PleiadianMessages 2/1/12

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The Ashtar Command speaks of a reunion with our galactic familes of light and humanity's ascension into a higher dimensional existence through channel Greg Giles

Greg Giles ~ Message From The Ashtar Command ~ 2 February 2012 All is Proceeding Well~

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Greg Giles ~ Message From The Ashtar Command ~ 2 February 2012 All is Proceeding Well~


I am dedicated to watching over my Lightworkers at home. We, of the Ashtar Command, respond always quickly and efficiently when a Lightworker is in need of assistance. We clear the area of any negative entities and make sure the perimeter is secure before moving on. You, our comrades in arms, are never alone when you incarnate into the physical on your missions to seed love and light into worlds that have fallen into darkness.

Nancy Tate ~ Horus ~ Wake Up Call ~ 2 February 2012 A New Earth is Emerging~

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Nancy Tate ~ Horus ~ Wake Up Call ~ 2 February 2012 A New Earth is Emerging~


We will soon be seeing the many changes that we have been alluding to in the recent past. It will come on the heels of the coming arrests that are taking place and will continue until all who have been at the feet of the goings on in this world for so long are taken care of, and brought to the awareness of the public.


When that happens then there will be an ongoing parade of changes that will skyrocket and bring so many people to a new realization of what they have been being told as lies and deceit. When this takes place then there will be a mass reorganization not only of the political, and financial systems, but also of all systems on earth. Not only that, we will see a vast restructuring of the way people look at their lives and how it has evolved to the point in which they see how they have been in bondage for so long.


It is a matter of all those who have known what has been taking place to be there in power and love for those who are in disarray within themselves. When they begin to take their journey to the truth that lives within, they will benefit from those of you who are near them to reach out in a loving and understanding way. They will feel a positive energy around them in which they can set their new way of being and looking at what their future can be like.

~Bill Ballard (Feb 2 2012) ~ Super Solar Flares And The Incoming Big Buzz~

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~Bill Ballard (Feb 2 2012) ~ Super Solar Flares And The Incoming Big Buzz~



Bill Ballard | February 1 2012
via email

One of the largest solar flares in history was unleashed January 28 2012. It marked entry into full consciousness for those choosing ascension. This is the single greatest event in  history activated to raise the frequency of both Earth and humanity. This frequency increase marks the beginning of humanity’s return to an awakened state.


We have been asleep since the Fall of Atlantis. This is the time we have been waiting for! Be thankful you are alive on Earth.

Steve Rother (at ~minute 8 of this video) discusses what’s going on.  The actual CME is shown towards the end of the video. It represents the first of many CMEs to pulse this year.


~My View or Better, My Heart's Feeling on The Joy Ride to Neptune~

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~My View or Better, My Heart's Feeling on The Joy Ride to Neptune~

Or better, the way my Heart sees all this is what follows: either way we're ALL going to learn some new lesson about WHO WE ARE and about WHAT we DO Believe in. 


For, I believe all that matters IS LOVE, and if we let down LOVE because someone from outerspace did not come to the meeting we agreed, that means we still have to find where REAL LOVE IS. 


And I Believe it IS IN ME AND IT IS ME. Which means US. And if something in the world around US shakes our beliefs, well, it IS a GOOD point to Start from. 


Take your eye off the mountain and focus on the shovel.

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Take your eye off the mountain and focus on the shovel.



Posted on


February 2, 2012

[Hi. Spike here. Allendale, can we talk?]


Yes, my dear. We can talk. I’m on the line for you any time, any day. You’re the apple of my eye, dear one.

[Thank you! Why?]


Because we’ve been through so much together, you and I. And now we’re on the brink of reunion in the flesh. You’ll see.

[Okay. Good! How about weighing in on the Beckow/Dillon controversy?]


HEAVEN #4087 ~ THE ANSWER ~ 2.02.2012 ~ by Gloria Wendroff

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Galactic Love Reporter Gloria Wendroff

The Answer

Heavenletter #4087 Published on: February 2, 2012

God said:

You are an expert on the seeking of love. Indeed, you may have been a beggar of love. You have paid a lot of attention to your need of love, yet love is not something to be begged for. You don't want to be good at begging for love.


The thing to do with love is to give it. There is no other recourse but for you to give love.


The second Initiatory Gateway of Light ~ Transmission from the Elders

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The second Initiatory Gateway of Light ~ Transmission from the Elders

Mp3 download


Welcome, my sweet friends, this is Anrita Melchizedek, and I am going to connect shortly to The Elders, Ancient Celestial Beings and High Council Members to the Order of Melchizedek, to bring through more information on the Second Initiatory Gateway of Light which starts on the 2nd of February 2012.


Welcome, sweet ones, it gives us great pleasure to be with you in this Now as you accelerate the essence of your Beingness into these higher dimensional frequencies of Light. And indeed, what a Now moment, sweet ones! You entered into the “Twelfth Wave of Ascension Gateway of Light” on January the 23rd, and from are now moving into a deeper level of shifting and creating change within yourselves. Know that this change is upon you in this Now, sweet ones, and the focus through these initiatory Gateways of Light assist in a deeper level of Cosmic Consciousness awareness and taking you into the Christed Timelines.


Acceleration of Ascension ~ Inelia Benz

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Acceleration of Ascension ~ 2012


The past two years have seen quantum jumps in the collective expansion of awareness (ascension), and the awakening of the masses.

Words such as Karma, chakras, manifestation, and all sorts of other words that are normally the vocabulary of those who are in a path of self discovery, are now used in society at large.


This year it accelerates a thousand fold.


A few days ago, I was chatting with three women I am collaborating with in a journey beyond mysticism, and after the call, I had the "instructions" from Source that it was time to stop walking on the planet with cotton gloves at an energy level, and to "let it all out", become unlimited. I looked at the instructions and decided to go ahead and apply them.  Of course, the instructions are not just for me, but for everyone who is reading this article too.



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