HEAVEN #4090 ~ WAITING FOR SELF-REALIZATION ~ 5.02.2012 ~ by Gloria Wendroff

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Galactic Love Reporter Gloria Wendroff


Waiting for Self-Realization

Heavenletter #4090 Published on: February 5, 2012

God said:

Love is more powerful than anything. A little love goes a long way. Even love invisible flourishes. It flourishes now. Call love life force, if you like. It is the only force of life there is. What am I? I am love. What are you? You who are Myself are also love. You didn't always know that. You still don't always feel that, yet, more and more, love is coming into its own.


We could say that love has had many disguises, yet love is always love. You have disguised love. You disguised it from yourself. You put on blinders and walked right past love.

Lucas And Steve Beckow ~ So Very Close ~ 5 February 2012

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Lucas And Steve Beckow ~ So Very Close ~ 5 February 2012



Lucas: Comment on his following article:  “I am sorry the intent and effort I see from Steve and others to make the change themselves to bring forward Disclosure is now surrounded by disbelief, ridicule, not trusting our Space Brothers and Sisters and not seeing the broader goal of this mission. Even Steve has expressed his doubt towards his own mission and made a (for me Not understandable) decision to stop with all if Grener not delivered.  I sincerely hope Steve will be going on with it all and leave all the criticism behind and show he is man enough to admit to himself he was doubting it all himself.

The Postponed Trip and the Seven Hundred Pound Gorilla 5 February 2012 ~ Greg Giles

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The Postponed Trip and the Seven Hundred Pound Gorilla

5 February 2012

Greg Giles



When I read that people wanted to bring children, pets, cigarettes to smoke on the ship, i couldn't believe my eyes... here are some good thoughts about this trip.... Krystal

After plans to have members of our planet’s citizenry embark on a 10 day field trip to the stars as guests of the mother ship Neptune have fallen through, many people have aligned our Earthen organizer Steve Beckow within their sites, either prepared to pull the trigger that he was duped, or that this was all somehow his fault that this trip did not materialize.


How much longer? Is it really going to happen?

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How much longer? Is it really going to happen?

02~05~2012  John Smallman



Many on earth are wondering about awakening: “How much longer? Is it really going to happen? Are we deluding ourselves? Surely we can’t be? This is God’s Will for us – endless talk, uplifting and inspiring though it is, but when will it happen? We have been holding the Light for a long time, listening to encouraging channeled information telling us “soon,” and still we wait. At times it can be most disheartening.”


Dear ones, your prayers and hopes are all held lovingly in the bosom of God in every moment. You are not forgotten. All is going as divinely ordained. Hold strongly to the Light burning inextinguishably within each one of you, and to the inner knowing that holds it there. Do not be misled by the naysayers and doubters who would attempt to persuade you that your hopes and beliefs are psychological defenses against the inevitability of death and the nonexistence it presages. All this is your collective ego fighting for its survival – when the illusion dissolves so does the ego.


We are the Angelic Forces of Victory ~ 4 February 2012 ~ Marlene Swetlishoff

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4 February 2012
Love Reporter Marlene Swetlishoff

To the Beloved Lightworkers of the World,


We are the Angelic Forces of Victory and we come to you in these times to bring you empowerment, that you may know that your daily efforts to raise your frequency levels and your love quotient is being met upon the higher planes with an even greater magnification and so you are each becoming the Radiant Ones, the Human Angels who are in the process of the remembrance of your Divine heritage. We walk beside you to the victory of the Mastery of your rising above the human condition, that you may fulfill the greater Plan for your lives and the lives of all sentient Beings upon your Planet.

~And then all will begin Awakening~

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And then all will begin Awakening.

February 5, 2012Galactic Love Reporter John Smallman



Here in the spiritual realms we are very busy making the final preparations to greet you as you awaken with ecstatic amazement and realize that at last you are Home. You have been on a very long and tiring journey, and at times it seemed to you that you had entirely lost your way. You had not, and could not, because you are never left alone, abandoned, and without the necessary guidance to help you return to your homeward path. Nevertheless, it did seem that you had, and this caused you much fear and anxiety. When you engage in fear and anxiety it is extremely difficult for you to listen to and hear the guidance that is forever with you.



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