Michael says Sarah now is the opening of the vortex

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Michael says Sarah now is the opening of the vortex

I am gods love in action

I am gods will in action

I am gods creative intelligence in action

I am for you, you are for me

all is one


2 days ago I conducted a ceremony with steven Blue star and a crystal child. Much preperation had gone into this, Arc Angel Michael says I must share and speak for it is the will of the heavens.He has been giving us information, and a sort of upgrade over the last few weeks as we all sleep, we have been shown sacred geometry, I have been shown how to read all the starseeded codes,my understanding of astro physics was increased, I learnt to become the Merkabah and I knew there was a calling. I also knew this was not just for me and I needed the help of others for this calling.


All information I needed came to me as it should and I had to learn to process my mind and my body. for we all have been changed.I also Thank Peter for helping with this.


A message to the Universe from The Pleiadian Ring of 500 ~ Affiliates of The Pleiadian Council of Light

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A message to the Universe from The Pleiadian Ring of 500 ~ Affiliates of The Pleiadian Council of Light

Posted by Freer Spirit on February 26, 2012

The following is a telepathic message I received this morning from my Pleiadian family, also known as “The Ring of 500″ who, I am told, are affiliates of The Pleiadian Council of Light. Please read with heartfelt discernment with the knowledge that telepathic channels can sometimes be garbled or misinterpreted by the receiver.


We are pleased, Jen, that you have invited us to share our views on the current state of the Universe with your friends and readers. We are The Pleiadian Ring of 500, Affiliates of The Pleaidian Council of Light. Our Ring of 500 consists of 250 pairs of Twin Flame Soul Mates. Our exact mission with the planet Earth is to bring our Twin-Flame energy to raise the vibrations on the planet and assist each and every incarnated soul on the planet to ascension, which is fast approaching. Although we don’t delve too much into politics, as we are spiritual beings, and we do not feel that politics or “financial affairs” are at all “spiritual,” we do understand what a large part these paradigms play in the “game of life” there on Earth. So, without further ado, we will share with you what we see from our “bird’s-eye view” of your planet.


Delete this Program or "Does my Butt Look Fat in this Human Suit?"

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Delete this Program or "Does my Butt Look Fat in this Human Suit?"

 by Luminance River



Our beliefs are handed to us, by a large extent, by our families. Those beliefs were handed to them and they passed them on unknowingly, even though many beliefs are harmful to us and them as well. Media and culture has shoved certain belief sets down our throats without us even noticing, or noticing what it does to us. You probably have noticed that the fashion and entertainment industry create an image of what the perfect man and woman should look like.

UFOs Have Visited Earth on a Spiritual Mission

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UFOs Have Visited Earth on a Spiritual Mission



McNair Ezzard captivated an audience of 150 members of the  Santa Cruz community with his out-of-this-world subject.

By Juan Reyes

February 19, 2012




The space people are real and they have visited earth more often than imagined, McNair Ezzard told a packed house at the Louden Nelson Community Center Saturday afternoon.

More than 150 people packed the room to hear him speak and view films of UFO sightings. (Ezzard, who showed up 10 minutes late, could have used an otherworldly craft himself.)

“The space people are here on a mission to help humanity” said Ezzard.


~Stay Balanced ~ Deep Cleansing in process

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Elections symbolize the heart of what free countries are grounded on !

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Canadians and citizens around the world, in one collective voice it is time to say NO MORE! We the people have all rights to full disclosure of all truths relative to our country and our world - including and foremost - behind-the-curtain election corruptions. Millions world-wide are ready for full disclosure of all truths about war, our histories, the evolution of Mother Earth, our innate ability to heal ourselves without pharmaceuticals and so so much more. People worldwide are waking up and remembering who they are. We are meant to live in love and light, communities sharing pure food water and love of children and animals. We are meant to T H R I V E - research Foster Gamble's work - Follow the money! Government leaders, scientists, directors ... now is your time to move into the light and make your monumental impact that moves us all, AS ONE, into the light. The world is watching! With so much love and light, Dawn.



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