Scientists confirm Extraterrestrial genes in Human DNA Research findings continues work of DNA Nobel Prize Winner Dr. Francis Crick

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Scientists confirm Extraterrestrial genes in Human DNA

Research findings continues work of DNA Nobel Prize Winner Dr. Francis Crick


by Peter Jiang and Jenny Li

 Artist representation of Semjase 

Artist representation of Semjase who Exo-scientists indicate is a Pleiadian woman. Reference:

In Excellence

maidenhair's picture

In choices we have made before returning back to Planet Earth

 Being all that you are

Knowing the difference

Excepting ones as you except yourself


Not allowing negativity to hender you paths

But opening of your Heart to ones that seek happiness


It's not what we we have done that makes our life embeded with hasty  moments

It's what we prepare for ourselves on a positive affirmation of knowing we know better


We are the children of many children and we seek the opening of the Eye of God


Tis the seasons to be in excellence..


Dave Masko – UFO Sightings Reveal More Strange Metal Boxes Along Coastal Beaches

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Comment from the Galactic Free Press Staff: Last Saturday, when the Supposed Starship rides were to occur, Father God and I with World Bridger drove all along this California coast into Oregon, we were looking at the ocean off and on for the entire 6 hour drive, Now this comes out... What are The Odds? LOL Love Mother and Father God and The Galactic Free Press Staff



Another metal box



BRAY’S POINT, Oregon.They can’t be moved; even when yanked by a four-wheel drive truck pulling on heavy chains tied around these humming metal boxes that are still appearing as of Feb. 8 up and down West Coast beaches.

As of late afternoon Feb. 8, Bill Hanshumaker, a public marine specialist and (Ph.D) doctor of marine science at the Hatfield Marine Science Center in nearby Newport, told Huliq in an interview that, “I don’t know what they are.”

Mayan Messages ~ Ahau 8 Highest Form of Abundance ~ February 11, 2012 by Gillian

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Mayan Messages ~ Ahau 8 Highest Form of Abundance
Posted on February 11, 2012 by Gillian
Love Reporter Rev. Theresa Crabtree | Mayan Messages | February 8 2012




I am Ahau. Together with Tone 8, we welcome you to this grand and glorious day. Today, we would like to focus our attention on the infinity symbol, which looks like the numeral 8 lying on its side. The infinity symbol often represents an infinite supply of abundance. What comes to mind when you think of the word “abundance?” Many list material things, with money being high on the list. Although abundance comes in all sorts of material ways, we would like to focus your attention today on other types of abundance and how to manifest these into your life.

If I were to pose the question, “What is the highest form of abundance?” What would you reply? Some may say wealth, health, wisdom or knowledge. All these things indeed are forms of abundance. Yet only a few would look at friends and family as a source of abundance. How many of you thought of your pets or plants as a form of abundance? One of the greatest gifts of abundance comes in the form of unconditional love.


Shifting Sands by Sarah-Jane Grace

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Shifting Sands

by Love Reporter Sarah-Jane Grace
  Original post~29 January, 2012




It is all too easy to become lost and disorientated when trying to navigate the ebb and flow of the currents of life. Sometimes we can feel lost in an eddy or a maelstrom, unable to break free. Other times we can lose the wind in our sails and feel a deep sense of frustration with the apparent stillness and inertia.


However, when we look beneath the surface to the Core, we realise that we are not lost, but we have been allowing ourselves to become jostled by the surface currents of life. Like a buoy in a stormy sea, we can be bounced around, but we are still anchored, and once the storm has passed, it is likely that we will still be in the same place as before.


George Adamski: Inside a Venusian Scout Ship

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2012 February 11
~Thank You Vina for finding this~



by Love Galactic Reporter George Adamski: Inside a Venusian Scout Ship



Vina: This is a personal account by ufologist, George Adamski who claims being aboard a Venusian Scout Ship in the 1950s.

As always, discretion advised.

HEAVEN #4096 ~ THE PETALS OF YOUR HEART ~ 11.02.2012 ~ by Gloria Wendroff

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Galactic Love Reporter Gloria Wendroff


The Petals of Your Heart

Heavenletter #4096 Published on: February 11, 2012

God said:


Your heart is intended to open continually. There is no graduation day when it comes to the human heart. The human heart is an ever-blossoming flower. Open and open and open the petals of your heart. This is an assignment I give to you.


You may have tightened your heart and tightened it. You forgot that your heart was for giving. You probably thought that your heart was for getting. You may even have concluded that your heart was for being hurt, and, therefore, you did everything to keep your heart buried and safe.



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