The Morning~ Afternoon Blessing

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The Morning~ Afternoon Blessing

Posted by kp40


from the Great Cosmic Happy Ass Card Company


I’m always amazed at what each of us is able to be and to become. We are given many options is this lifetime. We can follow and pay homage to our will – our desires, whims, fantasies, dramas, and limitations – or we can let go, let God, release, and surrender into the arms of the divine will.

Unfortunately many of us will never do this because most of us are trapped in the tight little cage of our wounded ego-dramas, which stop us from ever being able to really step into the potential of our ever-changing, always growing evolutionary selves. But our souls are always trying to guide us back there. The pain of being disconnected has us live a soulless, lonely existence.


~ Nephilim message for 2nd March ~ ~Offering Guidance~

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~ Nephilim message for 2nd March ~ ~Offering Guidance~



Beloved ones we come to reassure you as you now walk a path that for many is barely felt under their feet. The loss of that which you have defined as YOU now making way for remembrance of all that is YOU. Do you understand our analogy and our guidance? We are the Nephilim and we are here to guide and support as you now move in vibration and begin to realise that the changes that were foretold across your world are now being put in place.


For those who seek to keep to “same” the upcoming few days will see a veil placed over your eyes, for those who are not in their hearts will struggle to make sense of that which was always to BE. It is not possible to walk any further with a foot in the 3D world of constraint and a foot on a higher path. Many souls are now making the decision of which path to take. We come to guide for those who have made the decision to walk the path out of 3D and we guide on the importance of remaining heart centred. That which will come to pass on planet earth will allow the veils to be lifted for all who have eyes to see and ears to hear. We ask for all to go within to find balance when all around them may be out of balance.


Banks are killing Greece! 29.feb.2012 or maybe: GREECE IS KILLING BANKS!!!... YEPEE...

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Commentary from GFP:

Banks are killing Greece! ~ or maybe: GREECE IS KILLING BANKS!!!... YEPEE... 



First domino called Greece is ready to fall on the heads of these bankers... on heads of wall street suits... 


With only forgiveness to the bankers, GFP...


The Fae'rea speak on the feeling of March: Tending the Collective Garden

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~  Through Luminance River~



I ask the Fae'ra what the feeling for this coming month will be and they say that it feels like reaching toward the light as a seedling does, extending ourselves. It's the sort of extending ourselves that feels really good, like going into our true selves and the reason we are here. It will feel like a challenging yet good yoga stretch that gets out the stuckness and moves energy to everywhere. We are going to feel the nourishment of the sun, honor the light of truth and honor the light of one another. In doing so, we increase the overall light and truth for all.


Seeds becoming Seedlings

In order to germinate, seeds retain water, swell, and then the seed breaks open. At this point and for 12 hours there is a visible light body that is much stronger at this time than other times in the plant's life. It can be seen by special photography that detects photons. The breaking open with a surge of potential creates the light emanating from the newly sprouted seed.


Cat Rescues Owner Hours After Adoption

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Cat Rescues Owner Hours After Adoption


Laura T. Coffey, (MSNBC) | Happy News | February 24 2012

Pudding the cat is big. He is orange. He is laid-back. And he’s a lifesaver.

Just ask Amy Jung. The 36-year-old Wisconsin resident credits 21-pound Pudding with saving her from the grip of diabetic seizure mere hours after she adopted him from a local animal shelter.

“If something or someone hadn’t pulled me out of that, I wouldn’t be here,” Jung told the Green Bay Press-Gazette newspaper.

Here’s what happened: On Feb. 8, Jung visited the Door County Humane Society with her son, Ethan. She had no intention of adopting a pet; she and her son just wanted to play with the cats, who are allowed to roam free at the no-kill shelter.

But, as can happen with felines and humans, Pudding and Jung felt a strong and immediate connection.


“He just gravitated to her,” Door County Humane Society Executive Director Carrie Counihan told


Jung made an on-the-spot decision to bring Pudding home. Always a calm and relaxed guy, Pudding took to his new digs right away, displaying not a hint of skittishness on his first day there.

Last week Geithner was arrested and released! ~ In the meantime he sang well... SOON TO COME, on media near YOU...

AnaShyNa's picture

Commentary from GFP:


Last week Geithner was arrested and released! ~ In the meantime he sang well... his SONG SOON TO COME, on media near YOU...


after all, Benjamin was not kidding around...


wow.... Thank you Benjamin for pressing this "I TOLD YOU SOO BUTTON..."


Send dear Timothy lot of compassion and forgiveness, as he needs it... And enjoy the show, when all the names start coming in to the public..


Truth is here... to STAY... yepeee...


Love, GFP




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