What energy and experiences can we expect in March 2012? ~ Jen Eramith MA

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GLR Jen Eramith MA

What energy and experiences can we expect in March 2012?



The energy this month is like a beating heart, it has a pulse. There is a feeling that things coming in and going out. There is a feeling of things moving forward and then backward. There is a rhythm to this month and if you can find that sense of rhythm and go along when things move up and go along when things go down, you will find that this month can feel very powerful. It can take you to a deeper place in a way that is similar to the beating of a drum taking you to a deeper place inside yourself and in your connection with Spirit. If you are not willing to move with the rhythm of the month, you are going to find yourself really struggling to find balance. It will feel like you are being tossed around in different directions and it will be difficult to stay on course.

Nancy Tate ~ Wake Up Call ~ Horus And Adama ~ 6 March 2012

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Nancy Tate ~ Wake Up Call ~ Horus And Adama ~ 6 March 2012

I am Horus once again this day, and I am here to bring you up to date on a message that Adama brought forth in Sept of 2007. In that report he told of changes that were taking place, and what was behind several of the issues that have been in place since this whole experience on earth began. In that message Adama told of what was being done and had taken place at that time. I now go from there.
With all that has been taking place in the world and the assistance from the family in the universe, we are cleaning up much of the debris that has been accumulated by the ones who seek to disempower humanity. We are clearing away the nuclear waste activity that has been prevalent and are seeing to it that no more is brought into the environment.
We are clearing away the substances that have been accumulated by the use of pesticides and irresponsible behavior by the ones who would see the use of these to disallow the power that you all are created with. We see that there is much that can be done in this way by all of you, and that many of you are stepping into that ability and making a difference.

~ The Path of Consciousness ~ by Jennifer Hoffman

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 ~ The Path of Consciousness ~

by Glactic Love Reporter Jennifer Hoffman


Enlightening Life | March 4 2012

Many people are looking for greater meaning, purpose and clarity in their lives today through the path of consciousness. They believe that if they were more conscious life would exist at a higher level, and be more joyful and fulfilling. The idea that consciousness embodies a higher state of being is only half of the story because when look for higher truth from consciousness, it becomes a means of escaping ourselves. Because we build a link from consciousness to spiritual wholeness, we deny who we are and what we have created, we think that we could do better, be more, or experience life in a more fulfilling way if we could be ‘more’ conscious. This creates a mindset where we think that the answers we are looking for are somewhere outside of ourselves, even within the path of consciousness. We believe that conscious beings (or conscious human beings) don’t commit murder, steal, hate and discriminate. We think that we because those things exist we live in an unconscious world and that is not true.

Kryon ~ Reawakening Yourselves

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2nd February 21012 : Kaunas, Lithuania
"Reawakening Yourselves"




Greetings dear ones, for I Am Kryon of Magnetic Service.

It’s wonderful for us in the spirit world to be back in Lithuania on this cold winter’s evening.

Dear ones, a new world is coming and the universe is moving into order; the planets, the stars and the solar system are moving to create new beginnings on this earth, completely changing the energies of the earth plane.

Bill Ballard ~ Volcanic Plumes Over Southern USA (5 March 2012) ~ 6 March 2012

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Bill Ballard ~ Volcanic Plumes Over Southern USA (5 March 2012) ~ 6 March 2012


Something very interesting is going on all over the Southeastern USA. It seems to be volcanic plumes or steam clouds that is occurring in dozens of places all over the south today. A few days back there were several known “extinct” volcanos steaming including the Crater of Diamonds in Arkansas. Even near where I lived in southern Mississippi is showing signs of plumes erupting today. Dutchsinse just put out todays coverage of this at this link below. If you are interested in the past events this last week scroll through his videos of the past days.

Volcanic Plumes

3/4/12 | There has been a large uptick in Earthquake activity and Dutch also made a video earlier of whats going on Globally. Please note that this video is taken from the USGS information and at best only shows 1/4 of all Earthquakes globally. I am posting the Global Earthquake overview here

Global Earthquake Overview

3/5/12 | Since the Global Earthquake overview was posted a 6.1 happened in Argentina


~March of Truth~

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March Energy Update: Awakening Flows into Transparency, the Seat of Your Awareness Elevates

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03 March 2012

There are huge signs available to us now of the immense progress of our personal awakening/divine embodiment and the ascension of our planet into higher frequencies. We can see now how much of what we’ve experienced has led us to a point where we are now energized and empowered enough to focus upon creativity. It’s a joyous amazing time for any who are feeling this shift, and a powerful and encouraging sign paving the way for those in next wave and those waking up!


The Energy of March is amping toward the Equinox. This momentum initiated in December at the Solstice as the Arcs between these alignments in the precession of the Equinoxes and the Solstices increase in impact.


Veronica ~ It Brings Joy Within

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Veronica ~ It Brings Joy Within


April Crawford | Inner Whispers | March 6  2012


In the linear it often becomes imperative for you to solve all difficulties immediately. A feeling of despair may arise if a solution is not available in the next moment.


Remember that one incarnates to expand and learn. Many of those difficulties are created and co-created by your own energy. You may exclaim that that is not the case! “Why would I create a problem for myself or allow another to create it for me?”


It is understood that all want to have a harmonious care free existence. Your physical self most likely has a very long list of things that would do just that. By remembering your soulful intentions the difficulties can be examined to find the opportunity of expansion within them.


Take a good look at what has been created to take in the lessens involved. By doing so, you are finding solutions while allowing your energy to grow in the process.



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