The Importance of Disclosure ~ Part 3/3

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The Importance of Disclosure ~ Part 3/3



(Continued from Part 2 at


What Is Their Mission?

Speaking through Mike Quinsey in mid-2008, the ascended master, the Comte de St. Germain, revealed that a divine plan existed to lift us out of the Third Dimension.


“There is an immutable plan that is well advanced for your final experiences, that shall lift you out of duality fully into the Light and Love that knows no equal or limitations. Your future is assured amongst the dimensions of Light, and every step you take is nearer to the Source of All That Is. The Angels sing their praises for you and Heaven awaits your return at last.” (1)



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If people were honest and loving, we would not need laws or remedies. Of course that has not been true of our reality in this world. The system is very corrupted and unjust. For that reason, many search for "ways" to overcome the fraud and cruelty of a system that honors deception and dictatorial attitudes that undermine natural rights and freedoms. Those "ways" are called remedies; and they do exist. However, they are not easy to apply; and even when they are applied, the system often ignores them. Is there a way out of this dilemma?

The Importance of Disclosure ~ Part 2/3

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The Importance of Disclosure ~ Part 2/3

GLR~ Steve Beckow~


(Continued from Part 1 at


Who Are the Galactics?

Who are the galactics and where have they come from? Do they look like us?  How are they organized? Are they more intelligent than we are? What is the nature of the event that is occurring, in their eyes?

Ker-On reveals that the situation of the Earth at this time attracted the help of other ascended civilizations from different parts of the universe.


The Importance of Disclosure ~ Part 1/3 Through Steve Beckow

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The Importance of Disclosure ~ Part 1/3 Through GLR~ Steve Beckow~

Our community has been inspired by lightworkers like David Wilcock, Drunvalo Melchizedek, Patricia Diane Cota Robles, Lauren Gorgo, Lisa Renee, David Icke, Kerry Cassidy and Bill Ryan.


We’ve listened to messages from galactics like SaLuSa of Sirius, Atmos of Sirius, Ker-on of Venus, Diane of Sirius, Mira the Pleiaidian, the Federation of Light channeled through Blossom Goodchild, and Hatonn and Ashtar channeled through Suzy Ward, and the “Galactic Federation” channeled through Sheldan Nidle; celestials like Archangel Michael and Archangel Metatron; Ascended Masters like Jesus, Sanat Kumara, the Comte de St. Germain, Kuthumi, El Morya, Beinsa Douno, and Omraam Michael Aivanhov; spirit teachers like Silver Birch, White Eagle, “Imperator,” Matthew Ward, and Saul.

All of them agree on the role of the galactics in restoring the Earth, introducing new technologies, defeating the forces of darkness, restoring freedom and abundance to the population, and mentoring

Transcending the Timeline Convergence Paradox 2012

Lia's picture

Dear Nine

I have recently become aware of a theory that suggests as we move closer towards 21st December 2012, Earth's timelines converge and we essentially get down to only two timelines. Timeline 1 which is positive and results in the New World/Golden Age and timeline 2 which results in the New World Order controlling this planet. We are apparently on timeline 1. Can the Nine shed any light on this theory?

Music by Kevin Macleod
All images by Stock Xchng


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