Puna area on Hawaii Island Shaken by Mysterious Force

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Puna area on Hawaii Island Shaken by Mysterious Force

2012 February 23
 Thanks to BZ Riger

BZ: There are two sources for coverage on this “Mysterious Boom” in The Puna area on Hawaii Island.  The first one focuses just on the boom by a local video news outlet does not allow video embedding, you will need to go to the link to watch the video. The second is a CBS affiliate covering the story.


Puna area on Hawaii Island Shaken by Mysterious Force

Civil Defense says a number of agencies have no explanation for “quake” before 9 a.m.


Video by Daryl Lee



It’s Not a Fairytale: Seattle to Build Nation’s First Food Forest

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It’s Not a Fairytale: Seattle to Build Nation’s First Food Forest



Forget meadows. The city’s new park will be filled with edible plants, and everything from pears to herbs will be free for the taking.

Seattle’s vision of an urban food oasis is going forward. A seven-acre plot of land in the city’s Beacon Hill neighborhood will be planted with hundreds of different kinds of edibles: walnut and chestnut trees; blueberry and raspberry bushes; fruit trees, including apples and pears; exotics like pineapple, yuzu citrus, guava, persimmons, honeyberries, and lingonberries; herbs; and more. All will be available for public plucking to anyone who wanders into the city’s first food forest.

Creation's Perfect Alchemical Force Utilizing the Power of the Cosmos and the Dynamics of Quantum Consciousness for Gaia

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Creation's Perfect Alchemical Force Utilizing the Power of the Cosmos and the Dynamics of Quantum Consciousness for Gaia

February 23, 2012

Judith at the hospital in Denver at 6:30 am MST and Sean at Stephen's in Kelowna


The aspect of consciousness is placed in an orchestration of Divine Alchemy that is truly a blueprint.


There are specific frequencies generated from the harmonic heart light resonance of each individual on a soul link now. Sufficient number of humans have awakened the sensitivity of their conscious capacity to communicate beyond the linear reality. Each individual, who communicated through the harmonic of holograhic light harmonics, through the holographic heart, light and and sound harmonics, enhance the capacity for the collective to resonate with a constant field of energy that is the pure vibration of love.

Veronica ~ Being Positive Will Be Worth It

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Veronica ~ Being Positive Will Be Worth It


April Crawford | Inner Whispers | February 23  2012


“Being physical is not an easy journey. No matter who you are there are often difficulties in achieving your goals.

It is important to pay attention to your creations. Keeping positive energy as the main ingredient while looking over the walls of difficulty will lead to a better understanding of yourself and others.


You are always a contributor to drama in your lives. Being a victim is a choice. By owning your involvement, it empowers you to have a say in how it all unfolds.


Placing the blame totally outside of yourself disables your ability to turn the energy in a different direction. Take a good look inside to find your positive self. It is there. Waiting to reunite with you.

There will always be challenges. Be bold enough to climb over the walls of your self doubt. Take back your life. By being positive one can hope to change anything for the better. Allowing yourself to go along with negativity erases all hope.


Celebrate The Times......

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Celebrate The Times......



There seems to be alot of focus now on nitpicking each other with what are you doing and are you doing enough, which on one hand is a good reminder to make sure we are living our best lives and completing our missions, on the other hand it can deflect away from us celebrating how far we've come and just where we are NOW. More and more is coming out in the mainstream, the veil is being lifted, are we stopping to appreciate that fact? Do you smile more, shine more and walk with a bit more bounce in your step knowing that manifestation of hard work of both terrestrial et's and our star families are coming to a climax?


Are we encouraging people or are we focusing on ourselves? Are we screaming Whooohoooo here we go at the tops of our proverbial lungs or being caught in the matrix of ego, debilitating us from feeling joy, pure unadulterated joy at the events now occuring and about to occur? Which better will help Gaia and humanity? Joy or the game of he said/she said my opinion, your opinion?


Keep in mind no higher vibrations brings us closer to light and love than Joy, Hope, Faith that we are living in the most special of times and the best is yet to come...go on, spread it around, you know you want to. :)


PRG Update - February 23, 2012 White House Censors Disclosure Petition II - The Rockefeller Initiative

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