012...


...as not seen on the mainstreem media



by ANdReA




Relatively quite day today, Sun “only” had a fiew M-Class Flair and no “major” EQ –of course if we use new coordinates of what a major EQ might be-. Mother Earth=Heart as well needs some rest, especially when preparing for Big Shifts All Over. So be in peace and enjoy your Ride.



Mars Has Close Encounter with Earth Tonight (Mar.5, 2012)

~Power Path Full Moon Update March 8, 2012 with Pat Liles~

Lia's picture



 Commentary with Lena Stevens~Dear Friends, 

The Full Moon is Thursday, March 8 at 2:41 AM Mountain Standard Time. This full moon is a perfect opportunity to make a plan and commit to taking some action towards manifesting. Start with a fresh plan even if it has elements of a plan from the past. What is it that you want right now at this moment for yourself? How are you going to get there? You do not need to know all the steps, just the first one. Beware of the tendency to look towards others to do it for you. There is no power in that. This is a time to make your own bid for power. Spirit is certainly listening and if your bid is from the heart and not from ego, and if you are ready for it, it will happen sooner than you can imagine. Remember to practice patience as all things come in their own time. Take action but don't micromanage!



Written by Patricia Liles.
Contact her at PATLILES@aol.com


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