The Integration and Enlightenment of Fear

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The Integration and Enlightenment of Fear



We thought the times were exceptional before, but now they are truly exceptional. Humorously, we will probably be able to say this all year!

We are being challenged to our limits to either succumb to the Fear Mongers’ Agenda (FeMA), or to find the path of processing our fear and reintegrating with life. 


All Fear is Fear of Intensity

glr_Andrea's picture


All Fear is Fear of Intensity




The Whole, of course, is all Love. Everything, from the point of view of the Whole, is Love. There are no problems. Death? Not a problem. Suffering? Just Love exploring. In Oneness, it’s all Love.

 Then Oneness reflects on itself, becomes Two, and we get duality: light and dark, expansion and contraction, action and rest, more and less. Polarity. Love and Fear.

More Fireball Sightings Over the Past 48 Hours.. NE U.S. and Parts of Canada - Footage/Pictures

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March 1, 2012 - ""It was turquoise in colour and was rounded on the bottom and tapered to a point on top. It looked big, but it was hard to tell how far away it was. It was moving extremely fast toward the ground," said a Facebook status update from the St. John's area.

"I've read about a couple of natural phenomena now that could explain it ... something called a green fireball and a meteor —which can apparently be blue, white or green," said another one.

No one has reported an alien abduction yet ... but the reports on Twitter and Facebook weren't isolated to eastern Newfoundland.

People from many parts of the northeastern U.S. also posted reports on astronomy internet forums all evening claiming they saw a green light in the sky."

10 Aspects of Ascension

Lia's picture

10 Aspects of Ascension



1) Downloading the multidimensional light and unconditional love that is entering us through our Crown and settling in to our opened Third Eye and High Heart.


2) Loving that light and love so much that we can allow it to travel into the hidden darkness and fear of our deepest subconscious self.


3) As we travel the fourth dimension of formerly unconscious self, we allow the multidimensional light to reveal and heal any hidden fear/darkness to our conscious self. With the conscious awareness of our wounding, we can learn to use the power of unconditional love to heal our wounded ego-self.


~ Big Changes Up Ahead~

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