Equinox Meditation​: Tenth Step in a Cycle of 12 Globally Synchroniz​ed Meditation​s

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Jean Hudon globalvisionary@earthrainbownetwork.com
2:06 AM (6 hours ago)



Squirming.. Straddling.. Surfing.. Surrendering..

Lia's picture

Squirming.. Straddling.. Surfing.. Surrendering..

2012 March 5
Posted by Vina

For many, the shifts continue to arrive in quantum leaps and bounds. For others, it appears like groundhog day or slow snail pace. For me, it’s often fast and furious. One minute, I’m riding the crest of the wave, dancing the zuvaya. Next minute, I’m getting dumped by a tsunami tidal wave and I don’t know whether to laugh, cry, continue dancing or just allow myself to indulge in a combination of oscillating emotions all in the same moment.

A bit dramatic, one might say.


I’m sure many can relate in their own way. Most times, I just remember to catch my breathe, before I try articulating or expressing any of  the rapid shifts.



glr_Andrea's picture


5th to 11th March



 *There seems to be a recurring pattern forming...one of a couple of weeks with the same chakra, which can only mean we still need to focus on this area. This week we are still called to focus on our Crown chakra, the 7th chakra of enlightenment, awakening and unity.  
After the Sun at the 7th chakra last week we are given the gift of the 'Energy' planet Mars, to help us to bring energy, drive and, finally, 'accomplishment' to what we may have started last week.
A special channeling has come through for this week folks...so read on and enjoy...have a wonderful week!


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