New Petition: And NOT To Our Governments This Time! ~Lets Shoot for the Stars~

d'tewa's picture

~Lets Shoot for the Stars~


Fractal Art By Will Harader


Everyday I read the many blogs and messages that are delivered to us, and I'm  reading that we need to have more people aware of our Brothers and Sisters in the skies in order to have our Star Family land on our shores and intervene on our behalf. 

Also, I continue to see petition after petition for disclosure being turned down or rejected by our governments for one reason or another.  We All know why...  the Truth hurts.  So, I have created a petition and directed it to the Galactic Federation of Light.


If this idea resonates with you, please visit "" and sign this petition to the GFL.  I'm shooting for the stars this time by asking for 1 MILLION signatures!!!

And, if compelled to do so, please feel free to email this petition to all your family, friends and websites. 

In Love and Peace Always,

~The Galactic Free Press Daily Update~ 3~2~12~Something Big is Happening on Planet Earth=Heart~

Lia's picture

~The Galactic Free Press Daily Update~ 3~2~12



~Bringing Humanity Home~ Energy and Event Update~

Something Big is Happening on Planet Earth=Heart~



~Greetings Love Beings as we shared, March energy was going to arrive with a Roar, and Here we are. For those that are not Heart Centered right now, watch out. Love is Sweeping through from the inside, outside and everywhere Around, their will exist no ego's=unconsciousness on this Planet, once this is all complete. Just a Heads Up!


Breaking News - USA never seen so many tornados.

glr_Andrea's picture

by ANdReA



Our Mother Earth=Heart is opening her Wings today.

The latest reports gave 48 Tornados reported as posted by Galactic Love Reporter Dutchsinse. 


She's helping US release ALL the heavy energy she's BEen bearing for US, and many souls have accepted to come here and to help Her with this LOVE Task.


All Souls Leaving NOW are Going Safe HOME. They've committed themselves in Helping US ALL to go one Step ahead in our Path.


Even if you're in the area that are hit by these storms, stay in your Heart and in Gaia's Heart. Remember, You ARE in the perfect place you have choosen to BE. Fear creates low energies and bring the need to relese even more. 


PLATO ' S CAVE In Correlation with the Matrix - ASHTAR HELLAS

AnaShyNa's picture

In the depths of the Ancient Greek Mysteries. A rearch from the workshop of Ashtar Hellas based in the theory of Plato and Aristotle. Plato's cave in Correlation with the Matris - /


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