Gloria Wendroff ~ The Heaven Letters February ~ 11 2012

Where Else Can Love Exist
God said:
When an archer shoots an arrow, he has a target in mind. He doesn’t always reach his target, yet he always has a target.
This is what I ask you to do, to have a target in mind in terms of your life. What do you want to reach? Where are you going?
At the head of your list is to love, that whatever you do, wherever you go, that you go with love, and, that whatever you give, you give with love. Desire no less from yourself. Have that intention. You don’t have to put signs up such as: “Remember to love today.” Of course, you may, yet the important thing is to set the intention to be a lover of life and mankind. If you miss, you do not penalize yourself. Remember, some targets you will miss here and there, and yet, with experience, you become a greater archer. The desire and the intention are key. Perfection in the world is not.