~Installation of "Love Operating System" freeware ;)~

Lia's picture

Tech Support: Yes, how can I help you?


Customer: Well, after much consideration, I've decided to install Love. Can you guide me through the process?

Tech Support: Yes. I can help you. Are you ready to proceed?

Customer: Well, I'm not very technical, but I think I'm ready. What do I do first?


Tech Support: The first step is to open your Heart. Have you located your Heart?


Customer: Yes, but there are several other programs running now. Is it okay to install Love while they are running?

The Awakening of the Collective Aquarian Soul of Gaia and the God Force of Humanity

Lia's picture

January 30, 2012
Tr. Sean, edited Sandra

JKM 1-30-12 The Awakening of the Collective Aquarian Soul of Gaia and the God Force of Humanity
Judith in Denver at 4 am MST and Sean at the sanctuary

Lisa Gawlas ~ February Springs Forth A New Garden! ~ 1 February 2012

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~ Galactic Love Reporter~Lisa Gawlas ~ February Springs Forth A New Garden! ~ 1 February 2012



Phew baby!!  What a wild ride January was!  I remember last year spirit saying January was going to be a training ground for those who cleared themselves to live in the New Energy.  I could never ever have fathomed the intensity it would start and end with.

It was as if we opened the biggest dimensional portal earth has ever had in this particular phase of her evolution.  Please hear that right… this phase.  That is not  meant to mean ever.


In the opening, everyone was allowed to come in and partake of the energy.  Today, feels utterly different tho.  Today it is not the feeling of the wild winds, but more a steady calm.  A centered-ness that says, today the real work begins.


The last three days of January had tremendous importance in all of creation.  I am only going to be able to explain it as a metaphor.

The Seed.

Elevating Consciousness: A Primer for Beginners

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Elevating Consciousness: A Primer for Beginners

2012 February 1

“Love is the life-blood of our souls, which constantly work to guide us to the richest most satisfying life we can experience. It won’t always be the easiest route, but it will be the most gratifying.”


Elevating Consciousness: A Primer for Beginners

John Smotherman, Earth Wide Village, 01-31-2012



The purpose of this primer, is to help people begin the journey towards higher consciousness.

It suggests several exercises which assist in establishing habits and skills that will lay the groundwork for self-development of consciousness.

Although the journey is not a short one, the long-term rewards are priceless.


One definition of consciousness, is the ability of a system to respond to stimuli.

FEB 1st. 2012.from Blossom:O))))) I am Back~

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FEB 1st. 2012.from Blossom:O)))))



Note from Blossom.
I felt the need to sort things out with The Federation Of Light. I was quite prepared  … depending on what came about … to keep these communications to myself , should I FEEL that there was to be no future in them. As you can ‘read’ … I have decided to resume my friendship with ‘them’ and I am happy to share the process in which this decision came about. As to what other people think regarding this decision is none of my business … yet it FEELS right/good for me.


Jan 17th

Hello! Of course this seems a bit odd. A bit like knocking on your best mates door when you were a kid and saying ‘Can we make up?’

This is different … this communication … Just between ‘us’. I need to get some things clear. In all fairness, I did not give you chance to ‘defend’ yourself in our last communication … my energies were shot by then. I have thought a lot obviously, about our friendship. You have given me so much that is of kindness and Love. It would be silly of me to just blank it out.

Activating Our Solar Magnetism......Children Of Sun Message....

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Activating Our Solar Magnetism......Children Of Sun Message....



I AM Avatar Yoga



Opening Channels to the Great Central Sun
Building Group Antahkarana
Activating our Solar Magnetism
Activating our Instant Manifestation Ability

Planetary Grid Transmissions ~ February 7 and 21, 2012


We must acknowledge our infinite Source of Power
and realize our ability to manifest instantaneously

before we can actualize anything else this year.
Tiara Kumara, Children of the Sun

The SUN is our Source of Power

Stand Strong within the incoming Solar Energies!

HOW I FINALY LET IT GO... with Greatest help from ALL OF YOU... ~ by Predrag

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Correspondence between Georgi Stankov and myself, just a week before I fully realized who I AM... Thank you dear Georgi, for being here for me, with your example, and with your encouragement... to Truly Let it Go... To admit to self and to others...
I honor you dear Brother Georgi...  

And I AM truly Grateful to you all who ever been touched with single word that I wrote... This is how we connect, first with each other, and then we fully connect with FatherMotherGod and with all our Galactic Brothers and Sisters patiently waiting for US to realize that... Until we become ONE again...


With All my Love, I AM THAT I AM Predrag 


January 27, 2012

Dear Georgi,

my deepest apologies as I was kind of out of commission for  almost of week, due to one of my final tests here in 3d, with a lot of twists and turns. I kept MY FULL FAITH THAT all is perfect, not judging anyone, and especially myself. As I end up with no bed to sleep, no food, and money, I do not operate with for the last 3 years… so all came together, ending up sleeping on airport, with limited clothing, and only with my laptop on my back… wonderful…

#Occupy Disclosure: Archangel Michael on Our Voyage to the Stars

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#Occupy Disclosure: Archangel Michael on Our Voyage to the Stars


2012 February 1
Posted by Galactic Love Reporter and First Contact Team Member Steve Beckow

The following is a reading between Steve Beckow, his wife D’Arcy,  and Archangel Michael, through Linda Dillon, on the upcoming Voyage to the Stars, which represents the people’s disclosure of the ET and UFO presence.



We have waited for our governments to disclose and they have not done so. We’re now taking the process of ET/UFO Disclosure into our own hands.

Above a hundred people will be leaving Saturday, Feb. 4, 2012, to board the Neptune, the mothership of Grener of Ashira, from Neptune, the President of the Intergalactic Council, for a 10-day tour of the fleet and a trip to another planet. We’ll be returned on Feb. 14 (or sooner if people have other obligations).


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