Health Benefits of Honey

glr_Andrea's picture

Health Benefits of Honey




The 3 key health benefits of honey are related to the fact that: 1. Honey is nature's energy booster 

2. Honey is a great immunity system builder 

3. Honey is a natural remedy for many ailments 

Read below for details.



Compte de Saint Germain's - What's next? by Aruna

glr_Andrea's picture


Compte de Saint Germain's - What's next? 

My dear ones. My teachings are now more about awakening than continent alterations, but this does not mean that there are no changes coming. What has already been said was needed to set the context for what my newer teachings are about. What happens next cannot be the constant focus of my chelas. Nothing that details controller activities or mass consciousness content answers today's greatest need: total awakening in those masters who have already ascended to 5th dimension consciousness.

Kauilapele ~ Benjamin Fulford On Workers Radio Sydney From Febr. 29th 2012 Including Links To Mp3 And Videos ~ 4 March 2012

Lia's picture

Kauilapele ~ Benjamin Fulford On Workers Radio Sydney From Febr. 29th 2012 Including Links To Mp3 And Videos ~ 4 March 2012



Benjamin Fulford is a journalist living in Japan is interviewed by WorkersRadioSydney 88.9fm in Australia by Host Jack Frost and ChrispyT (love the names!). Found this at RMN. The videos links are below (each opens in a new tab or window; and each has some neat cartoon and other pictures), followed by list of the mp3s created from them. I found this, as usual with Ben, a fascinating listen. He speaks of many things, in particular, the role of Prince Harry in the new financial scheme of things.


Videos Links


Spacemuffin ~ The Winds Of Change

Lia's picture

Spacemuffin ~ The Winds Of Change


Spacemuffin2012 | March 4 2012

Readiness is everything and the winds of change are starting to blow. For all the waiting we’ve done, only those who have prepared the ground will be available to the troubled world once the media is infiltrated. Do you have your speeches prepared? Do you know what you are going to say? Do you even know where to begin? How do you feel about public speaking? Are you connected to your community, and do those who know you, trust you? We should at least have some vague idea of where to begin, and what to say in some public arena . It’s great to be awake and aware, but we also need to be prepared. It’s not far off now. Let’s turn a magnifying glass to March, April, and May of 2012. Two I Ching oracles were drawn for guidance for this article. Some of this may be repetitive, but it’s better to be overly prepared than unready.


Undersea data cables linking East Africa, Middle East, and Europe CUT!

grailheart magi's picture

Originally posted by Andrew Veresay


"Epic net outage in Africa as FOUR undersea cables chopped February 28, 2012 Underwater data cables linking East Africa to the Middle East and Europe have been severed, bringing transfer rates to their knees in nine countries. It is alleged that in a bizarre coincidence, a ship dropped an anchor off the coast of Kenya on Saturday in a restricted area, cutting The East African Marine Systems (TEAM…"




Blessings, peace and joy to All!



3/4/2012 -- Global Earthquake Overview : Unrest = watch Americas, Europe, West Pacific, Asia

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