Ben Fulford (Mar 5 2012) ~ The Hunt Is On, Cabal Arrests Accelerating

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Ben Fulford (Mar 5 2012) ~ The Hunt Is On, Cabal Arrests Accelerating



Benjamin Fulford | March 5 2012

UPDATE TO POST BELOW FROM BEN: Update on the “death” of Lord James Blackheath. The just published Weekly Geopolitical News and Analysis20120305 states that Lord James Blackheath was murdered by the cabal. The source for this information was a member of the Rothschild family. The Wikipedia entry on Lord Blackheath also stated that he died on February 29th. However, a spokesperson for the House of Lords in the UK said that “as far as we know he is alive and well.” [Please note: The Wiki entry included above does NOT show a death date for Blackheath, just a short paragraph at the bottom concerning his Feb 16th speech about the cabal ~G]

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Oracle Report ~ Monday March 5 2012

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Oracle Report ~ Monday March 5 2012


Oracle Report | Gibbous Moon Phase

The alignment of Earth and Mars reaches a climax, making it imperative that we practice the art of surrender and take the plunge today. Don’t push forward because the energies need to take their course. The way you’ll know that you are not surrendering is when you become frustrated or when you have to do things over again. Of all of the days this year, today is the day to let the waves take you where they will (hence the waterfall picture).


In addition to this, the Sun is erupting plasma into our electric universe, which plays on the electromagnetic fields of the body of the Earth and our bodies. It causes events and situations to transpire in our lives.


View all of this as a massive correction that is happening to make our lives better. Slow down and use your energy to keep your cool and contain yourself, especially with others. You may find yourself becoming annoyed with people, impatient (especially while traveling), and overwhelmed by responsibilities. (This energy is effecting Virgos and Pisces the strongest. They are experiencing the most challenge, but will reap the most reward when Mars stations direct in April.)

SaLuSa 5~March~2012 The good news about the changes cannot be held back for much longer

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SaLuSa  5~March~2012

The good news about the changes cannot be held back for much longer, as it will be seen as too important for the whole world not to share the knowledge. The Internet is alive with information, and more people than ever are coming forward. After months and years of preparation, a sudden push has started a whole series of arrests and resignations, that is sending fear through the ranks of the dark Ones. Having felt that they were safe and beyond reproach, they are shocked to find that they are now vulnerable. There will be no let up until the Illuminati are removed from their positions of power, and that is proceeding with all speed. It is enabling other missions to also move faster, and the way is being opened for the governmental changes to be lined up. It is all part of the continuing collapse of the old system, and no matter what is done to prop it up it will never be the same again.


~Space Weather Update~ Sun is Very Active~ X~ Class Flare

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CLOSE ENCOUNTER WITH MARS: Today, Mars is at its closest to Earth for 2012. The Red Planet is only 101 million km away and shines about six times brighter than a 1st magnitude star. Look for it in the eastern sky at sunset. The burnt-orange color of Mars is very distinctive, especially when seen from rural areas with clear skies. [sky map] [images: #1, #2, #3]


STRONG SOLAR ACTIVITY: Solar activity is now high. Big sunspot AR1429, which emerged on March 2nd, is crackling with strong flares. This morning brought the strongest so far--an X1-class eruption on March 5th at 0413 UT. NASA's Solar Dynamics Observatory recorded the extreme ultraviolet flash:



German prosecutors launch 80 raids in insider probe ~ Reuters, Thursday March 1 2012

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German prosecutors launch 80 raids in insider probe

  • Reuters, 
MUNICH, March 1 (Reuters) - Police in several European countries have raided more than 80 properties in a probe by German prosecutors into stock market manipulation, the Munich prosecutors office said on Thursday.

116 RESIGNATIONS FROM WORLD BANKS 3/2/12 ~ by American Kabuki

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Updated 3/3/12 Added named anchor to quickly access end of list.

Recent updates 3/2/12: More resignations, removed Kenya Central Bank Governor as he is under pressure to resign but has not officially done so, same goes with the Ugandan Central Bank Governor. Added additional information on Vatican Bank (IOR).

Free Energy is Here Now - A Project Nsearch Story ~ 3.3.12

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Free Energy is Here Now - A Project Nsearch Story

Dear Friends, I have received the following e-mail from Project.Nsearch creator, Glenn Canady: 

"I need your help. Make sure that you go to this page that contains the interview we did about the free energy device from South Africa that can power your home and share it to your facebook and every where else you can think of I'm being censored and really need your help telling everybody you know so they can't stop the word from getting out! (...) Thanks for your support!" 

"Free Energy is here NOW and nobody is going to stop it this time!" 



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