2012 - What You Make of It

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2012 - What You Make of It

by Galactic Lover Reporter Alan Cohen
1 January, 2012



2012 is here. Finally. After many years of anticipation, sensationalism, foreboding, titillation, and wild prophecies, we’ve reached the end of the Mayan calendar. The era of momentous astrological configurations. World upheaval. Apocalyptic destruction. Dissolution of the world as we know it. Mass landing of UFOs. The spiritual ascension of humanity. The dawn of a new age. And on and on and on. . .



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by Galactic Love Reporter ~Premlatha/Goddesslove~



The Universe is our mirror and it will reflect back to us what we think or believe. We bind ourselves to beliefs and fears passed on though society and the people we grew up with. In all situations and all relationships our major obstacle is invalidation, fear of separation, fear of trust, and having a low self worth.

By refering to the Universe as our mirror, it is plain and simple truth that we create our reality, absolutely. There is no such thing as an accident or coincidence. We are absolutely responsible for the creation.Knowing this, is where our POWER lies. Our power ends exactly at the place where our fear begins.

Every scripture all over the world has mentioned that the human body is a temple and it is where the Divine resides.

Both our physical (body) and non-physical (mind, spirit) forms are energy, and energy is consciousness. And we are a part of the Grand Universal consciousness. Hence, the Universe responds to our conscious awareness, and it will bring to us 100% of that which we believe.

~ M Responds to Georgi Stankov's Recent Post About The Economic Collapse~ Don't Go into fear~

Lia's picture

~  M Responds to Georgi Stankov's Recent Post About The Economic Collapse~

To Read The Post You Can Follow this Link




If fear rises to the surface after reading Master Stankov's message, allow it to move through you and to the surface...Breathe deeply, stay in the moment and weather the storm. See that fear itself cannot hurt you, rather the FEAR of fear will hold you back if ascension is what you choose. This is ALL being done for the benefit of ALL, no one and I mean no one truely choosing ascension will be left behind. Only those choosing through divine will, will go where the resonance is percect for there souls growth...It is all for the benefit of man no matter what it loolks like now.



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