~The Galactic Free Press~ Pressing Forward~

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De~Light~Full Food ~ De~Light~Full Sex …Part 2 GLR~Lisa Gawlas~

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De~Light~Full Food ~ De~Light~Full Sex …Part 2 GLR~Lisa Gawlas~



Phew… the things I thought I knew but really didn’t.  I am officially swimming in the greatest wonderland of understanding…


I think… for the first time ever really… we have moved beyond what we think we see (the tip of the iceburg) and have been pulled under the see to really explore what has been hidden for eons and eons.

I feel so deep in my heart the greatest gift you can give to yourself right now is saying “what I thought I knew, I don’t.”  This allows what you don’t know to be revealed.  For as long as we think we know something, we don’t get beyond it.


Let me tell you… I know nothing!  LOL… my god I know no-thing!

When I say the word “intimacy” what is the first thing you think of?  How often do you simply think of yourself… just yourself.

When you hear the words “twin flame” how often do you think of just yourself?


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24th Feb 2012

Hello up there, or over there, or through there …. Wherever you actually are … Hello!


We welcome you into the space that is known to you as your heart space. We are excited to be speaking with you in this heightened form as it requires less manoeuvres.


(I am on day 10 of a 10day watermelon fast!)

Yes, I have to say I certainly feel Lighter!! Wondering what you would care to share? There appears to be much going on with banking resignations and lots of things that are not yet in the mainstream media … what would you like to speak of?

Accountability ~ Hold On To Your Hats! The Dominoes Are Falling…and Falling and Falling

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Accountability ~ Hold On To Your Hats! The Dominoes Are Falling…and Falling and Falling

2012 February 24
Posted by Stephen Cook from 2012 Scenerio~


Last week, when I posted the story here on the site that World Bank head Robert Zoellick was about to take his banking president hat off and had suddenly tended his resignation, I thought to myself: “Ah, at last! ‘they’ are starting to fall like dominoes – just like SaLuSa and Matthew Ward and others have been telling us they would”.

But little did I know at the time that, in fact, ‘they’ weren’t just “starting” to fall; ‘they’ had been literally tumbling down, like a giant deck of dominoes – all around the world, and for several weeks now.

Zoellick may have appeared to be the first big banker (at one of the really BIG banks)  to make me sit up and take note. But he wasn’t the first, or the last, by a long stretch. As we are all coming to see.

The Manuscript of survival ~ part 91 24 February 2012 aisha north~ Today is an auspicious day indeed

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The Manuscript of survival ~ part 91

24 February 2012 - 1:45pm |  aisha north

Today is an auspicious day indeed, as much is changing on so many levels. Not much is visible on the outside, therefore it will be easy to dismiss the news we would like to impart. However, let us just say that nothing could be deemed as less accurate, as you have no idea as to just how much is happening at the moment. A quick perusal of the news would at least give you some tidbits as to what is going on. As usual, upheaval, violence and other forms of drama are getting more and more prevalent.

Ashtar: Celebrate Your Financial Freedom as Golden Love Abundance!

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Ashtar: Celebrate Your Financial Freedom as

Golden Love Abundance!



Ashtar Teleconference - February 21, 2012


"Well, greetings, Beloved Family! Is everybody ready to celebrate tonight? Yes, this is a huge moment. Events are finally coming forth that there can be no mistake in anyone’s Heart or mind, or discernment, that that which we have spoken of all of these years is finally coming to pass. We are so grateful to you, Beloved Ones, because you have created the opportunity for all of this to take place!



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