Gabriels Monthly Weather Report ~ MARCH

Lia's picture


This month involves the 3rd chakra and the lower will being transformed. You will move from DESIRE to TRUE WILL-ingness.


This is also the mental identity, which has been held captive to the ego defense system for the most part. You will see a lot of disillusionment in March, at how you have been giving your will away and NOT being the source of your own passion.


It is important to discern how you are focusing your passion, for manifestation in the physical.

As the 3rd gateway opens, which has to do with moving from desire to TRUE WILL, which is the passion for create revelation of all your talents and abilities in action and manifestation. This will help you develop a trust in your true identity, not the mental illusion of who you thought you "should" be or had to be in order to be loved.

Anonymous Operation Black March Begins

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TheAnonPress Facebook:

Anonymous: Operation Black March Begins!.
Join the Protest!

Hello People of the World, We are Anonymous.
Operation Black March has Begun! Join the protest!

If you do not know of Operation Black March, I will explain.

With the continuing campaigns for Internet-censoring litigation such as SOPA and PIPA, and the closure of sites such as Megaupload under allegations of 'piracy' and 'conspiracy' the time has come to take a stand against music, film and media companies' lobbyists.

The only way is ot hit them where it truly hurts.
Their profit margins.

March 2012 is the end of the 1st quarter in economic reports worldwide.

Do not buy a single record. Do not download a single song, legally or illegally. Do not go to see a single film in cinemas, or download a copy. Do not buy a DVD in the stores. Do not buy a videogame. Do not buy a single book or magazine.

Cosmic Weather Report Report: Lessons In Love by Mark Borax

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Cosmic Weather Report Report: Lessons In Love by Mark Borax



March 2012,  Putney Vermont  


The elemental distribution of Planets this month accentuates Planets in Water and Fire Signs, with a lack of Planets in Air Signs. Air is the element of perspective, vantage, and detachment. With those things lacking, we're going to be thrust into the thick of the realms of Feeling (Water) and Burning (Fire.) Also, Saturn, Planet of underlying purpose, moves through the final three degrees of Libra this month, where the most advanced and complex lessons in love reside. The forecast for the cosmic weather is:


Solar~Severe Weather Update

Lia's picture

Accuweather: a tornado has been spotted on the ground south of Trinton Ill,
Solar Filament Rising on NW Limb

After The Dawn ~ Guardian Of The New Dispensation

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After The Dawn ~ Guardian Of The New Dispensation


Photo By Will Harader


I am one who is known as the Guardian Of the New Dispensation and I rarely communicate in this way. Now is the time that you are fast approaching, a time that you are being prepared for that which is the new dispensation, the new age to come. There is before the dawn and there is a after the dawn. You have been working diligently with that before the dawn part, preparing yourselves for that which is to come, that which is to herald in this new age. You are preparing for that and working toward being the ones who are ready to assist those of your brethren, who will be a part of this and many at this time who do not yet know they’re going to be a part of this.


What The Mayan Elders Are Saying About 2012

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What The Mayan Elders Are Saying About 2012 - A Guest Post by Michael Brine


What The Mayan Elders Are Saying About 2012

Carlos Barrios, a Mayan Elder is a ceremonial priest and spiritual guide of the Eagle Clan. What follows are his insights:

“Anthropologists visit the temple sites and read the inscriptions and make up stories about the Maya, but they do not read the signs correctly. It’s just their imagination. Other people write about prophecy in the name of the Maya. They say that the world will end in December 2012. The Mayan elders are angry with this. The world will not end. It will be transformed.

We are no longer in the world of the Fourth Sun, but we are not yet in the world of the Fifth Sun. This is the time in-between, the time of transition. As we pass through transition there is a colossal, global convergence of environmental destruction, social chaos, war, and ongoing earth changes.

Humanity will continue but in a different way. Material structures will change. From this we will have the opportunity to be more human. We are living in the most important era of the Mayan calendars and prophecies. All the prophecies of the world, all the traditions are converging now. There is no time for games. The spiritual ideal of this era is action.

~753~ ~GLR Lisa Gawlas~

Lia's picture


~GLR Lisa Gawlas~

I have decided that I no longer go to sleep or wake up alone.  I have woken up so many days lately with topics and important points to talk about in my sharings... as if someone has already started the dictation before I even wiped the sleep out of my eyes.  I know it is the Guardians... and I know the Guardians are You.  So let me just say thank you for leaving a little room in my bed for me, but at least let me grab my coffee before we start yapping together!  (smile)

My first, and thanx to working on the hypnosis recording, my only reading yesterday really seems to be a huge exclamation point for today's topic.  So much so, it was replayed in importance as I awoke.

Lemon Detox, Master Cleanse without the fasting! by Eve

glr_Andrea's picture


Lemon Detox, Master Cleanse without the fasting!





Lemons have remarkable healing properties. They are a great help in over all detoxification! There are known for detoxing the body, weight loss, cold preventative,cancer healing etc! In Ayurvedic medicine, lemon peel is used to clean and tone the liver. Lemon water is one of the best ways to alkalize the body. It aides in digestion.


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