Wes Annac on the ‘Mothership trip’ proposed by Linda Dillon

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Wes Annac on the ‘Mothership trip’ proposed by Linda Dillon


I have been receiving a vast number of comments about this ‘Mothership trip’ that is said to be taking place on Saturday. I feel it is very important for everybody to remember the possibility of it not happening. No, I am not trying to be a naysayer but I have been a part of this movement for a measly two and a half years, which is a much shorter time than most as most have been at this for decades, yet I still have seen time and time again when collective hope gets built up on a prediction of understandably high proportions, only to result in so many being let down and heartbroken. It seems to happen on a cycle of sorts.


Most recently, Blossom Goodchild took a leave of absence because of predictions of Cities of Light before the end of the year. I’m not trying to sound negative here, I just think we should be a bit more cautious about throwing most or all of our faith into simple predictions. This is why I made the request through Mikos to perhaps grant potential contactees an initial contact or two in the dreamscape, so that a multitude of collective hope did not get built up on [what is as of yet] unproven predictions.


HEAVEN #4089 ~ INNOCENCE IN THE WORLD ~ 4.02.2012 ~ by Gloria Wendroff

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Galactic Love Reporter Gloria Wendroff

Innocence in the World

Heavenletter #4089 Published on: February 4, 2012

God said:


From the very beginning of Heavenletters, I have told you that you do not owe anyone anything, and no one owes you anything. No one is an owner of anyone, nor is anyone owned by anyone. You are free. This is what free will means.


If, in the world, another or others seem to own you, their sense of ownership, no matter how they see it or how you see it, comes with your agreement. This is hard to believe.


Excerpt from Emissary of Light~You will fufill whatever function you have because you choose to

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Excerpt from Emissary of Light http://emissaryoflight.com/
~James Twyman~

" You will fufill whatever function you have because you choose to...When we forget who we are our lights become muddled and unclear..This is the process of unlearning all the thoughts that block your light then everything you do will become a reflection of the Truth...When the Mind is still=Peace......


Seek not peace here but everywhere..when your mind is open, clear and freenothing can cling to it....Your consciousness is about to become aware of itself..When you know yourself you know the Truth..When you refuse to know yourself panic sets in as you seek a substitute terror pursues you when you realize you can never replace the eternal and fear seizes you when you experience guilt for trying..The idea that we are seperate is just that an Idea..A thought...It is not true...


Message from Mark of the Galactic Federation of Light 2~3~12~ ‘Now is the time for all good men to come to the aid of their party

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Message from Mark of the Galactic Federation of Light 2~3~12~ ‘Now is the time for all good men to come to the aid of their party





‘Now is the time for all good men to come to the aid of their party.’ These are very wise words indeed. Today is the day that you come to the aid of others that need, and will need, your calming voice of reason through these challenging times. Events are now to be set into motion, and the people of your world will now learn once and for all that you are not alone, you have never been alone, and that many others from parts all across this universe are here. Why we are here will be a cause of great speculation. There will be the fear mongers who shout that our presence is for the purpose of invasion. There will be others who will try to use our announcements to further instill fear within the masses to further control you, and there will be those of you such as yourselves who know the truth; that are intentions are strictly honorable and that we are only here to assist humanity make the necessary changes to take a great leap in your advancement, to enter a new age of Galactic partnership. To reverse the devastating effects your industrialization has had on your planet and to help you rid your world of the parasites that have clung to you and have fed off your labors to feed their unquenchable thirst for more money and power. We are here to assist you with these tasks, nothing more, nothing less.
