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 posted on March 4, 2012



 by Galactic Love Reporter Marlene Swetlishoff

March 4-11, 2012



Beloved Ones,

Each of you is caught up in the cleansing and clearing process which is making some of you feel that you will be stuck in this metamorphosis stage forever. 

Take heart, Dear Ones, for you are not alone. This is a mass clearing that is now taking place and there is no one upon the face of this Planet who is exempt from it. The higher frequency now manifesting in the atmosphere of the Earth is initiating great changes within every structure upon your Planet. 

HEAVEN #4118 In the Mirror of God's Heart, March 4, 2012

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HEAVEN #4118 In the Mirror of God's Heart, March 4, 2012 

God said: 


Be at ease, beloveds. Home is where I AM, for where I am are you. There is no apartness. There is no moment when you are not safe in the depths of My heart. There is one outcome in life, and that is to wind up with Me. Not only that, you start from Me, and you never leave, so to be with Me is status quo. There is no changing it. There is no departing from it. It is a constant. You are nowhere but with Me.


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Some see the shift we are in as jumping into an entirely new reality, leaving the old behind. Maybe this is how it will happen. However, I see a different senario for the unfolding of the new paradigm. I see a bridge being built that will be self evident of the shift from the old to the new. It is like building a bridge connecting our past with our future that will allow those not ready now to walk freely into the higher energies by choice. I hear a Cosmic and Global call for bridge-builders.

3/3/2012 -- Sakurajima Volcano -- IMPRESSIVE explosive eruptions w/ static discharge lightning

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Two eruptions -- both producing very large explosions of lava and ash -- plus static discharge lightning in the ash clouds...

Seen on March 3, into March 4 2012 (JST japan standard time). 

This volcano continues to be on "high alert" for the possibility of a LARGE SCALE eruption which could produce a multiple km pyroclastic debris flow..

mirrored with permission from:


3/4/2012 -- Arkansas Plumes erupt again -- DORMANT VOLCANOES at epicenters

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The chances of this being a series of "wildfires" that erupt at the same rough time each day, that only go for a few hours ... that only seem to be coming from dormant volcanic areas , VISIBLE FROM SPACE, ALL ERUPTING AT THE SAME TIME over multiple days now... those chances are starting to slim down dramatically.

Erupting from the ground.. from areas such as Hot Springs, Murfreesboro crater of Diamonds volcano, or Sulphur Springs (all in the Arkansas dormant volcanic chain along the edge of the North American Craton/plate). Maybe dormant volcanoes are prone to burning.. or heating up?? From past experience (pisgah crater) seems reports of almost anything surface .. skeptics of any form of volcanic venting have said OFFICIAL reports are "out of control wildfires" OR "control burns done yearly" OR "convection of ground level moisture producing a cloud plume from the ground" OR "farmers burning old crops" OR "trash burns of tires" ... ... lol @ all the official explanations being thrown around... 

Everyone proclaiming to know the answer.. yet Im seeing Steam/Clouds of some kind come off dormant volcanoes... and the only explanation being given is "fires". hmm

While I HAVE already formed my opinion on what I think these may be (venting of steam due to pressure along the edge of the craton -- occurring only at dormant volcanic sites which already have the inner earth structure capable of producing such events)...... I don't expect everyone to believe me hands down without looking these things up.

Just keep in mind..... these plume events in the past (california, oregon, nevada, washington state, and idaho) .... again .. were all from dormant volcanic sites.. and were followed by sizable earthquakes within weeks or less within the region of each plume. Im basing this current video upon past evidence , and based upon what Im seeing at each location.. 


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