~The Galactic Free Press Daily Update~ 3~3~12 Big Changes Up Ahead for Humanity and Quickly

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~The Galactic Free Press Daily Update~ 3~3~12



~Bringing Humanity Home~ Energy and Event Update~ Big changes Up ahead for Humanity and Quickly



~Greetings Love Beings... We just went through a Record breaking Weather Event with reports of around 100 tornado's, according to the Weather Channel. These Events as well as others, are going to begin to unfold quickly now. We Send all our Love into these area's and encourage them to Love Each other and use these moments of connecting. For those that left the Planet Yesterday, they left as a Group. We thank them for their service in assisting us, in removing more Unconsiousness. This is helping the intense energy move forward at an even faster rate. Everyone is safe on the Starships and are being taken care of. This energy event, has opened up the Space for more Love intensity to come in.


~Intensity incoming~


Coronal Holes: 02 Mar 12

EARTH ALLIES REPORT 3.3.12:... We are rapidly growing in NUMBERS... Numbers of Resignations, Awakenings, Arrests, tornados, volcanos... Is it always bigger the Better?...

AnaShyNa's picture

EARTH ALLIES REPORT 3.3.12:... We are rapidly growing in NUMBERS... Numbers of Resignations, Awakenings, Arrests, tornados, volcanos... Is it always bigger the Better?... 


by GLR Predrag/Saint Germain





Yes, it is... The Bigger the Better... and not only for resignations or arrests, but for fully awaken souls around this beautiful and powerful soul called Gaia...



glr_Andrea's picture

ATTENTION: All you rule-breakers, you misfits & troublemakers, all you free-spirits & pioneers... Everything the establishment has told you is wrong with you - is actually what's right with you... 
Go here: http://WayseerManifesto.com
Get it on iTunes: http://bit.ly/eM2jy4


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