The Honeymoon is Over! ~ Galactic Love Reporter Lisa Gawlas

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The Honeymoon is Over!

Galactic Love Reporter Lisa Gawlas




We are only a couple of days into February, but man oh man has the atmosphere of life changed tremendously. The only way I know how to describe it very much like a marriage.


January was the honeymoon period. We laughed, played, made passionate love thru the days of January with the new energy of life and our fully activated light body to Be with this energy. We got to know it playfully, exhaustedly.


There is no playful feel to February. It is very much a feeling of “ok we had our romp, now let’s get down to the business of Being together.”


Sananda & Saint Germain Guidance on February 4th Space trip offered to Light workers

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To reason with the Truth within

Sananda and Saint~Germain, February 1st, 2012

Galactic Love Reporter Angelica



Dear Per, Dear Angelica, and children of the Light, we are so glad that you turn within and to us for guidance in this for your somewhat difficult and delicate question. When it comes to discernment it is always delicate and somewhat difficult to navigate since it is up to each and everyone in these times to find their Truth within, thus it is so difficult to enter in somebody else’s sphere and point with the whole hand to that one thinks one sees and discern. This can be very frustrating to experience.


The Manuscript of survival ~ part 82 ~ CONNECT WITH YOUR FELLOW SINGERS ~ 3. 02. 2012 ~ aisha north

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We are aware that these days might be a bit hard to swallow for many, as there are indeed some very, very intense bombardments of energy currently being beamed into your little planet. Please rest assured that nothing is wrong even if you do not feel the effects of these, as you are all treated individually, and you are given your own doses as it were, and these will differ from person to person.


The Last Book on UFOs .. By James Gilliland ~ posted by Linda Buffy

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The Last Book on UFOs ....James Gilliland

The Last Book on UFOs



The reason for the title is because off worlders will soon be telling us straight about who they are and why they are here. Contact is happening around the world with unprecedented ufo sightings over major cities. I was going to write a book but with global contacts; which are escalating time is of the essence. I want to first discuss the censorship and cover-up; dismal failure that it is.


Gloria Wendroff ~ The Heaven Letters ~ A Whole World Full Of Light ~ 3 February 2012

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Gloria Wendroff ~ The Heaven Letters ~ A Whole World Full Of Light ~ 3 February 2012



God said:

The world, as you know it, is changing, for you are growing. And so, the world as you know it, changes before your very eyes. The world is a reflection of you. As you change and grow, so goes the world. The world is of your making, and the world is of your perception of it.

As you see a beautiful world, the world becomes more beautiful. And so do you. You become more beautiful to yourself and to others. You have always been beautiful to Me. My perception doesn’t change. My perception has ever been true. I see. I have never not seen. Wherever I look, I see beauty. I have heard that beauty is in the Beholder. That saying holds Great Truth.

It is also true that how the Beholder sees rubs off on the Beheld. The more beauty you see in others, the more beautiful they will actually become.

You have seen this. When people feel loved or are in love, they light up, and they are beautiful. It is beautiful to see, and you have seen it. Be beautiful, and you will have a glow. See beauty, and what you see will have a glow about it. This is how you light up the world!

Greg Giles ~ Saturday’s Joyride ~ 3 February 2012

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Greg Giles ~ Saturday’s Joyride ~ 3 February 2012


By now you may have heard about the possibility of a Saturday rendezvous that may see over one hundred Earth citizens board the Starship Neptune for a ten day field trip through this galaxy and even beyond, leaving behind the confines of our 3rd dimension and rocketing into the 5th, 6th, and even 7th dimensions. You may have even taken sides in the online chat room debates as to whether this channeled message was authentic and whether this trip, which possesses undeniable disclose power, will actually manifest.

Popular channel Fran Zepeda, who I have great professional respect for, has received communications from Archangel Michael further discussing Saturday’s possibility. Through Miss Zepeda, Archangel Michael advises us that Saturday’s ‘Joy Ride’, as it has become known, does have the potential to manifest dependant on our collective, as well as individual consciousness. So of what are the variables in regards to our individual, as well as collective, consciousness, and how can we better manifest the new reality so many wish to experience?



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