Our personal Faith thermometer ~ & my personal Joy RIde ~ by Andrea Love Sartori

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Love Reporter andrea sartori


It is 9 am on saturday the 4th of february here and I am already having my personal Joy Ride. 
I see thousands of people that came together and built a brand new paradigm.
I saw hundreds of people letting go Everything to help build a brand new world based on Truth.

AAM and Grener on Why the First Plan Didn’t Work and What They Propose Instead

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AAM and Grener on Why the First Plan Didn’t Work and What They Propose Instead

Posted by Steve Beckow

OK, I’ve had a discussion with Archangel Michael and Grener of Ashira through Linda for this past perhaps 40 minutes.

Here is the audiotape of my discussion with Archangel Michael and Grener. The transcript will follow.


Netherlands Crop Formation ‘The “Human” Butterfly? Introducing Ben Arion

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Netherlands Crop Formation ‘The “Human” Butterfly?
Introducing Ben Arion



There are many sources of channeled material that supports this writers faith and beliefs that the most beautiful event will arrive on or towards the end of 2012 and one of the most noted and detailed is Ben Arion.

The following are quotes from his site of one such channeling with timely information with full permission to share others with links included with totality;

Disclosure (all levels) and Appearance of Fly-Overs | UFO Digest provides video proof of ufos, alien abduction and the paranormal.

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Disclosure (all levels) and Appearance of Fly-Overs | UFO Digest provides video proof of ufos, alien abduction and the paranormal.

Feb 3, 2012

Love Reporter Arrai’El on Fri, 01/27/2012



Disclosure is said to be near…with Fly-Overs becoming a pre-cursor for First Contact

Apollo 16 film showing the object in question

On NASA website, by Apollo 16 (April 19, 2004) was captured but denied by NASA. You decide!

The time of the “Long Dark Sleep” is ending. Hopefully for all.

Adamu Speaks 3. The Disclosure Issue ~ Clarification

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Adamu Speaks
3. The Disclosure Issue ~ Clarification



After "The Disclosure Issue" was published there was a tremendous outpouring of love and support for that message. But there was also a certain amount of consternation from certain quarters. One of the places this material was posted was The 2012 Scenario and so my friend Steve, who runs that site, gave voice to those concerns by putting questions to Adamu. I facilitated a response from Adamu. Here, for your reading pleasure, is that conversation.




Steve: Adamu, I'd like to confirm your information or seek clarification from you. Most of our sources say that UFO/ET Disclosure will be happening soon, some say imminently.  However it seems as if you are saying, no, ET/UFO Disclosure will not be happening imminently, under any circumstances. It will not be happening until after Ascension. If I understand you correctly, then on what basis are you saying that, and how is it that your information departs from the evidence of so many other seemingly-reliable channeled sources?


Disclosure from Here… and Thank You for your Comments… | Kauilapele’s Blog

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Disclosure from Here… and Thank You for your Comments… | Kauilapele’s Blog


Cloud ship over Mt. St. Helens

When I put out the post, “Why I Post what I Post“, yesterday, it brought forth quite a wonderful selection of comments, for which I am grateful. And sometimes these “comment” areas can bring much discussion and opinion, feeling, sharing.

Ashtar: About Being On The Ships -

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 Commentary from the Galactic Free Press: Susan is a Trusted Source of Ours and she is stating that you can enter our ships in 3d bodies, However, it is impossible to enter Our ships in 3d bodies! We have stated over and over again that to enter our ships you will float there, if you have to enter physically, then this is not our ships, Love Mother and Father God and The Entire Galactic Free Press Staff

~Emergence Will Only Cost Us Everything~

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~Emergence Will Only Cost Us Everything~

2012 February 3
Posted by Steve Beckow

How many people have I talked to this evening who are cleaning out, clearing out, finding themselves, finding their center?


How many people have confided to others that they’re going on an expedition to a spaceship and reaped the whirlwind? How many are facing the choice of standing for truth or accommodating?

And all through this the theme emerges that it isn’t success or failure that matters, but whether or not we emerge in the face of our challenges.


Are we afraid to go on an adventure to the stars? Will we brave the criticism of our family and friends? Can we stand the glare of publicity? Will we yield to others’ criticisms over our course of action?

~Space Weather Update~Sun has Flat Lined~ Wind Speed 441

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SLIGHT CHANCE OF AURORAS: NOAA forecasters estimate a 15% chance of geomagnetic activity around the Arctic Circle today in response to an incoming solar wind stream. High latitude sky watchers should be alert for auroras mixed with waxing-full moonlight. Aurora alerts: text, voice.


FLAT-LINED: With none of the sunspots on tthe Earthside of the sun actively flaring, the sun's X-ray output has flatlined, as shown in these data from NOAA's GOES15 satellite:


Solar activity is expected to remain very low throughout the weekend. NOAA forecasters estimate no more than a 1% chance of M-class flares during the next 24 hours. Solar flare alerts: text, voice.


dreamwalkerdiaries: Your First UFO Familiarization Flight: What You Need to Know

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dreamwalkerdiaries: Your First UFO Familiarization Flight: What You Need to Know




My friend Dreamwalker is organising a trip Saturday night. It is a flight during sleep, it will be one hour long. If you have questions for him, please leave questions in the LRC or on the comments section of his own blog or below in comments section, please  :)


So far, here is the list of names taking part in our trip:

Wes Annac
Manta (+ wife and 2 children)
John A

(Not yet confirmed)



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