Space Weather Update~ Aurora Alert~ and Farside Eruption~

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AURORA WATCH: NOAA forecasters estimate a 15% chance of minor geomagnetic storms on Feb. 3rd in response to the expected arrrival of a solar wind stream. High-latitude sky watchers should be alert for auroras.


FARSIDE ERUPTION: Sunspot AR1402, the source of last week's X-flare and many beautiful auroras, is on the farside of the sun now. Although we can't see it, the active region is still erupting. During the late hours of Jan. 31st, the Solar and Heliospheric Observatory observed this coronal mass ejection flying over the sun's western limb:



The cloud is heading in the direction of NASA's STEREO-Ahead spacecraft, which witnessed the explosion from directly above the sunspot. An initial inspection of the data suggests that no planets are in the line of fire.


Galactic Love Reporter Wes Annac ~ Conversations With Mikos ~ 1 February 2011

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 Galactic Love Reporter Wes Annac ~ Conversations With Mikos ~ 1 February 2011



Wes: Hello again to my dear friend Mikos. How have you been? I can feel that it is another sunny and beautiful day of your infinite existence down there in the beautiful city of Telos.


Mikos: Greetings, Wesley! Indeed our Central Sun and naturally harmonious weather patterns have brought us another beautiful day. Of course, as you know daytime is constant here; we have no need to experience night time and so we do not. We enjoy the day in all of its bounty, on a never ending cycle of Light and it is how we prefer to Live. Of course, other ascended societies choose to experience the night, and that is of their own choice and Creation.

Mike Quinsey ~ SaLuSa ~ 1 February 2012

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Mike Quinsey ~ SaLuSa ~ 1 February 2012



The Human Race is proving to be one that is capable of experiencing the depth of darkness, and yet can still find its Light and raise itself up. The experience was indeed meant to strongly test your abilities, and you have been subjected to the most extreme conditions imposed upon you by the dark Ones. If you had not won this battle, you could today be looking at another catastrophic end to the cycle, and the prospect of having to do it all again. However, it must be said that you were expected to succeed, but with freewill the outcome was not taken for granted. You have had immense help and the plan to awaken you has been successful beyond expectations. As you are finding out, the dark Ones fight to the end but whatever they do it will not alter the outcome. The die has been set and Ascension will come with all of its glory and majesty. It truly is a great occasion that has stirred the interest of life throughout the Universe, who watch on to be part of the inevitable and welcome celebrations.


Saul ~ Those Who Would Control Humanity Are Rapidly Losing Their Ability To Do So ~ 1 February 2012

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 Galactic Love Reporter John Smallman ~ Saul ~ Those Who Would Control Humanity Are Rapidly Losing Their Ability To Do So ~ 1 February 2012




Things are coming to a head, as those who would control humanity are rapidly losing their ability to do so.  They have seemingly been in control for a very long time and they have surrounded you all with an energy field that encourages dissent, disagreement, and distrust.  This field is not strong nor can it prevent you from moving through it, but because it encourages dissent among you, you very easily engage in arguments with one another – part of the illusion – and become distracted by the need to prove yourself right or others wrong.  In that state you close off your hearts, and the divine Love flow that is always present is barred from entering because you want instead to experience the excitement of conflict. When you let go of the need to be right and choose instead to engage with loving attitudes and behavior, the energy field with which the would-be- controllers have surrounded you dissipates very quickly indeed.


Galactic Love Reporter Fran Zepeda ~ Message from Archangel Michael ~ The Time to Unite is Now ~ 31 January 2012

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 Galactic Love Reporter Fran Zepeda ~ Message from Archangel Michael ~ The Time to Unite is Now ~ 31 January 2012


(Hello Archangel Michael) Hello, dear one, I understand you would like to know, on behalf of many, about the veracity of the channeling last night with Grener and Steve Beckow. (Yes, please give us information about that).


Well, as you know, there is much controversy about the subject, about Disclosure, and about the credibility of the radio show, an Hour with an Angel, especially the show last night about the “joy ride”, as it was termed. I am here to tell you that it is not a hoax. There is much need right now for all to come together, and to not be divided. All of you on this earth are in the throes of such a huge shift, and I am here to tell you, dear ones, do not be deceived by naysayers. Look to your hearts, as I always say. The truth is in your hearts, after you extract the beliefs and the fears that have held you under for so long.


~The Galactic Free Press Energy Update~1~31~12 ~ 2012 Ascension in Full Process on Planet Earth=Heart~

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~The Galactic Free Press~ Energy Update~1~31~12



~ 2012 Ascension in Full Process on Planet Earth=Heart~




1. a systematic series of actions directed to some end:

2. a continuous action, operation, or series of changes taking place in a definite manner:




Greetings, Many Blessings, Miracles, Many Moments of Gratitude [AS We Thank Love and Creation for the Grandness of The Experiences of Love, Everywhere Present] and Many Magical Synchronostic Events. 



Humanity is In Some Very Exiting and for some, Uncomfortable Moments of the Ascension Process of 2012, as we are in the final Process's, of Releasing all density within the Body Holograms and this includes Mother Earth, to prepare for the 2012 Galactic Core Alignment. This event is Multi~ Dimensional, as this will also result in all the so called dark ones, non~ existance.

Sheldan Nidle~~Humanity's Is Marching to True Freedom~

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~Galactic Love Reporter Sheldan Nidle~Humanity's Is Marching to True Freedom~

2 Cib, 9 Yax, 8 Manik



Dratzo! We return! Our alliances with Gaia's secret sacred societies and our Earth allies continue to reap results. The time has arrived for our Earth allies to pressure the major banking cartels with a legal request. This concerns the cartels' practice of hiding the vast amounts of accrued debt that is hidden from the public in undisclosed accounting-books. These huge sums must now be divulged. This action can force the bankruptcy of these unwieldy institutions and bring an end to all present stalemates that have been bogging down the implementation of your new global banking system. The sacred secret societies possess the resources to cover the amounts needed to move your world quickly to a precious-metals financial system. These sacred resources are safely housed in depositories around the planet. The Ascended Masters consider this to be the time when the dark cabal is trumped and a new reality pushes up through the rubble of the old. Indeed, the dark fully understands that its reign is at an end and that it needs to surrender to the Light. We are here only to assist in this divine undertaking.

WE DEMAND DISCLOSURE ! Or We can Be Disclosure~

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WE DEMAND DISCLOSURE ?! Or We can Be Disclosure~



 31 January 2012 By A Lightworker

As one serfs the net you can clearly see that talk about E.T.s is every where. You see major governments, science and even the Vatican who are reversing their views and now admit that, 'Well, there may be other intelligent life out there.”


We see even in the MSM a blurb here and a blurb there and the History and Discovery channels have numerous major, in depth documentaries airing every day disclosing E.T. Life. In the libraries and book stores we see shelves and shelves of books on the topic.


1~31~12… Global Alert Intervention to Stabalize Core Magnetism of Earth with Commentary from SiNeh~~

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Judith Moore, Sean Sands 1~31~12… Global Alert Intervention to Stabalize Core Magnetism of Earth with Commentary from SiNeh~ and The Press~



I was sent this email message today (thanks to KP) and I felt strong Guidance to put it out to all of you. Many of us know that the poles, magnetic, geographic, are moving, and this is a call for assistance to stabilize the core magnetism of the earth. As you feel guided, assist. LOVE~, SiNeh~


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