What dreams are made of - Message from Jeshua Way of the Heart

glr_Andrea's picture


What dreams are made of - Message from Jeshua

Thanks to Way of the Heart

At the beginning of times, creation was just an idea, a plan of God to experience Himself. Then came the world. From a single thought life was born with its myriad of expressions. This process is still repeating each instant. Your world is in constant creation, but by not bringing awareness to this process, you fall in the traps of illusion.

Unconditional Love and a Unifying Identity are The Key of Becoming ONE

glr_Andrea's picture


Unconditional Love and a Unifying Identity are The Key of Becoming ONE 
by Galactic Love Reporter DL Zeta

As we move further into expanded energies, we see new creative geniuses coming forth to share their gifts with the world. Moving forward, we will see new masters in every conceivable field emerging from every location on planet Earth.

Many of these masters have never thought of themselves as such, yet each person has it within themselves to create great works. These include great works of art, literature, music and much more. Every conceivable field of human endeavor has its masters. The underlying thread all masterpieces hold in common is that they are the byproducts of a unified mind[=Heart] and soul.


Masterpieces are Encoded with the Essence of Spirit.

HEAVEN #4103 ~ In the Consciousness of Heaven ~ 18.02.2012 ~ by Gloria Wendroff

AnaShyNa's picture



Galactic Love Reporter Gloria Wendroff


In the Consciousness of Heaven

Heavenletter #4103 Published on: February 18, 2012

God said:

Naturally, as human beings, you desire life to go according to your desires. In your heart, you desire your loved ones to live forever even as you know this is not how it is on Earth. This is how it is in Heaven.


While you are on Earth, at the same time as you desire, you let go. You let go of your desires. They are not desires of steel.

NEW MOON 2/21/2012 - LOOKOUT EVERYONE!!!!!!! WOW!!!!!!!!

Lia's picture

FOUND HERE: http://aquariuschannelings.com/2012/02/15/spacemuffin-february-15-2012/#more-...

Denise Le Fay ~ 2012 Ascension Symptoms & the Global Sound Phenomenon

Lia's picture

Denise Le Fay ~ 2012 Ascension Symptoms & the Global Sound Phenomenon



Transitions | February 17 2012


I received an email the other day from one of my readers (who wishes to remain anonymous) asking if I’d give my impressions on the global “strange sounds”phenomenon that many people have heard and recorded in 2011 and 2012. This reader included in his letter some YouTube links of these “strange sounds” from around the world and this was the first time I’d watched and heard this particular “strange sound” phenomenon. [Please search "2012 strange sounds" at YouTube to hear them if you haven't as yet.]


We're working on a "commercial." Whatcha think?

Lia's picture

We're working on a "commercial."

Whatcha think?

"Do YOU suffer from the GeneticallyModifiedMicro-ChippedInjectedBigPharmaSheepleComplex?


Well, THAT'S no problem! You just need a good dose of Love, Light, and Peace!

⁀‵⁀) ✫ ✫ ✫LOVE♥
✫¸.•°*”˜˜”*°•.✫ ✫LIGHT★
.•°*”˜˜”*°•.✫ ✫ ✫
•°˜”*°•.✫ ¤ PEACE☮


Just listen to Jenny!:

"When I first tried Love, Light, and Peace, I was skeptical--I admit it. Then, I TOOK A DEEP BREATH, [takes a deep breath], and actually became PRESENT IN MY BODY, and WOW, Love, Light & Peace! I'm Yours FOREVER!" -Jenny

See. [points at Jenny] If it worked for Jenny, it'll work for You!

Love, Light, and Peace's triple white-foaming action cuts through any bullsh*t necessary instanateously!

LOVE, LIGHT, & PEACE: get yours now, while an endless supply of infinity lasts.....FOREVER...

Zero Point & the Central Sun

Lia's picture

Zero Point & the Central Sun
Published February 17, 2012



Artwork By Father God Amon Ra


Please repost with this link at the top: Reposted from The Awakening Website

In the early part of the twentieth century, an airless vacuum was used in an experiment to determine if there is energy in empty Space. This vacuum was lead-shielded from all known electro-magnetic fields. When it was cooled down to the temperature where all matter should cease vibrating and produce no heat, a tremendous amount of energy was found to exist. Because it can exist at ‘absolute zero’ temperature, this energy has come to be known as Zero Point Energy.[i]


Are there things about the Universe that will be forever beyond our grasp? Are there things about the Universe that are ungraspable? Dr. Richard Dawkins


You Are The Light Sharers ~ Sananda 2~17~12

Lia's picture

Photo from message-to-mankind.webs.com


You Are The Light Sharers ~ Sananda 2~17~12


I am Sananda and I am pleased to be with you at this time. Understand that you have come together at a time when once again just as of old you are fulfilling that promise to join once again, old souls reuniting. And as you are reuniting, as you are coming together, you are moving in a certain direction that will allow you to be of most service, not to us but to all of mankind, for even the littlest one can perform miracles. Because of this situation now soon coming, because of the urgency that is now developing upon the planet we are moving in another direction and are preparing many groups throughout the planet to be ready for those changes as they come.


Message from the Councils of Light 2/17/12 2012 the Year of Humanity's Awakening~

Greg_ Giles's picture


Hold to Howard Hughes’ ‘A few Principles of Thought’.


There are 21 councils that exist and take a leading role in the affairs of your planet. We, in turn, voice our concerns and our opinions as to how your world should be governed and a vote is then taken to decide these matters. Many issues have been decided upon in this manner, and we at this time would like to discuss with you some of these issues.


The timetable for your awakening and return to full consciousness has been often discussed, and this is one of the key areas of discussion for some time within the councils. It has been decided that your year of 2012 would be the time for such an awakening, and many projects are underway at this time to facilitate this mass awakening.  How to bring about your awakening has also been a topic of much debate, and it has been decided that a slow process would be the best suitable method as it is felt a sudden awakening would be too great a shock for some of you.



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