Jamye Price ~ The Energies of March 2012

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Jamye Price ~ The Energies of March 2012


Crystalline Soul Healing |

February brought a lot of stirring of issues (drama, anyone?) and March won’t necessarily feel settled, but it should feel more stable, positive and definitely different, because change is anchoring both personally and collectively. As a Lightworker you are exemplifying a new way of Being, and that entails a new vibratory Beingness. The changes require a mental readjustment into the Truth of unity consciousness that overrides the authority and habits of out-of-balance ego. Your internal strength is the foundation that the new world is built upon as the singular human that you are becomes a valuable creative force of Love united with All Life. In March, as you focus your mental state toward Love, you will find creative support flowing plentifully. So often we associate creativity with creating some-thing.


Shambhala ~ It’s as REAL as YOU Want it to Be!! by Lisa Gawlas

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I spent yesterday really reflecting on the vast information coming thru each reading this week. Every reading, every single thing I have shared so far, I have taken personally. The way I see it, YOU are the greatest Light upon my life’s stage and what I need to know, understand and release, comes thru each aspect of you.


When I had actually seen the garden of life I refer to as Shambhala in creation… real, livable and growing… I closed out the vision without asking any more. Why would I do such a thing? Truthfully, because instantly I got scared.

I am as much that wonderful lady hesitant to get into her field of harvest as I am the precious lady bound beneath the mesa cliff.


Twelve Insight ~ An Early Warning System

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Twelve Insight ~ An Early Warning System

Posted on


March 4, 2012

by Gillian

Twelve Insight | March 4 2012

The more you are involved in something that is infused with Spirit, the more likely you are to burn your fingers if you get your ego involved in it. It’s the energy level involved, nothing personal about it. The Universe is not out to get you and it’s not retribution from God for being ego-centered. It is simply the energy level, like a hot stove or a campfire, if you get your ego mixed up in it.


The manuscript of survival ~ part 96~ Magic Is Afoot~

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The manuscript of survival ~ part 96 ~Magic is Afoot~

4 March 2012   Aisha North

For a long time now, humanity has strived for better days, but alas, the results from all of this struggle has not been a successful one. At least not on the outside, as your world is still struggling under the burden of mismanagement and lack of freedom. But be that as it may, we can now safely herald the coming of a new age for you all. You see, under the oh so quiet surface at the moment, a mighty undertaking is on its way, and it will have far reaching consequences for you all.

~Space Weather Update~ Big Sunspot 4x the Size of Earth~

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FLYING THROUGH A GEOMAGNETIC STORM: Lately, the International Space Station has been flying through geomagnetic storms, giving astronauts a close-up view of the aurora borealis just outside their windows. ISS Flight Engineer Don Pettit shares the experience in a new video from Science@NASA.


BIG SUNSPOT: A sunspot almost four times as wide as Earth itself is rotating onto the solar disk. NASA's Solar Dynamics Observatory recorded its entrance on March 2nd and 3rd; click to view a 24-hour animation:


The sunspot has a 'beta-gamma' magnetic field that harbors energy for strong M-class solar flares. Indeed, it has already unleashed an M3-class eruption on March 2nd that created mild waves of ionization in the atmosphere over Europe.


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