Emergence Turns Resistance into Revolutions

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Emergence Turns Resistance into Revolutions

2012 MARCH 6
Posted by Galactic Love Reporter BZ Riger

Family of Mohammed Bouazizi

Reposted from Oct. 30, 2011

by Steve Beckow

What turns mere resistance into revolutions is emergence. What galvanizes people, brings tears to their eyes, sees the birth of resolve and the renewal of commitment is emergence.  Moments of emergence define revolutions, are romanticized, and remain the stuff of memory when all else fades.

Energy IS Conscoiusness - by Jani King

glr_Andrea's picture



Today we are giving you a little background about how you create your reality day-by-day. For those of you who may not be so familiar with these concepts, it is likened unto a crash course.

Consciousness. Energy is consciousness. Every cell in your body has its own consciousness and every consciousness is linked. You are separate from nobody and no thing.

That which is termed the concept of telepathy, we would say rather 'telempathy' - empathetic telepathic communication -- ALL of you have this ability. All of you do indeed operate at this telempathic level.

~ Did we say Love came With Surprise's? We Were Not kidden~

Lia's picture

~Thank You Humanity for beginning to Pay Attention, that We Are Here... WE are Real, and The Dreams You Asked Love, are Coming True~ Not one illusionary thing can stop Love. Love has Arrived! Destiny is Alive and Unfolding!


That is why we are Here~ Love Mother and Father God and The GFP Staff



X5.4 Solar Flare Update~Quake Watch!

Lia's picture

CME IMPACT: A coronal mass ejection (CME) hit Earth's magnetic field on March 7th at approximately 0400 UT. The impact was not a strong one, but it could stir up polar geomagnetic storms anyway. High-latitude sky watchers should be alert for auroras. Aurora alerts: text, phone.


MAJOR SOLAR FLARE: Big sunspot AR1429 has unleashed another major flare. This one is the strongest yet, an X5-class eruption on March 7th at 00:28 UT. NASA's Solar Dynamics Observatory recorded the extreme UV flash:



This eruption hurled a bright CME into space. First-look data from STEREO-B are not sufficient to determine if the cloud is heading for Earth. Our best guess is "probably, yes, but not directly toward Earth." A glancing blow to our planet's magnetosphere is possible on March 8th or 9th. Stay tuned for updates. Solar flare alerts: text, phone.


Pics all courtesy of Spaceweather.com



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