Lucas ~ SanJAsKa ~ On Disclosure And What Is Following

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Lucas ~ SanJAsKa ~ On Disclosure And What Is Following


Original Post 11~20~11


Hello SanJAsKa could you give us a short message about disclosure that seems to be near unfolding?


Dear friend, I loved to give you an answer on this question. We are so excited as the time is near that we will be with you all, my dear friend. The announcement will be made and transmitted to all mayor news channels in your world. TV, Radio, Internet. We have made certain the message will be brought to you all even if you’re not able to see, hear or read. You will be conscious of the message in the way suitable for you. With the disclosure noticed all around the world a new task for you and your lightworker friends lies ahead.

Could you tell more about  that SanJAsKa?


Dorene Carrel ~ Astrology Report for March 2012

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Dorene Carrel ~ Astrology Report for March 2012

Astro Connections Blog | March 1 2012

March is featured by the New Moon and Uranus aligned with the Sun and Mercury. This can bring us flashes of insight throughout the month. Mid-March brings a grand earth trine between Pluto, Jupiter, Mars and Venus, which opens the way for us to receive opportunities and prosperity. Mercury turns retrograde in Aries on March 12. The Spring Equinox occurs on March 19, which ushers in the beginning of the astrological New Year.


As March begins, we are still in the waxing phase of the February New Moon in Pisces, with its spiritual and idealistic overtones. In late February we entered the shadow phase of Mercury retrograde. As Mars is also still retrograde until April, it is timely to review our goals for the next two years and be more patient towards oneself and others.

Oracle Report ~ Friday March 2 2012 High Energies In Effect

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Oracle Report ~ Friday March 2 2012 High Energies In Effect



by Gillian



Oracle Report | First Quarter Moon Phase


Today we have the choice to fight or to reason. In fact, over the next three days, people will be easily carried away by the energy. Mars retrograde will align with the position of the Earth and oppose the Sun. Mercury entered Aries, the sign of The Warrior, today, and will make a conjunction with Uranus this weekend, bringing unexpected information, surprises and dramatic changes.


Visionkeeper ~ Frustration

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Visionkeeper ~ Frustration

One World Rising | March 2 2012

As time accelerates to warp 8, I think it is critical for us to make quiet time for ourselves to adjust to all that is going on. I don’t know about anybody else, but it seems as if I no sooner wake up than it is time to get dinner ready. I can’t seem to get things done as I once did. It is very frustrating indeed, but I also feel it is being intentionally done as a way of getting us out of the limitations of time restraints in preparation for being in a space where time is no longer relevant.


Time is just another man-made creation designed to control us and keep us operating on a schedule that benefited big business and our hard-earned money going into the pockets of the corporate elite.


THE ELEMENTS OF MARCH 2012 ~Open Your Heart

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THE ELEMENTS OF MARCH 2012 ~Open Your Heart

 2 March 2012  Divine Heart Light

Beloved Light Beings of the Divine Heart!


March is the center of 2012, as the Heart is the center of the Human Chakra System.
New Harmonious Frequency beats per second are coming this month!

Stay this month with the beat of the Heart, no matter what!!

Mother Mary’s March Message ~ “Gold”

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Mother Mary’s March Message ~ “Gold”




Beloved Ones,

It is I, Mother Mary, greeting you, and enfolding you in the intricacies of light and of love that in their fluidities and expansive abilities to re-direct you, re-align you, and re-fortunize you into the gold within, the gold that does not lose value based on whether it is part of a standard of currency or not, or whether it is fluctuating in demand and supply, or not, but the gold within that is very much part of the golden frequency of Christed light that is beginning to rapidly, exponentially explode in divine fireworks of understanding, truth, and re-orientation for all of humanity, at this time of your holographic shift in March 2012.


And so it is, beloved ones, in these frequencies of re-alignment and of a re-afiring within you of golden consciousness, Christed consciousness, I carry within this transmission a set of tones and alignments that re-direct you, re-align you, re-orient you as you so choose to see and focus on that which is being quantumly manifested in your Earth.



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