AnaShyNa's picture








Why Earth Pole shift is needed at these end times?... I was considering and thinking a lot for last couple of days since 11.11.11... Not intentionally, as it just came to me as one of so simple analogies and storyline descriptions as most of my writings and messages...


Let go to the story of frog and scientist who performed different experiments on this brave frog...

~Repost~ Three days of Darkness ~ Return to Zero Point

Lia's picture

During a conversation Magenta is asked about the prophecy of the Three Days of Darkness. Here she conveys information she has received from "The Nine" regarding this prophecy.

Music "Time Passes" and "Dance Macabre" by Kevin Macleod - very special thanks to KEVIN MACLEOD of INCOMPETECH

All images by Stock Xchng

Video edited by Magenta Pixie and Catzmagick Productions

~Note from The Press About the Daily Update~

Lia's picture

~ We have been informed that, we have to go into a meeting on the Starships before the Daily Update can be Shared. So, today's Energy and Event update will be released Friday Morning~


~Thank YOU~ We Love YOU~


Love Mother and Father God and The Entire Galactic Free Press Staff

~Its Our Honor to Be here everyday for You~

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~Special Request from The Galactic Free Press~




~Its Our Honor to Be here everyday for All of You. We have been working 24 hours a day 7 days a week now, for 5 years in complete Service with the Highest Love. WE would Like to Continue doing so and see this Mission to Its Grand Finale this Year~~~ AS soon as Our Ships Decloak our Mission will be Over, and Humanity Completly Money Free~


Thank You for Keeping US going. We have over 1800 Members here at the Press. If even half of our members shared a dollar, this would cover the remaining funds we need for this Month. We are currently 1080$ from our Goal and we only have 6 days left. For those that can share, thank you for sharing and caring for those who work every Moment for Humanity's Complete Freedom from the chains of illusion.~




 Monthy Funding Goal 2000$

Total Shares this Month 910$


Space Weather Update Solar Tsunami

Lia's picture

SOLAR TSUNAMI: Tangled magnetic fields on the sun's NW limb erupted today, February 23th, producing a solar tsunami. You can see the shadowy yet powerful wave rippling away from the blast site in this move from the Solar Dynamics Observatory:



You can watch it Here at this link http://spaceweather.com/

The wave is subtle. If you didn't see it the first time, watch the movie again and look for regions on the solar surface that light up as the wave passes by. The nearly transparent ripple of plasma and magnetism was probably ~100,000 km high and, racing outward at a typical speed of 250 km/s, packed as much energy as 2.4 million megatons of TNT (1029 ergs). On the scale of the sun, it doesn't look like much, but you wouldn't want to run into one on Earth.


How 2012's Full Moons Got Their Strange Names

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How 2012's Full Moons Got Their Strange Names

by Joe Rao, SPACE.com Skywatching Columnist

Biggest and Brightest Full Moon of 2010 Tonight


An enhanced image of the Moon taken with the NOAO Mosaic CCD camera using two NSF telescopes at Kitt Peak National Observatory. The Moon is superimposed on a separate image of the sky.


Q&A: How Can I Hear & Trust my Angels & Guides?

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~GLR~ Jennifer Hoffman~


Q&A: How Can I Hear & Trust my Angels & Guides?


 Photo gbcdecatur.org


Question: I have been working with contacting and listening to my guides. Can you tell me if the guidance sent our way is ultimately from our higher self or from other spirit beings? How do they know what is best in a situation when I’m stumped and don’t always know if I can trust what I hear or whether I am hearing the right thing.


Answer: Our guides and angels are in constant communication with us, although we tend to be in listening mode when we ask questions or need something. One way to fine tune that process is to have regular meetings in which you dedicate time to be still and listen for their guidance and talk to them about what is happening in your life. This helps you become familiar with the type of connection you have (your guides will have their own way of talking to you) and gets you in the habit of listening.



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